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Conceptual spaces and the strength of similarity-based arguments

Central to the conceptual spaces framework is the thought that concepts can be studied mathematically, by geometrical and topological means. Various applications of the framework have already been subjected to empirical testing, mostly with excellent results, demonstrating the framework's usefulness. So far untested is the suggestion that conceptual spaces may help explain certain inferences peopl

Insights for next generation undergraduate IS curriculum developers

This paper presents analyses on the trends of IS curriculum development that has evolved since its inception from the classical report by the AIS/ACM task force led by Heikki Topi and colleagues published in 2010. Based on an integrated synthesis of the literature, we categorize it into three theoretically-driven dimensions: (i) IS Curricula; (ii) Topic-Based IS Curricula, and (iii) IS Identity Cr

Pregelatinised amaranth flour as an ingredient for low-fat gluten-free cakes

This work explored the use of pregelatinised amaranth flour (PAF) as an oil substitute in the preparation of amaranth cakes. Amaranth flour was extruded to achieve approximately 50% gelatinisation, ground and sieved. The PAF was used to replace the oil in the cake preparation at levels 33, 66% and 100%. FTIR analysis of the cake formulations showed that PAF modified the molecular organisation of s

Crosstalk between the renin–angiotensin, complement and kallikrein–kinin systems in inflammation

During severe inflammatory and infectious diseases, various mediators modulate the equilibrium of vascular tone, inflammation, coagulation and thrombosis. This Review describes the interactive roles of the renin–angiotensin system, the complement system, and the closely linked kallikrein–kinin and contact systems in cell biological functions such as vascular tone and leakage, inflammation, chemota

Simultaneous determination of folate and methotrexate metabolites in serum by LC-MS/MS during high-dose methotrexate therapy

High-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) is a central component in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, osteosarcoma, and some lymphomas and brain tumors. MTX is given at lethal doses and then is followed by rescue treatment with folinic acid (FA). Despite FA rescue, many patients suffer severe toxicity. The pharmacokinetics of FA rescue have not been sufficiently studied. However, optimization of

The balanced scorecard equates interests in healthcare organizations

Purpose This paper investigates how the balanced scorecard (BSC) has been translated to fit the public healthcare environment. The paper discusses how the context, consisting of politicians, administrators, and medical professionals has influenced the design and function of the BSC. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative case study approach involving semi-structured interviews were conducted wi

Has Williamson's Claim that Knowledge Is the most General Factive Mental State Been Disproved?

In this paper, I evaluate some recent attacks on Williamson's claim that knowledge is the most general factive stative propositional attitude. Two types of approaches are discussed: The first approach attempts to show that there are factive mental states denoted by factive mental state operators that are not cases of knowing. The second approach aims to show that there are factive mental states th

Uncertainty analysis of climate change potential assessments of five building energy renovation measures in Sweden

Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the uncertainties of life cycle inventory (LCI) data for energy use and materials in life cycle assessments of standard energy renovation measures carried out in multi-family buildings in Sweden. Five energy renovation measures were assessed with regard to their climate change potential. Modules A1–A3 and module B6 were included in the ass

A Direct Numerical Simulation Investigation of the One-Phase Flow in a Simplified Emulsification Device

More detailed investigation of the flow inside emulsification devices, e.g., High-pressure homogenizers (HPHs) helps the industry to broaden the fundamental understanding of the working principle of these machines which in turn will pave the road to increase the breakup efficiency of emulsification processes. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is not deemed as a practical method in industry due to

Audit as Leviathan : Constructing quality registers in Swedish health care

This paper explores the rise of an audit practice: the national quality registers in Swedish health care. Based on actor-network theory, the study tells the story of an actor-network formed by physicians in the 1970s who mobilized themselves around a common object; to develop the knowledge-base of medical professionals. However, over time more actors became persuaded of the potential of the networ

The Politics of Legislative Debates : An Introduction

The contribution of this chapter to our volume is fourfold. First, we look at why we should study legislative debates and how scholars may benefit from representation, legislative politics, party politics, and electoral studies by incorporating debates in their analysis. In so doing, we unpack their functions in liberal democracies. Second, the chapter offers a state of the art of the burgeoning f

The intent and extent of collective threats: A data-driven conceptualization of collective threats and their relation to political preferences.

The purpose of the present article is to systematically investigate how people perceive collective threat and how such threat perceptions relate to political preferences. Existing threat taxonomies are mostly derived from top-down analyses and little attempt has been made to examine bottom-up how people spontaneously perceive threats. One area where this is of central importance is the relationshi

Adaptive Design of Real-Time Control Systems subject to Sporadic Overruns

Most off-the-shelf embedded control systems lack proper mechanisms to handle computational overload conditions. Therefore, delays may accumulate and produce overruns, potentially harming the stability and performance of the controlled system. In this paper, we explore a controller implementation in which overrun events are tolerated and tackled with a proper countermeasure, which can be easily plu

Clinical spectrum time course in non-Asian patients positive for anti-MDA5 antibodies

OBJECTIVES: To define the clinical spectrum time-course and prognosis of non-Asian patients positive for anti-MDA5 antibodies.METHODS: We conducted a multicentre, international, retrospective cohort study.RESULTS: 149 anti-MDA5 positive patients (median onset age 53 years, median disease duration 18 months), mainly females (100, 67%), were included. Dermatomyositis (64, 43%) and amyopathic dermato