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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Sustainable Development in Latin America – Linking Renewable Energy, Economic Complexity and GHG Emissions

This thesis analyses the interrelations of economic complexity, greenhouse gas emissions, and renewable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), using annual data from 1998 to 2018. Economic development in the region is characterised by the exploitation of natural resources and low economic sophistication. At the same time, a dynamic renewable energy market has developed in LAC. The Enviro

The Role of Global Actors in Sustainability Transitions - Exploring a Change Vehicle Trajectory in the Water and Sanitation Sector

The literature on sustainability transitions analyzes structural shifts towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns. Recently, it has been recognized that structures transcending national boundaries can both hinder and promote sustainability transitions. In this context, multi-scalar transition trajectories have been outlined, suggesting, among other things, that sectoral transfor

Assessment of quality of care provided to adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus at public hospitals in Gamo Gofa zone, Southern Ethiopia : Facility based Cross-Sectional study

PURPOSE: Proactive management of type 2 diabetes is important for restoring beta-cell function and improving sustained blood glucose control. Evidence on quality of diabetes care in Ethiopia is inadequate.METHOD: Facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted to assess level of quality of care provided to adult type 2 diabetes patients at three public hospitals in Gamo Gofa Zone, Southern Ethi

Implementation of a malaria prevention education intervention in Southern Ethiopia : a qualitative evaluation

BACKGROUND: Though school-aged children (SAC) are at high risk of malaria, they are the ones that benefit the least from malaria prevention measures. A cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of malaria prevention education (MPE) on insecticide-treated bed net (ITN) utilization and prompt diagnosis, reported incidence and treatment (PDAT) of malaria. Qualitative ev

Bureaucratic Reforms as Triggers of Experimental Design : KBS and Public Building in Sweden, 1963–74

This article explores the relationship between architecture and public administration at the Swedish National Board of Public Building (Kungl. Byggnadsstyrelsen, or KBS) in the years 1963–74. This government agency, which existed from 1918 to 1993, was in charge of planning, designing, producing and maintaining public service buildings and facilities. During the 1960s, it was subject to a number o

Acting for Climate: Beyond activist art to artistic activism

Limiting the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels is a major task that that requires profound societal changes. Many agree that changes in culture are the way to tackle environmental problems. Several social movements and environmental activists have tried to use art as a tool to educate, engage community in participation of decision making, and strengthen community

Intravenous immunoglobulin inhibits anti-glycoprotein IIb-induced platelet apoptosis in a murine model of immune thrombocytopenia

We have previously shown that injection of anti-glycoprotein (GP) IIb induces murine immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and that intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) ameliorates ITP. We hypothesise that murine ITP may be associated with platelet apoptosis, which is upregulated by anti-GPIIb and downregulated by IVIg. The current study demonstrated that anti-GPIIb injection induced three critical apoptosis

Enhancing Rainfall-Runoff Simulation via Meteorological Variables and a Deep-Conceptual Learning-Based Framework

Accurate streamflow simulation is crucial for many applications, such as optimal reservoir operation and irrigation. Conceptual techniques employ physical ideas and are suitable for representing the physics of the hydrologic model, but they might fail in competition with their more advanced counterparts. In contrast, deep learning (DL) approaches provide a great computational capability for stream

High-Throughput Separation of Long DNA in Deterministic Lateral Displacement Arrays

Length-based separation of DNA remains as relevant today as when gel electrophoresis was introduced almost 100 years ago. While new, long-read genomics technologies have revolutionised accessibility to powerful genomic data, the preparation of samples has not proceeded at the same pace, with sample preparation often constituting a considerable bottleneck, both in time and difficulty. Microfluidics

Digital Communication and Politics in Aragon. : A two-way communication formula for the interaction between politicians and citizens.

This research presents blogs as an innovative and rich tool for political communication. Blogs can facilitate two-way communication and true interaction between citizens and politicians. The article analyses in depth the content,uses, and characteristics of five weblogs written by Aragonese politicians. Although the study detects some weaknesses in the current political use of blogs, it encourages

Patch testing with palladium and aluminium, epidemiological and experimental studies

Lapptestning med palladium och aluminium (Swedish popular science summary)Lapptestning är standardmetoden för påvisning av kontaktallergi. Metoden har använts i över 100 år och utvecklas fortfarande. På 80-talet började flera kliniker i USA och Europa, inklusive Yrkes-och miljödermatologisk avdelning i Malmö, att lapptesta med palladiumklorid for att kunna påvisa palladiumallergi. Palladium är en AbstractThe aim of this thesis was to investigate the prevalence and significance of contact allergy to palladium from a Swedish perspective. Our initial findings made it necessary to also explore the importance of the metal aluminium used in test chamber systems and the effect of aluminium chloride (Al-Cl) in patch test preparations. A retrospective study (study I), with 18,306 patch test results

Increasing the Net Negative Charge by Replacement of DOTA Chelator with DOTAGA Improves the Biodistribution of Radiolabeled Second-Generation Synthetic Affibody Molecules

A promising strategy to enable patient stratification for targeted therapies is to monitor the target expression in a tumor by radionuclide molecular imaging. Affibody molecules (7 kDa) are nonimmunoglobulin scaffold proteins with a 25-fold smaller size than intact antibodies. They have shown an apparent potential as molecular imaging probes both in preclinical and clinical studies. Earlier, we fo

Use of dielectrophoresis for directing T cells to microwells before nanostraw transfection : modelling and experiments

Nanostraw substrates have great potential for achieving minimally invasive cell transfection. Cells located on the nanostraw substrate are subjected to mild DC electric pulses applied across the nanostraw substrate, which open pores in the cell membrane on top of the nanostraws and drives charged cargo through these pores via electrophoresis. However, with this method, the current may leak through

Capturing the Senses : Digital Methods for Sensory Archaeologies

This open-access book surveys how digital technology can contribute effectively to improving our understanding of the past, through a sensory engagement based on the evidence of material culture. In particular, it encourages specialists to consider senses and human agency as important factors in studying ancient space, while recognising the role played by digital tools in enhancing a human-centred

The problems of digitalization for people with intellectual disability.

The aim of this project is to design a solution to a payment system for people that have a diagnosis of intellectual disorder. This target group has problems with today’s payment system because it becomes successively more digital. With the digital solutions will the target group be excluded. I have been thinking of the question “What would happen if cash was removed as a payment system?”. I have

Finns det incitament för markägare till en ökad kolinlagring?

Sedan befolkningsökningen under 1800–1900 talet har en stor areal av de svenska våtmarkerna torrlagts i syfte att öka jordbruksarealerna och matproduktionen. Våtmarkerna av intresse för denna studie innehåller en stor andel organiskt material i form av torv och gyttja och benämns som organogena jordar. Sverige är ett av världens mest torvtäta länder och Skåne län erhåller en stor andel av dessa maSince a large growth in population occurred during the 1800-1900 centuries in Sweden, an expansion of agricultural land became a necessity. The government provided farmers with an allowance to exploit wetlands. A large portion of wetlands has since then been lost and used for cultivation, in particular peat lands. The drainage of peat lands results in a loss in biodiversity, poorer water condition

Modeling German Energy Market Hourly Profiles with a Focus on Variable Renewable Energy

This paper investigates the best methods for modeling hourly profiles in the German energy market for the period between 2018 and 2022. Modeling emphasized variable renewable energy (VRE) and included information on the level of energy production, oil price, COVID lockdowns, and historic hourly energy spot prices. Previous research on energy prices has focused on interpretable models; while invest