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Your search for "*" yielded 526901 hits
Inter-organizational environmental management: The case of chemical recycling of end-of-life vehicle polymerst
Wave chaos in acoustics and elasticity
EU-lobbying from a propaganda perspective
A model to predict moisture conditions in concrete reactor containments
Mechano-sorptive effects in wooden material
The effects on wood of simultaneous mechanical and moisture loading are studied. In order to clarify the mechano-sorptive behaviour of wood, a review of different phenomena presented in the literature is included. Based on this review a constitutive model is proposed for the case of uniaxial stress in the longitudinal direction. The validity of the model is checked independently against test resul
AHEAD - Audio-haptic drawing editor and explorer for education
Corruption in a “culture of money”: Understanding social norms in post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Tools for protective lung ventilation. The elastic pressure-volume curve and aspiration of dead space
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mekanisk ventilation kan medföra "ventilationsinducerad lungskada" (VILI), som kan öka sjuklighet och dödlighet i samband med akut lungskada (ALI). Flera ventilationssätt har föreslagits för att undvika VILI, men inte slutgiltigt utvärderats. En princip är att öka alveolär ventilation och CO2-elimination genom att minska ventilationen av de skadliga rummet, dead space. Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) may contribute to morbidity and mortality of acute lung injury (ALI). Lung protective ventilation (LPV), that reduces VILI, may involve low tidal volume (Vt). Particularly low Vt is possible if dead space ventilation is reduced e.g. by aspiration of dead space gas (ASPIDS). ASPIDS implies that gas rich in CO2 during expiration is aspirated through a separate c
Re-exportförbud - ett genmäle till Ole-Andreas Rognstad
Den naturliga invändningen mot Ole-Andreas Rognstads kommentar i nummer 3 av ERT till min artikel om re-exportförbud är att min artikeln inte behandlar en konflikt mellan Silhouette och konkurrensrätten och jag påstår inte heller, som Rognstad gör gällande, att senare tids domar ger uttryck för ett nytt rättsläge i förhållandet mellan varumärkesrätten och konkurrensrätten. Syftet med artikeln är,
Recent Improvements to the Lattices for the MAX IV Storage Rings
Construction of the MAX IV facility started early this year. The facility will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Recently, the lattices for the storage rings in the MAX IV facility were updated. In the 3 GeV storage ring the vertical beam
Denmark and Sweden: Different discourses of sex and disability
Singular Discrete-Time Riccati-Equations
Bilbomben ett billigt sätt att sprida död
Discrete and continuum analysis of localised deformation in sand using X-ray mu CT and volumetric digital image correlation
The objective of this work was to observe and quantify the onset and evolution of localised deformation processes in sand with grain-scale resolution. The key element of the proposed approach is combining state-of-the-art X-ray micro tomography imaging with three-dimensional volumetric digital image correlation techniques. This allows not only the grain-scale details of a deforming sand specimen t
Våglängder och termsystem för Na l, K l, Mg ll och Ca ll
[abstract missing]
Biotechnology and the Commodification of Human nature
Abstract Ulf Johansson Dahre Biotechnology and the Commodification of Human nature This paper discuss the human and social consequences of the technological development in the field of genetics. Leading biotechnologists argue that we are entering a world in which the human nature will be changed and cast in new design. The vision of a post-human society is growing. But what does it mean? By cha
Control of sulfonic acid distribution in block copoly(aryl ether sulfone)s
Hand-eye calibration from Image Derivatives
Enabling design service facilitating interand intra-organizational sensemaking
The contribution of design is often regarded as providing a relieving service that delivers aesthetic competence at the end of a product development process. Previous studies have shown that industrial design consultancies aspire to be a strategic resource in their client firms, and that the focus of design is becoming increasingly intangible. The claim is that the competencies of the designer can