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Your search for "*" yielded 532329 hits

Characteristics and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and acute coronary syndrome treated with ticagrelor and novel oral anticoagulants

Introduction: Optimal antithrombotic treatment after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients with atrial fibrillation is unclear. Data on outcomes in patients on concomitant ticagrelor and the novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) is scarce. This study therefore sought to describe patient characteristics and treatment outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and ACS treated with concomitant t

Signal-enhanced Raman spectroscopy with a multi-pass cavity for quantitative measurements of formaldehyde, major species and temperature in a one-dimensional laminar DME-air flame

While Raman spectroscopy provides opportunities for simultaneous detection and quantitative analysis of multiple species, it also suffers from certain limitations, such as low signal strength, which often makes it unsuitable for the study of minor species. The present work employs a high-repetition-rate and high-power laser and re-introduces an amplification technique to improve the detection limi

How slow is slow? Managing fire hydrant operation for protecting water infrastructure

There have been several water main breaks attributed to fire hydrant operations despite the persistent guidance from stakeholders to operate the hydrants “slowly.” Traditional water hammer simulations for determining the safe operational times for every hydrant can be tedious and impractical for most water utilities. While the rapid operation of certain hydrants can generate excessive pressures, m

Genome Editing Using Cas9-gRNA Ribonucleoprotein in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells for Disease Modeling

The discovery that the CRISPR/Cas9 system could be used for genome editing purposes represented a major breakthrough in the field. This advancement has notably facilitated the introduction or correction of disease-specific mutations in healthy or disease stem cell lines respectively; therefore, easing disease modeling studies in combination with differentiation protocols. For many years, variabili

The archipelago of meaning : Methodological contributions to the study of Vanuatu sand drawing

Vanuatu sand drawing has been listed by UNESCO since 2006 and has both fascinated and puzzled researchers from various disciplines for over a century. The inherent multi-dimensionality of the practice makes analysis complex, and until very recently developing a systematic methodology to study this intangible art form was difficult. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap with the analysi

A “snap-shot” visual estimation of health and objectively measured frailty : capturing general health in aging older women

Background: In clinic, a subjective visual estimation of a patient’s general health often guides interventions, yet little is known of how this assessment relates to objectively measured frailty. Aims: To characterize the relationship between these two assessments and explore the implication of discordance. Methods: The study was performed in the OPRA cohort of 75-year old community-dwelling women

Optimizing the quasi-equilibrium state of hot carriers in all-inorganic lead halide perovskite nanocrystals through Mn doping : fundamental dynamics and device perspectives

Hot carrier (HC) cooling accounts for the significant energy loss in lead halide perovskite (LHP) solar cells. Here, we study HC relaxation dynamics in Mn-doped LHP CsPbI3 nanocrystals (NCs), combining transient absorption spectroscopy and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We demonstrate that Mn2+ doping (1) enlarges the longitudinal optical (LO)-acoustic phonon bandgap, (2) enhances t

Child labour and health hazards: chemical exposure and occupational injuries in Nicaraguan children working in a waste disposal site

Omkring 600 barn och tonåringar arbetar på Managuas stora soptipp, denbstörsta i Nicaragua. De samlar och sorterar avfall på den öppna tippen, sombtäcker ett 7 km2 stort område i stadens utkant vid stranden av Managuasjön. Sådant arbete, som förekommer i många stora städer i utvecklingsländer, ansesbvara ett av de mest riskfyllda typerna av barnarbete som finns. Ändå är kunskapen om sådant arbete About 600 children and teenagers work at Managua's landfill, the largest in Nicaragua. They collect and sort waste at the open dump, which covers an area of 7 km2 on the outskirts of the city on the shores of Lake Managua. Such work, which occurs in many large cities in developing countries, is considered to be one of the riskiest types of child labor that exists. Nevertheless, knowledge of such w

Influence of interface states on built-in electric field and diamagnetic-Landau energy shifts in asymmetric modulation-doped InGaAs/GaAs QWs

The impact of interface defect states on the recombination and transport properties of charges in asymmetric modulation-doped InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells(QWs) is investigated. Three sets of high-mobility InGaAs QW structures are systematically designed and grown by the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy technique to probe the effect of carrier localization on the electro-optical processes. In these s

