Boosting Prosocial Career Aspirations : Loving-Kindness Meditation Relates to Higher Communal Career Goals in Youth
Wanting to help others and benefit society in one’s future career are examples of communal career goals. Raising these goals in youth should increase interest in HEED-occupations (Healthcare, Early Education, Domestic, and the Domestic fields) which are strongly gender-skewed and face labor shortage. Research has yet to find ways to increase communal career goals. In this study, we test the novel Wanting to help others and benefit society in one’s future career are examples of communal career goals. Raising these goals in youth should increaseinterest in HEED-occupations (Healthcare, Early Education, Domestic, and the Domestic fields) which are strongly gender-skewed and face labor shortage.Research has yet to find ways to increase communal career goals. In this study, we test the novel hy