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”Sharia-Annie” Lööf och lögnaren Stefan Löfven

This study analyzes the conservative swedish party “The swedish democrats” and their Youtube-channel “Riks” different portrayal of two party leaders that belong to two different genders, one man and one female. The selected party leaders are Annie Lööf and Stefan Löfven. The investigation studies the different portrayal of two party leaders with a basis in gender theory. Through a qualitative cont

Vad är problemet med etnisk boendesegregation? En poststrukturalistisk policyanalys av Stefan Löfvens (2021) och Ulf Kristerssons (2022) budgetpropositioner

Residential segregation is a geographical expression of inequality. The aim of this thesis is to examine how segregation has been represented as a problem in Swedish politics in recent years. My objects of study are two budget proposals, by Stefan Löfven (S) (2021) and Ulf Kristersson (M) (2022) respectively. I have made a poststructural policy analysis using Carol Bacchis method “What's the p

The Visual Depiction of Ukrainian Refugees

With a focus on Swedish national newspapers, the purpose of this thesis is to research and analyse the depiction of Ukrainian refugees. The reason behind the study is the hypothesis that Ukrainian refugees have been depicted in the media in a more positive light compared to other refugees from previous refugee crises. With the use of visual content analysis, front-page images from the newspapers S

Crisis of representation and the opportunity for change: A case study of women’s representation in Chile between 2015-2022

This thesis is a descriptive case study of the institutional measures to improve women’s representation in Chile between 2015 and 2022. Women in Chile have historically been underrepresented because of two institutions introduced by former dictator Pinochet: the 1980 constitution and the binomial electoral system. In 2015, Chile reformed its electoral system to replace the binomial system with a

Semites, semantics and self-image – who are the antisemites, really?

The study aims to uncover the discursive elements at work in Swedish public discourse on antisemitism. The study situates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism in relation to Swedish discourse with the aim of measuring their congruence. A final aim is to uncover if the broadening of the term has led to marginalisation of those seen as problematic – constitutiv

Utmanare av den rådande ordningen - En statistisk studie av Sverigedemokraternas påverkan på kommunala minoritetsstyren i Sverige

During the last 20 years, the number of minority governments in Swedish municipalities have increased dramatically. Simultaneously, the Swedish Democrats have gained an increasing share of municipal voter support. With the help of Down’s theory of political isolation of right-wing populist parties, the aim of this thesis is to statistically analyse the correlation between the rise in municipal vot

Digital Surveillance in the name of National Security

Surveillance has throughout history been a widely discussed phenomenon and the debate over the delicate balancing of state power vis-à-vis privacy in the pursuit of national security equally so. In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA had been conducting digital surveillance globally and it represents a tipping point in the history of surveillance. By applying the normative logics deontology

Kuwait, Irak och Syrien. Vad har lett till en så konfliktdrabbad region?

Arbetet ämnar att förklara och förstå skillnader och likheter i orsakerna till konflikter i regionen Syrien, Irak och Kuwait under de senaste tre decennierna. Genom återkommande faktorer vid alla faktorer generaliseras sedan dessa orsaksförklaringar mer generellt för att kunna appliceras på andra regioner runt om i världen. Arbetet kommer att analysera konflikterna utifrån neoliberal institutional

A Capability Definition and Assessment Framework for Countering Disinformation, Information Influence, and Foreign Interference

This report proposes a capability assessment framework for countering disinformation, information influence, and foreign interference. At present, much emphasis is placed on the capability to counter disinformation and other associated phenomena. However, few have attempted to systematically define what those countermeasures are, and how they could be placed within a single, coherent capability as

An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on the Effect of Medication Interventions Targeting Polypharmacy for Frail Older Adults

Frailty refers to the lack of resilience and a reduction in a person’s ability to recover following a health problem, and it is increasingly becoming a challenging aspect of ageing populations.Many older adults are exposed to polypharmacy; i.e., they continue to be on medications without timely re-evaluation. Medication reviews have proven successful in managing polypharmacy in the general populat

Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba?

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: “Jobba för att leva eller leva för att jobba” Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Jakob Burestedt, Mary Darbinyan & Fabian Zanton Handledare: Johan Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Distansarbete, Work-Life Balance, motivation, social interaktion, human relations. Forskningsfråga: Vilka möjlig

The profile feasibility study : Targeted screening of men with a family history of prostate cancer

Background. A better assessment of individualized prostate cancer (PrCa) risk is needed to improve screening. The use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level for screening in the general population has limitations and is not currently advocated. Approximately 100 common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified that are associated with the risk of developing PrCa. The PROFIL

Measuring density and compressibility of white blood cells and prostate cancer cells by microchannel acoustophoresis

We present a novel method for the determination of density and compressibility of individual particles and cells undergoing microchannel acoustophoresis in an arbitrary 2D acoustic field. Our method is a critical advancement within acoustophoretic separation of biological cells, as the ability to determine the density and compressibility of individual cells enables the prediction and alteration of

Selectively bred rodent models for studying the etiology of type 2 diabetes : Goto-Kakizaki rats and Oikawa-Nagao mice

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a polygenic disease and studies to understand the etiology of the disease have required selectively bred animal models with polygenic background. In this review, we present two models; the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat and the Oikawa-Nagao Diabetes-Prone (ON-DP) and Diabetes-Resistant (ON-DR) mouse. The GK rat was developed by continuous selective breeding for glucose tolerance f

Sápmi, Sweden's Smörgåsbord? On Human Rights, Rights of Nature and Extractivism

In North Sweden, Sámi activists are resisting the proposed Gállok mine, disapproving of their land being treated as a 'smörgåsbord' and countering the assumption of modernity that dichotomises the human and the nonhuman. Against this backdrop, this thesis looks at some of the unprecedented challenges the rapid extension of globalisation poses to the human and nonhuman world. In response to