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A Brief Breathing Space : Experiences of Brief Admission by Self-Referral for Self-Harming and Suicidal Individuals with a History of Extensive Psychiatric Inpatient Care

Individuals with severe self-harm and experiences of lengthy psychiatric admissions often have complex mental health conditions and are at risk of suicide. In this qualitative study, self-harming individuals with >180 days of psychiatric admission over 12 months shared their experiences of Brief Admission (BA), a standardized crisis-management intervention encouraging self-admission and autonomy.

Convergence analysis of iterative learning control using pseudospectra

Iterative learning control (ILC) is an approach to improve the performance of a system that repeats the sameoperation. In this paper, we apply the theory of pseudospectra to transient analysis of ILC. The focus of thispaper is on frequency-domain analysis of filter-based ILC. Moreover, the effect of finite trial length on thetransient growth is discussed.

Effects of feed composition, protein denaturation and storage of milk serum protein/lactose powders on lactosylation

During whey powder production, the feed is subjected to several heat treatments which can cause lactosylation of proteins. In this study, lactosylation of whey proteins was evaluated in spray-dried powders before and after storage by varying the native protein fraction as well as the serum protein/lactose ratio in the powders. The lactosylation of native α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin in the po

Many-body calculations of two-photon, two color matrix elements for attosecond delays

Interferometric measurements based on the combination of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulse trains with weak infrared laser fields, have been successfully used to study time-resolved and recently angle-resolved photoemission in various atomic systems. These measurements rely on quantum interference between electron wavepackets created by absorption of XUV radiation, with further absorption

p53 is associated with high-risk and pinpoints TP53 missense mutations in mantle cell lymphoma

Survival for patients diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) has improved drastically in recent years. However, patients carrying mutations in tumour protein p53 (TP53) do not benefit from modern chemotherapy-based treatments and have poor prognosis. Thus, there is a clinical need to identify missense mutations through routine analysis to enable patient stratification. Sequencing is not widely

Cholesterol lowering with EVOLocumab to prevent cardiac allograft Vasculopathy in De-novo heart transplant recipients : Design of the randomized controlled EVOLVD trial

Background: Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is characterized by diffuse thickening of the arterial intima. Statins reduce the incidence of CAV, but despite the use of statins, CAV remains one of the leading causes of long-term death after heart transplant. Inhibitors of proprotein convertase subtilisin-kexin type 9 (PCSK9) substantially reduce cholesterol levels but have not been tested in he

Realizing the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development–engaging national parliaments?

This article examines the role of national parliaments in policy processes related to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, adopted in the UN General Assembly in 2015. We outline three main roles of parliaments in the case of national policy-making based on intergovernmental agreements: legislative and policy approval, citizen representation, and accountability. The cases

Tracking Rats in Operant Conditioning Chambers Using a Versatile Homemade Video Camera and DeepLabCut

Operant conditioning chambers are used to perform a wide range of behavioral tests in the field of neuroscience. The recorded data is typically based on the triggering of lever and nose-poke sensors present inside the chambers. While this provides a detailed view of when and how animals perform certain responses, it cannot be used to evaluate behaviors that do not trigger any sensors. As such, ass

Alkaliphiles : The Versatile Tools in Biotechnology

The extreme environments within the biosphere are inhabited by organisms known as extremophiles. Lately, these organisms are attracting a great deal of interest from researchers and industrialists. The motive behind this attraction is mainly related to the desire for new and efficient products of biotechnological importance and human curiosity of understanding nature. Organisms living in common “h

A simple approach to nondecreasing paths

We present a simple reduction of the problem of nondecreasing paths (with minimal last edge weight) in a directed edge-weighted graph to a reachability problem in a directed unweighted graph. The reduction yields an alternative simple method of solving the single-source nondecreasing paths problem in almost linear time. If the edge weights are integers then our algorithm can be implemented in O((n

Complex by design : Hydrotrope-induced micellar growth in deep eutectic solvents

Hypothesis: The self-assembly of ionic surfactants in deep eutectic solvents has recently been demonstrated, opening up new possibilities in terms of the development of formulated products and templating of nanostructured materials. As it occurs in an aqueous environment, the solvophobic effect drives the formation of micelles in these solvents and specific-ion interactions alter the resulting str

Dental care - an emotional and physical challenge for the sexually abused

The aim was to explicate persistent psychological and bodily memories of sexual abuse and how they are expressed during dental appointments. The participants comprised 13 sexually abused individuals (11 women), who recalled and expressed these experiences during a dental appointment. They were encouraged to describe, in detail, aspects of the appointment which triggered memories of the sexual abus

Evaluation of the HAVOSS software process maturity model

The HAVOSS (Handling Vulnerabilities in OSS) maturity model describes important processes for managing security vulnerabilities in OSS modules in developed products. So far, the model has not been evaluated in any real assessment process. Here we present a study where the model was evaluated by using it in assessments of processes for two product types in one organization. Each assessment was condThe HAVOSS (Handling Vulnerabilities in OSS) maturity model describes important processes for managing security vulnerabilities in OSS modules in developed products. So far, the model has not been evaluated in any real assessment process. Here we present a study where the model was evaluated by using it in assessments of processes for two product types in one organization. Each assessment was cond

Benefits of Investigating the Thermal Component for Moisture Safety in Ventilated Attics

Cold ventilated attics often have mould problems in Sweden. This is valid both for old and sometimes newly built attics. Increased insulation on the attic floor is assumed to increase the problem. To investigate this, numerical 1D models like WUFI or WUFI+ are typically used. These models give results but the physical processes are not so transparent for the user due to the complex numerical techn

Low-Power Resistive Memory Integrated on III-V Vertical Nanowire MOSFETs on Silicon

III-V vertical nanowire MOSFETs (VNW-FETs) have the potential to extend Moore’s law owing to their excellent material properties. To integrate highly scaled memory cells coupled with high performance selectors at minimal memory cell area, it is attractive to integrate low-power resistive random access memory (RRAM) cells directly on to III-V VNW-FETs. In this work, we report the experimental demon