FDA-MIMO radar detection for independent and nonidentically distributed fluctuating targets

Due to its range-dependent target response, frequency diverse array multiple-input multiple-output (FDA-MIMO) radar systems enable superior detection capabilities as compared with conventional phased-array radars. This paper proposes an incoherent detector for airborne FDA-MIMO radar to detect independent but possibly non-identically distributed fluctuating targets. For FDA-MIMO, variations in the

Bile leakage and the number of metal clips on the cystic duct during laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Background and objective: The most common way of closing the cystic duct in laparoscopic cholecystectomy is by using metal clips (>80%). Nevertheless, bile leakage occurs in 0.4%–2.0% of cases, and thus causes significant morbidity. However, the optimal number of clips needed to avoid bile leakage has not been determined. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate bile leakage and post-procedur

Backward Shift and Nearly Invariant Subspaces of Fock-type Spaces

We study the structure of the backward shift invariant and nearly invariant subspaces in weighted Fock-type spaces ℱWp, whose weight is not necessarily radial. We show that in the spaces ℱWp, which contain the polynomials as a dense subspace (in particular, in the radial case), all nontrivial backward shift invariant subspaces are of the form ℘n, that is, finite-dimensional subspaces consisting of

MBA-VO : Motion blur aware visual odometry

Motion blur is one of the major challenges remaining for visual odometry methods. In low-light conditions where longer exposure times are necessary, motion blur can appear even for relatively slow camera motions. In this paper we present a novel hybrid visual odometry pipeline with direct approach that explicitly models and estimates the camera’s local trajectory within the exposure time. This all

SOLD2 : Self-supervised occlusion-aware line description and detection

Compared to feature point detection and description, detecting and matching line segments offer additional challenges. Yet, line features represent a promising complement to points for multi-view tasks. Lines are indeed well-defined by the image gradient, frequently appear even in poorly textured areas and offer robust structural cues. We thus hereby introduce the first joint detection and descrip

Machine Learning based Approach for the Prediction of Surface Integrity in Machining

This paper presents a two-stage procedure to create a surface integrity predictor. The first stage includes data clustering, which allows to evaluate the achievable surface quality. The second stage consists in training the model to predict which cluster the machined surface will belong to. To demonstrate the applicability, an experimental plan for machining of Inconel 718 in milling was developed

Dansa i Odessa

Translation of the poem "Dancing in Odessa" by Ukrainian-American poet Ilya Kaminsky (b. 1977)Translation of the poem "Dancing in Odessa" by Ukrainian-American poet Ilya Kaminsky (b. 1977)

MIS 3 age of the Veiki moraine in N Sweden–Dating the landform record of an intermediate-sized ice sheet in Scandinavia

The Veiki moraine in northern Sweden, a geomorphologically distinct landscape of ice-walled lake plains, has been interpreted to represent the former margin of an intermediate-sized pre–Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Fennoscandian ice sheet, but its age is debated as either marine isotope stage (MIS) 5c or MIS 3. We have applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating to four si

Use phase and end-of-life modeling of biobased biodegradable plastics in life cycle assessment : a review

Due to the negative environmental impacts along the life cycle of fossil-based plastics, there is an increased interest in the development of biobased and biodegradable plastics. Especially, biodegradable bioplastics possess different material characteristics than fossil-based plastics and can therefore be expected to perform differently during the product use and in end-of-life (EOL) phases. Thus

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The poetry of Hanni Ossott (1946-2002) is hardly known beyond Venezuelan frontiers, and so is any domestic or foreign research, almost non-existent, about her published works, an exception being El reino donde la noche se abre (1987). Such a scenario, unfortunately, continues to be so regarding her other works, especially the ones published thereafter. For this reason, this article will focus on o

Marine gastropods at higher trophic level show stronger tolerance to ocean acidification

Climate change and anthropogenic activities are producing a range of new selection pressures, both abiotic and biotic, on marine organisms. Although it is known that climate change can differentially affect fitness-related traits at different trophic levels of the food web, it is not clear if different trophic levels will respond via phenotypic plasticity in the form of maintenance of phenotypes i