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Development of WEPO - Water Extraction and Particle formation On-line

There are many valuable substances present in nature such as antioxidants. The conventional method for extracting the antioxidants employs organic solvents. Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) is a sustainable method for extraction of high valuable compounds. This method uses subcritical water as a solvent instead of organic solvents but leaves the compounds in a water solution. Keeping the antioxi

A Small Cog in a Large Wheel? : Experiences of Swedish Local Government

The primary purpose to this study was to explore the role of local government in Sweden, primarily through the eyes of some of the people working within one. Consideration of some of the structural characteristics of local government in Sweden, in particular the privileges and responsibilities accorded to local municipalities there and in what context, lead the author to conclude that Swedish muni

Evaluation of accuracy in simultaneous dual-radionuclide activity quantification in preclinical instruments – scintillation counter, digital autoradiography and micro-SPECT/CT

Introduction: The development and optimization of methods for multi-radionuclide measurements in preclinical in vivo and ex vivo SPECT imaging could potentially improve studies in which more than one pharmaceutical is being investigated. The aim of this study is to quantitatively compare and evaluate different methods for these types of measurements using three different modalities – a small anima

Tio terapeuters berättelser om den ohjälpta patienten: En hermeneutisk studie

The thesis is a qualitative study of ten psychotherapists’ experiences of psychotherapies with unsatisfying progress. Nine therapists were interviewed and one therapist wrote a case study. The therapists were asked to tell about a completed therapy which had left them with a sense of non-changing in respect of the patient. One of the psychotherapists lacked such experience. The main part of the th

A working fluid selection program for Organic Rankine Cycle

This thesis handles the problem with fluid selection in organic Rankine cycles application. The main goal was to write a program that based on user defined variables finds the maximum power output from a range of fluids. The program was programmed in Matlab and is coupled with REFPROP that return the fluids characteristics as enthalpy and entropy etc. The program is preloaded with the fluids foun

English Saint or Roman Taint? A thesis on the potential connection between the English ship mortgage and the Roman mortgage law

The influence of Roman law upon subsequent legal systems has been immense. This influence is particularly apparent within the field of maritime law, where most principles – from jettison and general average to the bottomry bond – can be traced back to the maritime law of the Romans. This thesis has inquired whether the English ship mortgage developed from, or was influenced by, the Roman law, or i

MDG5- det försummade målet: En studie om varför millenniemål 5, som handlar om att minska mödradödligheten och öka tillgången till reproduktiv hälsa, med stor sannolikhet inte kommer vara uppnått år 2015

This essay is about the fulfillment of the millennium development goals (MDG) and goal five in particular. That goal is about maternal health and has two targets. The first one is to reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio and the second one is to achieve universal access to reproductive health. The main question in this study is why the millennium development goal about improving ma

Good Communication within the Medical Consultation

Background: Previous studies have shown the importance of good communication (GC) within the medical encounter; with patients‟ increased adherence and improved health, more effective consultations and more satisfied patients and physicians. Since society and the concept of GC have evolved over time it is important to continue the research on the characteristics of GC. Objective: To explore how GC

Mechanics for a camera concept using SerDes

The aim of this thesis is to enhance Axis Communications’ (Axis) product portfolio using new emerging technologies, developing products that will increase their global market share. By improving their products’ heat resistance Axis will gain a competitive advantage over its competitors in warm climate countries, enabling a great potential for market share growth. By determining the properties of

Non-reacting fuel spray simulations under direct diesel engine conditions

Because of the increasing demand of low polluting and efficient diesel engines, numerous studies related to the different processes that take place in them are being carried out. This study treats the direct injection of fuel at high pressures (c.a. 1500 bar). Ignition is not simulated in this work since this is intended to be a previous step for future studies which include combustion. A combinat

Öppen Innovation hos Lantmännen

Background Lantmännen is one of Scandinavia’s largest and problem corporations in agriculture, food and energy. Since many of the corporations’ markets are mature and highly competitive there are low margins and hence a constant need for new and improved products, processes and services to maintain profitability. There is also a constant increase in complexity and cost of research and development,

The Road to Profitability through Technology Development. - A wind power business assessment at E.ON Vind.

Issue of study For the past ten years there has been a remarkable growth in the wind power industry. During 2003 - 2010 the production capacity increased by 456 % in Sweden, corresponding to total capacity of 2019 MW. An additional 754 MW was installed in 2011, and there is a planned capacity installation of 950 MW for 2012. This will, according to a prognosis from Svensk Vindenergi, generate a po

Enterprise gamification of the employee development process at an infocom consultancy company

Gamification is a new trend that seeks to engage people and change their behaviour by implementing game-design thinking in non-game contexts. Recent analytics predicts that more than 70 % of the world’s 2000 largest organisations will have at least one gamified platform by 2014, which indicates that gamification is, and will continue to be, very important in the future of IT-strategy and digital m

Netport Science Park etapp V: En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett utvecklingsprojekt på Östra Piren i Karlshamn

Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie om ett utvecklingsprojekt på östra piren i Karlshamn i Blekinge. Studien intresserar sig för hur konkurrens mellan geografiska territorier på tar sig för uttryck på den lokala platsen. Utvecklingsinsatsen som studeras är Netport Science Port etapp V som är en nybyggnation som är tänkt att attrahera forskare genom en kreativ miljö. Frågeställningarna handlar om

Jämställdhet genom lag eller avtal?

Uppsatsen behandlar förhållandet mellan jämställdhetslagstiftningen och principen om arbetsmarknadsparternas självständighet, och förlängningen motsättningen mellan de båda styrsystemen politik och marknad. Över tid har jämställdhetslagstiftningens innehåll och omfattning skärpts i flera omgångar, vilket åtminstone principiellt sett har inskränkt parternas självständighet. Trots detta präglas lagsThis essay concerns the relation between sex equality legislation and the independence of the labour market organisations. The relation can also be recognised as the opposition between the two steering systems politics and markets. Over the years the sex equality legislation has been sharpened several times, which has led to a limitation of the organisations’ independence – at least in a principle

Uganda, LRA och ICC: mer än man ser vid första anblicken

The people of northern Uganda has for decades been entangled in a conflict between, on the one hand, crude government forces and, on the other hand, the brutal rebel organization the Lord’s Resistance Army led by the ruthless Joseph Kony. In 2003 the Ugandan government referred the situation to the International Criminal Court with the official stance that their intention was to, through capturing

Är det dags att märka vår vattenförbrukning? - en studie av intresset av en ny livsmedelsmärkning om vattenåtgång samt dess utformning

Denna uppsats studerar intresset hos svenska företag och konsumenter för en märkning om vattenåtgång på livsmedel från gröda/djur till färdig vara. Vid produktion av det flesta typer av varor finns en vattenåtgång med mer eller mindre skadlig påverkan på miljön beroende på liter per kilo, geografisk allokering och årstid. De miljöeffekter vattenåtgången innebär är majoriteten av konsumenterna omed

Statistisk analys av variationer i data från flygburen laserskanning för skoglig inventering

In 2007, the swedish government decided to let the authority of land survey produce an updated height surface model with higher resolution. The data collection for the modelling is performed with airborne laser scanning, which in this form can be used in several other applications. One of these additional applications for the laser data is inventory of forest. The method most frequently used for t