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Your search for "*" yielded 533433 hits

Introduction to suspension levels: radiotherapy

In 2007, the European Commission (EC) commissioned a group of experts to undertake the revision of Report Radiation Protection (RP 91) oCriteria for acceptability of radiological (including radiotherapy) and nuclear medicine installations' written in 1997(( 1)). The revised draft report was submitted to the EC in 2010, who issued it for public consultation. The EC has commissioned the same group o

Given breast cancer, is fat better than thin? Impact of the estrogen receptor beta gene polymorphisms.

The role of estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) in breast cancer has been investigated since its identification in 1996. Studies based on protein expression have indicated that ERβ is a favorable prognostic marker. Further, ERβ expression is lower in obese breast cancer patients. Fewer studies have focused on the prognostic impact of ERβ polymorphisms. Therefore, we analyzed the associations between four

Gauge invariance of DVCS off an arbitrary spin hadron: the deuteron target case

We study the deeply virtual Compton scattering off a spin-one particle, as the case for the coherent scattering off a deuteron target. We extend our approach, formulated initially for a spinless case, and discuss the role of twist three contributions for restoring the gauge invariance of the amplitude. Using twist three contributions and relations, which emanate from the QCD equations of motion, w

A study of the b-quark fragmentation function with the DELPHI detector at LEP I and an averaged distribution obtained at the Z Pole

The nature of b-quark jet hadronisation has been investigated using data taken at the Z peak by the DELPHI detector at LEP. Two complementary methods are used to reconstruct the energy of weakly decaying b-hadrons, E-B(weak). The average value of x(B)(weak) = E-B(weak)/E-beam is measured to be 0.699 +/- 0.011. The resulting x(B)(weak) distribution is then analysed in the framework of two choices f

Heterogenous mismatch-repair status in colorectal cancer

Background: Immunohistochemical staining for mismatch repair proteins is efficient and widely used to identify mismatch repair defective tumors. The tumors typically show uniform and widespread loss of MMR protein staining. We identified and characterized colorectal cancers with alternative, heterogenous mismatch repair protein staining in order to delineate expression patterns and underlying mech

Delrapport: Test av vägledande system i en tunnel

I följande delrapport redogörs övergripande för förutsättningarna och delar av resultaten efter ett utrymningsförsök som genomfördes den 1-3 juli år 2014 i vägtunneln Norra länken i Stockholm. Syftet med försöket var i huvudsak att undersöka hur personer på bästa sätt kan ledas till en motstående tunnelvägg med utrymningsvägar i en rökfylld tunnel. Försöket syftade även till att kvantifiera med vi

Post-flame gas-phase sulfation of potassium chloride

The sulfation of KCl during biomass combustion has implications for operation and emissions: it reduces the rates of deposition and corrosion, it increases the formation of aerosols, and it leads to higher concentrations of HCl and lower concentrations of SO2 in the gas phase. Rigorously homogeneous systems are required to characterize the gas-phase formation of alkali sulfates. We have measured t

Testicular cancer; gonadal, sexual and psychological aspects of the disease and its treatment.

The survival rates among testicular germ cell cancer (TGCC) patients have dramatically increased and more than 95 % are cured. The question of quality of life of the survivors is, therefore, important. The TGCC treatment, and thereby its side-effects may vary. A contributing factor to this variation is also genetically determined inter-subject difference in the sensitivity to the adverse effects o

Unbiased Approach for Virus Detection in Skin Lesions

To assess presence of virus DNA in skin lesions, swab samples from 82 squamous cell carcinomas of the skin (SCCs), 60 actinic keratoses (AKs), paraffin-embedded biopsies from 28 SCCs and 72 kerathoacanthomas (KAs) and fresh-frozen biopsies from 92 KAs, 85 SCCs and 92 AKs were analyzed by high throughput sequencing (HTS) using 454 or Ion Torrent technology. We found total of 4,284 viral reads, out

Lack of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plants cultivated in Northern Iran

Soil and roots associated with different tea clones and nearby weeds (Veronica sp., Setaria sp., Salvia sp., Senecio sp. and Tripogon sp.) were sampled for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the tea gardens of Northern Iran. Spores were searched for in the soil and AMF colonisation determined microscopically and fatty acid signatures in roots was determined. Root samples from mycorrhizal and no

Scattering and diffraction described using the momentum representation.

We present a unified analysis of the scattering and diffraction of neutrons and photons using momentum representation in a full quantum description. The scattering event is consistently seen as a transfer of momentum between the target and the probing particles. For an elastic scattering process the observed scattering pattern primarily provides information on the momentum distribution for the par

Extraction of water-soluble hemicelluloses from barley husks.

Heat treatment of barley husks was performed to extract arabinoxylan with high yield and high weight-averaged molecular mass (M(W)). Microwave irradiation was employed for initial screening of suitable residence times (2-15min), temperatures (120-210 degrees C) and initial pH (3-13) of the reaction slurry. Microwave irradiation was shown to be a good method for predicting the effects of heat treat

Increased Estrogen Rather Than Decreased Androgen Action Is Associated with Longer Androgen Receptor CAG Repeats.

Context: The individual variability in the waning androgenic-anabolic functions of aging men may be influenced by the CAG repeat polymorphism in exon 1 of the androgen receptor (AR), affecting androgen sensitivity. However, findings on its phenotypic effects are inconclusive. Objective: To investigate the relationships between health status, various reproductive hormones and the AR CAG repeat leng

Systematic study on the performance of elliptic focusing neutron guides

In neutron scattering experiments there is an increasing trend towards the study of smaller volume samples, which make the use of focusing optics more important. Focusing guide geometries based on conic-sections, such as those with parabolic and elliptic shapes, have been extensively used in both recently built neutron instruments and upgrades of existing hardware. A large fraction of proposed ins

FPGA Implementation of an Efficient Algorithm for the Calculation of Charged Particle Trajectories in Cosmic Ray Detectors

This paper presents an FPGA implementation of an algorithm, previously published, for the the reconstruction of cosmic rays' trajectories and the determination of the time of arrival and velocity of the particles. The accuracy and precision issues of the algorithm have been analyzed to propose a suitable implementation. Thus, a 32-bit fixed-point format has been used for the representation of the

Ethanol production by continuous fermentation of d-(+)-cellobiose, d-(+)-xylose and sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate using the thermoanaerobe Caloramator boliviensis.

The recently isolated anaerobic bacterium Caloramator boliviensis with an optimum growth temperature of 60°C can efficiently convert hexoses and pentoses into ethanol. When fermentations of pure sugars and a pentose-rich sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate were carried out in a packed bed reactor with immobilized cells of C. boliviensis, more than 98% of substrates were converted. Ethanol yields of 0.40