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Hyresundantaget i 3:19 LOU - Hur ser tillämplighetsområdet ut i förhållande till entreprenadarbeten enligt rättslig praxis?

Uppsatsen fokuserar på de tidigare aspekterna av kvalificeringen av kontrakt inom EU-rätten, särskilt beträffande tjänstekontrakt och byggentreprenadkontrakt som tidigare reglerades i separata direktiv. Dessa kvalificeringar var väsentliga för att fastställa vilket specifikt direktiv som skulle tillämpas på ett givet kontrakt. I den svenska praxisen har fokus inte enbart legat på att avgöra om ettThe essay focuses on the previous aspects of the qualification of contracts within EU law, particularly regarding service contracts and construction contracts that were previously regulated in separate directives. These qualifications were crucial to determine which specific directive would apply to a given contract. In Swedish practice, the focus has not only been on determining whether a contrac

Comprehensive Fragment Screening of the SARS-CoV-2 Proteome Explores Novel Chemical Space for Drug Development

SARS-CoV-2 (SCoV2) and its variants of concern pose serious challenges to the public health. The variants increased challenges to vaccines, thus necessitating for development of new intervention strategies including anti-virals. Within the international Covid19-NMR consortium, we have identified binders targeting the RNA genome of SCoV2. We established protocols for the production and NMR characte

Performing E-bookness : Remediation and Metamediality in the Ebook Edition of Mark Z. Danielewski's The Fifty Year Sword

Mark. Z Danielewski is known for his experiments with the aesthetics of print in works such as House of Leaves and The Familiar. The chapter examines what happens when the experimental book object is digitalized, focusing on the enhanced e-book version of Danielewski’s The Fifty Year Sword. Drawing on theories on remediation (Bolter and Grusin), bookishness (Pressman, Hayles) and digital materiali

Exploring networks of care in the end-of-life context through eco maps: : feminist perspectives on caregiving in between family, community, and professionals in Sweden

More complex understanding of relationality in care networks around patients with life-limiting illness and their significant others is needed. This is the case not only because care is distributed unequally along gendered lines, but also because of the changing landscape of care in welfare states where families and communities are made more self-responsible. This study examines everyday experienc

The functional impact of cognition in adults with autism spectrum disorders

Purpose and aim: The overall aim of this study was to examine the relationship between adaptive function and cognitive factors in young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adult age.Methods: The study included 30 adults (age 18-30) diagnosed with ASD in adulthood. All participants were clinically referred to an adult psychiatric clinic for assessment. Adaptive functioning was m

Integrating Local Knowledge into the Spatial Analysis of Wind Power: The case study of Northern Tzoumerka, Greece

Increasing demand for incorporating renewable energy projects into the national energy mix, is associated with international and European efforts to tackle the negative effects of climate change and strengthen energy resilience. Greece, as a member country of the European Union, has acknowledged that necessity, by implementing a national program aiming to significantly reduce Green House Gas Emiss

Physiotherapists' training in oncology rehabilitation from entry-level to advanced education : A qualitative study

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Physiotherapy is gaining a central role in oncology. However, the training and competencies needed by physiotherapists in oncology rehabilitation are still unclear. This study aims to articulate the training trajectory of physiotherapists in oncology rehabilitation from entry-level education to advanced education degrees.METHODS: Qualitative focus group study following a 'R

Marital status and cause-specific mortality : A population-based prospective cohort study in southern Sweden

The aim was to investigate associations between marital status and mortality with a prospective cohort study design. A public health survey including adults aged 18–80 was conducted with a postal questionnaire in southern Sweden in 2008 (54.1% participation). The survey formed a baseline that was linked to 8.3-year follow-up all-cause, cardiovascular (CVD), cancer and other cause mortality. The pr

A Simple End-to-End Computer-Aided Detection Pipeline for Trained Deep Learning Models

Recently, there has been a significant rise in research and development focused on deep learning (DL) models within healthcare. This trend arises from the availability of extensive medical imaging data and notable advances in graphics processing unit (GPU) computational capabilities. Trained DL models show promise in supporting clinicians with tasks like image segmentation and classification. Howe

