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The Supported Osteoarthritis Self-Management Programme in primary health care. Patient-reported outcomes and physiotherapists´ experiences.

Abstract Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disabling joint disease affecting about 300 million people worldwide. Today, there is no cure for OA and treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Guidelines recommend education, exercise, and weight control, as first-line treatment. In Sweden, first-line treatment is offered as a Supported Osteoarthritis Self-Management Programme (SOASP) combining educ

Monitoring of fluid absorption with nitrous oxide during transurethral resection of the prostate.

Background: The fluid absorption that occurs during transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) can be indicated and quantified by the ethanol method. Recently, nitrous oxide (N(2)O) was tested in animals and volunteers and seemed to be more accurate and safe. The present study compared these two methods in surgical patients.Methods: Eighty-six TURPs were performed at two hospitals using an irr

A framework for participatory work environment interventions in home care – success factors and some challenges

BackgroundHome care is beset with work environment issues and high staff turnover, while research concerned with interventions to improve the work environment is sparse. Few of the existing interventions apply a participative approach, despite this being associated with more positive outcomes and sustainable change. This paper presents a framework, rooted in action research and action learning, fo

Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Right Heart and Pulmonary Circulation Disorders

Right heart and pulmonary circulation disorders are generally caused by right ventricle (RV) pressure overload, volume overload, and cardiomyopathy, and they are associated with distinct clinical courses and therapeutic approaches, although they often may coexist. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) provides a noninvasive accurate and reproducible multiplanar anatomic and functional assessment, tissu

Gender and public participation : A study of the swedish public debate on the nord stream gas pipeline from a gender perspective

This article focuses on public participation in Sweden during the planning of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The pipeline runs from Russia to Germany, and passes close to the Swedish island of Gotland. Results from a survey study conducted among 990 Swedish citizens, where 200 respondents are residents on the island of Gotland, reveal that there are differences between men and women in how risks wi

Fight, flight or freeze : Assumed reactions of the public during a crisis

This article reports on how professionals at municipal level responsible for crisis communication (N=152) in Sweden judge the probability of 10 different responses occurring among the public, among people within their own emergency organization and themselves in case of a crisis. The direct physical effects of the crisis were kept identical throughout the study, but the cause of the crisis varied

Underlying concerns in land-use conflicts - The role of place-identity in risk perception

In the last few years, debates over proposed usage of land for high-risk ventures have caused some debate, both in the affected communities as well as among policy makers. It has been recognized by industry and government agencies that the opinion and concerns of the local population has to be considered in order to mediate or reduce conflicts. Usually these concerns tend to focus on issues of hea

Cause and consequences of crises : How perception can influence communication

This article focuses on how different events that cause a crisis are perceived by communication officers. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the attribution of whatever has caused a crisis affects how the crisis is perceived and how this in turn affects communication efforts. Previous research indicates that people will respond differently to risks depending on the cause of the risk, even

Is there a role for immunomodulatory drugs in the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma?

Although survival has improved in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) during the last two decades, thanks to intensified approach upfront and with anti-CD20 targeted treatment, the disease is still regarded as incurable and for the elderly/unfit patient population, there is need for more tolerable and effective treatment options. Immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) have demonstrated activity in MCAlthough survival has improved in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) during the last two decades, thanks to intensified approach upfront and with anti-CD20 targeted treatment, the disease is still regarded as incurable and for the elderly/unfit patient population, there is need for more tolerable and effective treatment options. Immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) have demonstrated activity in MC

The multiple meanings of the gender-inclusive pronoun hen : Predicting attitudes and use

The Swedish gender-inclusive pronoun hen can be used generically (referring to anyone), or specifically (referring to non-binary gender identities). Three studies tested evaluations and use of hen, and individual-level predictors. In Study 1 (N = 2145), specific hen was slightly favoured over generic hen. In Study 2 (N = 297), hen was more negatively evaluated than binary pronouns, and generic hen

Rally-around-the-organizational-flag? Internal communication in a professional organization during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis

Purpose: This study aims, first, to explore and analyze if and how organizational members’ professions or occupations influence perceptions of internal crisis communication. The second, related, aim is to discuss the role of internal communication in creating a strong organizational identity during a prolonged crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: This study is mainly

Technology-adjusted carbon accounting

We present technology-adjusted consumption-based accounting (TCBA) – a measure of shared responsibility for global greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike in conventional consumption-based accounting (CBA), countries are assigned the emission responsibility for the technology they use to produce their exports. This ensures that national emission responsibilities are not driven by differences in export pr

Transcriptomic analysis of functional diversity of human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in erythroid differentiation

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) give rise to all types of blood lineages, including red blood cells (RBC). Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) are known to be functionally diverse in terms of their self-renewal potential and lineage output. Consequently, investigation of molecular heterogeneity in the differentiation potential of HSPC is vital to identify novel regulators that affect generat

Student Housing in Europe - Country Report for Sweden

This chapter contains an overview of general policies regarding student housing in Sweden, a desription of market conditions for students renting a room or an apartment, and the legal framework regulating student housing in Sweden, including the rental contract.

Regulating transnational corporations at the United Nations – the negotiations of a treaty on business and human rights

The United Nations is the arena for a renewed push to regulate transnational corporations (TNCs) and their supply chains. This article analyses the ongoing efforts of a multilateral organization to strengthen the human rights legal framework, especially the design choices posed by the treaty negotiations as well as the role of the UN Human Rights Council in the broader regulatory ecosystem around

Reconstituted virus-nucleus system reveals mechanics of herpesvirus genome uncoating

The viral replication cycle is controlled by information transduced through both molecular and mechanical interactions. Viral infection mechanics remains largely unexplored, however, due to the complexity of cellular mechanical responses over the course of infection as well as a limited ability to isolate and probe these responses. Here, we develop an experimental system consisting of herpes simpl

Motherhood: A Resource for Social Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing

Background: The desire to be a mother is much more than a reproductive instinct in pro-baby (pro-natal) society. Motherhood is a complex phenomenon that encompasses psychological, social, and cultural aspects of a woman's holisticwell-being. A woman's socio-cultural visibility is enhanced through motherhood, which also strengthens her psychological status, enriches her spiritual experience, and en