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Your search for "*" yielded 533498 hits

Host Immunity-Microbiota-Virus Interactions at the Intestinal Mucosal surface in Health and Disease

The presence of viral immune triggers at the intestinal mucosa can have multipleglobal effects on intestinal integrity, including relative protection fromsubsequent inflammatory bowel disease. During the last century, the westernworld has achieved a remarkable success in preventing infectious diseases,which increased the general life expectancy dramatically. However, theincidence and prevalence of

Production of π0 and η mesons in U+U collisions at sNN =192 GeV

The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider measured π0 and η mesons at midrapidity in U+U collisions at sNN=192 GeV in a wide transverse momentum range. Measurements were performed in the π0(η)→γγ decay modes. A strong suppression of π0 and η meson production at high transverse momentum was observed in central U+U collisions relative to binary scaled p+p results. Yields of π0 and

Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing : The significance of ELSI perspectives

With the recent breakthroughs in genomics and advances in genome-editing techniques, most notably the discovery of the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)‑associated protein 9 (Cas9), the matter of genome editing and health innovation has become of particular importance in society. New genome-editing techniques hold considerable potential to enhance personalized medi

Spatiotemporal control of femtosecond laser filament-triggered discharge and its application in diagnosing gas flow fields

Precise control of the discharge in space and time is of great significance for better applications of discharge plasma. Here, we used a femtosecond laser filament to trigger and guide a high-voltage DC pulse discharge to achieve spatiotemporal control of the discharge plasma. In space, the discharge plasma is distributed strictly along the channel generated by the femtosecond laser filament. The

Cables in Cipher, the Raoul Wallenberg Case and Swedish–Soviet Diplomatic Communication 1944–1947

In 2011, the Russian government, in order to mark the 100th anniversary of Swedish Diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, decided to allow one Swedish researcher to go through the diplomatic correspondence in cipher between the Soviet Embassy in Stockholm and the Soviet Foreign Ministry during the years 1944–1947. This article presents some of the major findings on Wallenberg and discusses whether parallel pa

Sweden, the USSR and the early Cold War 1944–47: declassified encrypted cables shed new light on Soviet diplomatic reporting about Sweden in the aftermath of World War II

In March 1946 the Soviet government decided to radically revise their policy towardsSweden. The Soviet demand, ever since November 1944, for the total extradition ofthe approximately 30,000 Baltic refugees in Sweden was suddenly dropped and anumber of measures were taken by Moscow to accomplish a rapprochement betweenthe two countries. On the basis of recently declassified Soviet encrypted diploma

Using Action Design Research for Developing and Implementing a Method for Risk Assessment and Continuity Management

This paper presents the results from a longitudinal study aiming at developing and implementing a method integrating principles from Risk Management and Business Continuity Management in its naturalistic organisational setting. Despite the fact that a myriad of real-world constraints and challenges typically arise in the transition from method development to full implementation and use of the meth

Research status of supercritical aviation kerosene and a convection heat transfer considering thermal pyrolysis

Purpose: This paper aims to comprehensively clarify the research status of thermal transport of supercritical aviation kerosene, with particular interests in the effect of cracking on heat transfer. Design/methodology/approach: A brief review of current research on supercritical aviation kerosene is presented in views of the surrogate model of hydrocarbon fuels, chemical cracking mechanism of hydr

Match length realization and cooperation in indefinitely repeated games

Experimental studies of infinitely repeated games typically consist of several indefinitely repeated games (“matches”) played in sequence with different partners each time, whereby match length, i.e. the number of stages of each game is randomly determined. Using a large meta data set on indefinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma games (Dal Bó and Fréchette, 2018) we demonstrate that the realized le

Circular business models for the fastmoving consumer goods industry : Desirability, feasibility, and viability

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) are products that have a short useful lifetime and are typically designed for single or limited uses followed by disposal. The disposable nature of FMCGs combined with ineffective waste recovery systems is causing global environmental problems. Various reusable packaging business models have emerged to tackle these problems; however, their influence is still low

Optimization of cooling structures in gas turbines : A review

Attempts for higher output power and thermal efficiency of gas turbines make the inlet temperature of turbine to be far beyond the material melting temperature. Therefore, to protect the airfoil in gas turbine from hot gas and eventually prolong the lifetime of the blade, internal and film cooling structures with better thermal performance and cooling effectiveness are urgently needed. However, th

Colonial Origins of Modern Bureaucracy? India and the Professionalization of the British Civil Service

This article examines the diffusion of meritocratic practices as a potential instance of policy transfer by scrutinizing the introduction of open and competitive examinations during the mid-nineteenth century in the British Civil Service. Scholars have argued that British reformers were inspired by meritocratic practices in British-ruled India. In order to assess this claim, we combine qualitative

Intranuclear HSV-1 DNA ejection induces major mechanical transformations suggesting mechanoprotection of nucleus integrity

Maintaining nuclear integrity is essential to cell survival when exposed to mechanical stress. Herpesviruses, like most DNA and some RNA viruses, put strain on the nuclear envelope as hundreds of viral DNA genomes replicate and viral capsids assemble. It remained unknown, however, how nuclear mechanics is affected at the initial stage of herpesvirus infection—immediately after viral genomes are ej

Implementation structures at work. Exploring implementation and de-implementation attempts regarding Housing First and Individual Placement and Support

Research shows that resistance to change might occur in organisations that implement new evidence-based practices (EBP). Formal and informal structures may work to retain traditional interventions, potentially counteracting the implementation process. Little is known about the de-implementation of traditional practices to leave room for and enhance the implementation of EBPs. This study uses imple

Tactile friction of topical creams and emulsions : Friction measurements on excised skin and VitroSkin® using ForceBoard™

Tactile perception can be investigated through ex vivo friction measurements using a so–called ForceBoard™, providing objective assessments and savings in time and money, compared to a subjective human panel. In this work we aim to compare excised skin versus VitroSkin® as model substrates for tactile friction measurements. A further aim is to detect possible differences between traditional surfac

Overtourism, residents and Iranian rural villages : Voices from a developing country

Differing from much of the research on overtourism, which has concentrated on urban tourist destinations, this exploratory study investigates the attitudes of rural communities toward over-visitation. Face-to-face interviews with 63 respondents in three of the most visited Iranian villages reveal that tourism creates social, psychological and health problems for residents. Findings indicate that l