Quantifying Ultrafiltration in Peritoneal Dialysis Using the Sodium Dip

BACKGROUND: Volume overload is highly prevalent among patients treated with peritoneal dialysis, contributes to hypertension and is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and death in this population. As a result, optimizing peritoneal ultrafiltration is a key component of high-quality dialysis prescription. Osmotic conductance to glucose reflects the water transport properties

The impact of people-signage interaction on way-finding evacuation behaviour

A Virtual Reality (VR) experiment with 60 participants was carried out to investigate the effect of signage on the compliance with its indicated direction in case of evacuation. Participants experienced a VR underground square scenario including different signage configurations. Variables linked to the signage placement/type were investigated, namely (1) the installation position, i.e., proximity

Exploring a novel β-1,3-glucanosyltransglycosylase, MlGH17B, from a marine Muricauda lutaonensis strain for modification of laminari-oligosaccharides

The marine environment, contains plentiful renewable resources, e.g. macroalgae with unique polysaccharides, motivating search for enzymes from marine microorganisms to explore conversion possibilities of the polysaccharides. In this study, the first GH17 glucanosyltransglycosylase, MlGH17B, from a marine bacterium (Muricauda lutaonensis), was characterized. The enzyme was moderately thermostable

Understanding sport expertise through a motivational perspective

The present study investigated sport expertise development and maintenance throng the framework of self-determination theory (SDT). In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten elite athletes who had represented their respective nations in major international events. Data were analyzed deductively according to the principles of SDT. Results indicated that sport expertise development

Revolutionising sustainability leadership and education : addressing the human dimension to support flourishing, culture and system transformation

Research shows that today’s societal crises are rooted in a lack of connection to ourselves, others and nature. At the same time, there is an increasing body of knowledge showing that humans possess innate capacities for connection that can be strengthened through certain methods, and throughout our lifetimes. Such methods have, so far, however, been rarely applied, or adapted to the context of su

Assessing the Freeze/Thaw States in Arctic Circle Using FengYun-3E GNOS-R : An Initial Demonstration and Analysis

In this article, we present the first demonstration of the FengYun-3E (FY3E) Global Navigation Satellite System Occultation Sounder II-Reflectometry (GNOS-R) payload's capacity to detect near-surface soil freeze/thaw (F/T) states. This study offers an initial analysis of the F/T retrieval algorithm applied to data collected from the Arctic Circle, underscoring the GNOS-R's potential to deliver lon

P-wave characteristics as electrocardiographic markers of atrial abnormality in prediction of incident atrial fibrillation – The Malmö Preventive Project

Background: P-wave indices reflect atrial abnormalities contributing to atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to assess a comprehensive set of P-wave characteristics for prediction of incident AF in a population-based setting. Methods: Malmö Preventative Project (MPP) participants were reexamined in 2002–2006 with electrocardiographic (ECG) and echocardiographic examinations and followed for 5 years.

Heritage as Landscape Manicure – Questioning Idealized Historical Landscapes as a Model for Sustainability. The Example of Toarp Ecovillage in Sweden

When the ecovillage of Toarp was established in the peri-urban landscape of Malmö, Sweden, it was designed with inspiration from the historical regional landscape and its settlement forms. In the launching of the area the past was mirrored as more sustainable than the present. As demonstrated, the historical references in the planned and produced Toarp landscape are however made selectively and ra

Brownification in a small stream originating from a peatland - A case study from Ryds Å in south Sweden

Brunifiering syftar till en process där vattnet blir brunare på grund av ökade halter av naturligt organiskt material och järn, vilket innebär utmaningar för miljön och människor. Sjön Bolmen i södra Sverige har problem med brunare vatten. Eftersom sjön är dricksvattentäkt till 600 000 människor är det av stort intresse att hitta orsaker till brunifieringen. Ryds Å är ett vattendrag i anslutning tBrownification refers to a process where the water turns browner due to increased levels of natural organic matter and iron, which poses environmental and human prosperity challenges. Lake Bolmen in south Sweden has issues with increasing water colour. Since the lake is water supply for 600,000 people, it is of great interest to find possible causes of the increased colour. Ryds Å is a stream orig