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Sweden : Biased Debate Participation with Nearly Equal Gender Representation

The Swedish Riksdag is often regarded as an ideal type for Scandinavian or Nordic parliamentarism. This relates to institutional features and party cohesion, but more often so to descriptive representation in terms of gender—an aspect where Sweden's parliament has consistently occupied the top position among European parliaments during the last decades. However, and despite an unlikely-case-char

Approaches to strengthen the Social Cohesion between Displaced and Host Communities.

A cohesive society is not only characterised by the availability of basic services and facilities, but also promotes economic equality and inclusion, democracy, and social solidarity. Forced displacement due to disasters and conflict constantly disrupt the path to a sustainable and cohesive society. Displaced communities often struggle with a lack of access to livelihood and a lack of financial in

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brachial plexus. Part 1 : Anatomical considerations, magnetic resonance techniques, and non-traumatic lesions

For magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of non-traumatic brachial plexus (BP) lesions, sequences with contrast injection should be considered in the differentiation between tumors, infection, postoperative conditions, and post-radiation changes. The most common non-traumatic inflammatory BP neuropathy is radiation neuropathy. T2-weighted images may help to distinguish neoplastic infiltration showing

Recreation demand and pricing policy for international tourists in developing countries : evidence from South Africa

National park agencies in Africa often lack incentives to maximize revenue, despite the decline in conservation subsidies from the State. We explore the potential of pricing policy to generate funds for extensive conservation. We estimate recreation demand by international tourists for a popular South African park, calculate the consumer surplus and find the revenue-maximizing entrance fee. Our re

Genetic interaction study of Alzheimer's disease quantitative biomarkers : A polygenic risk score analysis and evaluation

BACKGROUND: Relationship between genetic factors and pathological features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) may be studied with biomarker, using both polygenic risk scores (PRSs), as well as individual genetic variants in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). METHOD: In the Swedish BioFINDER study, we used a priori PRS for AD based on findings in recent GWAS, and AD related biomarkers in cerebrospina

Från försvarstal till organisering

Våra öden förändrades 2015. Vi stod på gator, på tågstationer, i föreningslokaler och fanns där för våra medmänniskor. Vi kom från olika bakgrunder och politiska läger men förenades av en tro på ett bättre Sverige och på rätten att söka en fristad från förtryck, förföljelse och krig. Och det gör vi fortfarande.Den här antologin samlar olika sorters röster – aktivister, flyktingar, jurister och for

The behavioral variant of Alzheimer’s disease does not show a selective loss of Von Economo and phylogenetically related neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex

Background: The neurobiological origins of the early and predominant behavioral changes seen in the behavioral variant of Alzheimer’s disease (bvAD) remain unclear. A selective loss of Von Economo neurons (VENs) and phylogenetically related neurons have been observed in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and several psychiatric diseases. Here, we assessed whether these specific neu

Treatment outcome with pencillin G or cloxacillin in penicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bactearemi

An increasing proportion of penicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (PSSA) has been reported over the last years. The aim of this retrospective study was to compare penicillin G with cloxacillin in the treatment of PSSA bloodstream infections. The primary outcome was the mortality rate after 90 days and the secondary outcome was the development of treatment complications of varying severity.

Scanning the solutions for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe

Forests are key components of European multifunctional landscapes and supply numerous forest ecosystem services (FES) fundamental to human well-being. The sustainable provision of FES has the potential to provide responses to major societal challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, or rural development. To identify suitable strategies for the future sustenance of FES, we performed a s

Critical view on buffer layer formation and monolayer graphene properties in high-temperature sublimation

In this work we have critically reviewed the processes in high-temperature sublimation growth of graphene in Ar atmosphere using closed graphite crucible. Special focus is put on buffer layer formation and free charge carrier properties of monolayer graphene and quasi-freestanding monolayer graphene on 4H–SiC. We show that by introducing Ar at higher temperatures, TAr, one can shift the formation

Achieving social and ecological outcomes in collaborative environmental governance : Good examples from swedish moose management

Collaborative governance approaches have been suggested as strategies to handle wicked environmental problems. Evaluations have found promising examples of effective natural resource governance, but also highlighted the importance of social-ecological context and institutional design. The aim of this study was to identify factors that contribute to the achievement of social and ecological sustaina

Non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging can be used to assess renal cortical and medullary volumes-A validation study

Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) biomarkers can diagnose and prognosticate kidney disease. Renal volume validation studies are however scarce, and measurements are limited by use of contrast agent or advanced post-processing.Purpose: To validate a widely available non-contrast-enhanced MRI method for quantification of renal cortical and medullary volumes in pigs; investigate observer v

Human pancreatic islet miRNA-mRNA networks of altered miRNAs due to glycemic status

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression via mRNA targeting, playing important roles in the pancreatic islets. We aimed to identify molecular pathways and genomic regulatory regions associated with altered miRNA expression due to glycemic status, which could contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D). To this end, miRNAs were identified by a combinatio