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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Ownership of personal information as a protection of privacy

In the modern era, the right to privacy protection is facing challenges while trying to protect individual’s personal information. This thesis’ aim is to research whether personal information could be classified as property. In this case the protection of an individual’s personal information would fall within the scope of Article 1 of Protocol No.1 to the European Convention on Human Rights and no

Consumer Involvement Related with Usability and Sociability in Digital Service

Investigate on both usability and sociability influence consumer involvement. Since Usability has broader scope of influence, sociability has deeper scale of influence. We have concluded that consumers focus on convenience of digital service. Consumers have the intention to interact through digital service but feel reluctant to take action.

Österlenturen bicycle vacation on Österlen - a project about sustainable tourism

Every year people are vacationing thousands of miles away from home. Low cost tickets and packaged trips have made exotic tourism more affordable. The mass tourism developed during the 50s and today, the travelling- and tourism industry is the third biggest industry in the world. Only the oil industry and the building sector are bigger. The biggest environmental load caused by tourism is the trans

Orientering, ornament, orient : en utredning om inredning

This thesis aims to analyze and discuss constructions of ethnicity, race and nationality in images of interior design. The material in the analysis consists of images and some text elements from three stories in the April 2011 issue of Swedish interior design magazine Elle Interiör. What makes these stories relevant for analysis is the way they point out certain objects or features in the image as

Purpose, Vision and Mission- A clarification of fundamental concepts

This thesis aims to clarify the three fundamental concepts of purpose, vision and mission. Although seen as very important concepts, they are often confused and not clearly defined and used in practice. With an extensive literature review and interviews with managers from different companies, this paper shows the interdependence of these concepts as well as its practical implications in regards to

Sourdough - The Stories Beyond Flour, Water and Salt

Thesis purpose: In order to contribute to Consumer Culture Theory, as well as critical dimensions in the foodie literature namely authenticity, democracy/distinction and gender, the study’s aim is to explore how discourses and socio-cultural meanings underlie identity constructions in the specific sourdough culture. Theoretical framework: As no research addresses the sourdough phenomenon directly

The Relationship between High Frequency Trading and Stock Market Volatility

This paper investigates the relationship between high frequency trading (HFT) activity and stock market volatility on the Nordic stock markets. The study utilizes a unique dataset that provides a proxy of the fraction of the total market turnover in which HFT firms were involved in the time period from March 2010 to March 2012. The study finds strong evidence for a positive contemporaneous relatio

Enterprise 2.0 En studie kring kommunikation och informationsutbyte via det sociala intranätet Komin.

Uppsatsen berör hur den interna kommunikationen samt informationsutbytet inom organisationer påverkas när man använder sociala funktioner på intranäten. Genom att studera Malmö stad och det sociala intranätet Komin har vi samlat in empiriskt material till underlag för analysen. Den kvalitativa empirin samlades in via intervjuer och den kvantitativa via en enkätundersökning. Undersökningen har geno

Autenticitet som karaktärsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad

Sammanfattning Titel: Autenticitet som karaktärsdrag – Den lilla destinationens kamp för överlevnad Nivå: Kandidatuppsats Institution: Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg Författare: Rebecka Arbman, Jessica Schmid & Sofie Skotte Handledare: Fredrik Nilsson Bakgrund och problem: Dagens stora utbud av destinationer sätter stor press på marknadsföringens kv

Kulturmejeriet : kamp, kultur, kredibilitet

Kulturmejeriet i Lund är en unik inrättning som underhållit kulturlivet i Lund i flera decennier. Denna studie söker insikt i vilka krafter som drivit utvecklingen av en välbesökt och väl förankrad förening med en bred och trogen publik. Problemformuleringen lyder: Vilka drivkrafter ligger bakom framgången med kulturhuset Mejeriet? Resultat: Tre tydliga drivkrafter har definierats: Kamp – Vilket

Study on shopping centre: Consumer behaviour and environmental factors -Case Skanssi

The tendency to buy goods and especially services is increasing in our society. This has strongly affected the retail markets in Finland during the last decade. The consumers are affected by the dynamic society, which have set new challenges for consumption. Shopping centres are similar to each other and therefore the experience can be a determining factor when choosing the shopping centre. A shop

Upphandling av underentreprenörer i samverkan

Studiens övergripande syfte är att besvara frågan. ”Hur får vi med oss samverkanspartners i ett tidigt skede?” I studien har partnering undersökts utifrån underentreprenörens perspektiv av det tidiga skedet till produktionen, en adaptering av befintliga ekonomiska modeller har utforskas och redogjorts för.

Värdeskapande faktorer för särskilt boende för äldre

The residential care facilities of today are complex and must be carefully thought through and planned. There are a variety of regulatory and structural requirements to be met. To develop an attractive facility, it is also important to create comfort and a good working environment. This is achieved by placing great emphasis on the design of technical equipment, interior design and outdoor envir

Renovering av miljonprogrammet - förhållandet mellan entreprenör och fastighetsägare

År 2010 godkände EU ett åtgärdspaket med direktiv för att Europas klimat- och energipolitik att år 2020 ska följande tre mål uppnås för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser och säkra energikällor: Minska växthusgaserna med 20 procent jämfört med 1990 års nivå Öka andelen energi från förnybara energikällor till 20 procent av den totala energiproduktionen Minska energikonsumtionen med 20 pro