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Den empatiska bilderboken - En kvalitativ studie om framställningen av empati i bilderböcker för barn

This study aimed to examine how empathy is portrayed in picture books for children aged 3-6. A total of 18 library books were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis, which consisted of a compilation of image and text analysis. By applying a psychological, social psychological, and communicative perspective on the empirical material, several aspects of empathy expressions were made visible.

Urban förslumning i utvecklade länder: En komparativ analys av de ekonomiska faktorerna bakom förslumning i USA och särskilt utsatta områden i Sverige.

This paper aims to analyze economical factors behind urban decay, also referred to as slums, in The United States and particularly vulnerable areas in Sweden. The purpose with this paper is to conclude whether or not urban decay in the U.S can be compared with particularly vulnerable areas in Sweden by examining the predominant economic factors behind decayed and particularly vulnerable areas in e

En studie av momentumeffekter på OMXS30

This paper investigates the literature concerning market efficiency and how that compares to behavioral finance. The works of Fama (1970) who laid the ground for the efficient market hypothesis and Jegadeesh & Titman (1993) who laid the ground for momentum strategies are both analyzed and compared against each other. A momentum study on the weekly returns regarding the Swedish stock market (OM

Genes with epigenetic alterations in human pancreatic islets impact mitochondrial function, insulin secretion, and type 2 diabetes

Epigenetic dysregulation may influence disease progression. Here we explore whether epigenetic alterations in human pancreatic islets impact insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes (T2D). In islets, 5,584 DNA methylation sites exhibit alterations in T2D cases versus controls and are associated with HbA1c in individuals not diagnosed with T2D. T2D-associated methylation changes are found in enhancers

Comparison of optimizers for model predictive thermal control of buildings

Considering recent developments in the energy sector, further reduction of electricity cost and flattening of the electric power demand curve are needed. We have focused on an autonomous electric heater control system that can easily be implemented in existing buildings without strict comfort requirements. Examples are winter heating of warehouses and vacation homes, and heat drying of buildings u

Highly Accurate and Noise-Robust Phase Delay Estimation using Multitaper Reassignment

The recently developed Phase-Scaled Reassignment (PSR) can estimate phase-difference between two oscillating transient signals with high accuracy. However, in low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) the performance of commonly applied reassignment techniques is known to deteriorate. In order to reduce variance in low SNR, we propose a multitaper PSR (mtPSR) method for phase-difference estimation between

Risk of suicidal behavior as a function of alcohol use disorder typologies : A Swedish population-based study

Background and aims: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is one of the strongest predictors of suicidal behavior. Here, we measured risk of suicide attempt and death as a function of AUD typologies. Design: We used AUD typologies from previous latent class analysis: (i) externalizing subtype (characterized by externalizing symptomatology and early age of onset; individuals in this group have lower educatio

Fem bröder dog i vågorna

Under slaget om Guadalcanal 1942 sänktes USS Juneau. Ombord tjänstgjorde fem bröder i familjen Sullivan. Alla omkom vilket uppmärksammades på bred front i samtiden och deras öden utgjorde senare inspiration för filmen Rädda meinge Ryan.

D3.5 Role Model Regeneration Enhancement Report

The RURITAGE Role Models represent thirteen tremendously diverse rural areas across Europe and beyond. By working on the 6 identified Systemic Innovation Areas (SIAs) – Pilgrimage, Local Food, Migration, Art&Festival, Resilience, Landscape – Role Models (RMs) have been selected as good practices in heritage-led rural regeneration and have been studied in WP1 to extract the so called ‘Role Mode

Measurement of non-prompt D -meson elliptic flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV

The elliptic flow (v2) of D mesons from beauty-hadron decays (non-prompt D) was measured in midcentral (30–50%) Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The D mesons were reconstructed at midrapidity (| y| < 0.8) from their hadronic decay D → K -π + , in the transverse momentum interval 2 < pT< 12 GeV/c. The result indicates a po

Disease Activity and Tendency to Relapse in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Are Reflected in Neutrophil and Intermediate Monocyte Frequencies

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) is a group of autoimmune diseases with inflammation affecting small blood vessels and includes granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA). In this study, we investigated granulocyte and monocyte subsets in a large cohort of AAV patients with emphasis on disease activity and tendency to relapse. A

Effekterna av sjuksköterskors användning av ultraljudsledd perifer venkatetersättning på svårstuckna patienter

Bakgrund: För att möjliggöra vård och behandling är tillgång till blodbanan via av en perifer venkateter ofta nödvändigt. Detta kan utgöra problem i fall då patienter är svårstuckna, vilket kan leda till fördröjd vård och behandling. Vanligtvis sätter sjuksköterskor perifera venkatetrar genom traditionell visuell metod, men visuell metod där ultraljud används har blivit vanligare och gör det möjli

Unga mäns tankar om fertilitet mot bakgrund av en fertilitetsposter -En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har visat på låg kunskap gällande fertilitet, i synnerhet hos unga män. Medelåldern för förstagångsföräldrar ökar och man kan se att personer senarelägger barnafödandet till förmån för utbildning och karriär. Med bakgrund av detta har en internationell expertgrupp utvecklat en poster med fertilitetsrelaterad information: “Vill du ha barn i framtiden? Nio saker som kan

Vems närvaro saknas? En kvalitativ studie om professionellas reflektioner om preventiva insatser mot problematisk skolfrånvaro

In the past decade, problematic school absenteeism has become a well-known concept in society and research. This study aims to research professionals’ perspectives on problematic school absences in elementary school and high school, and their alternative solutions and thoughts about preventative work. The study is conducted by several semi-structured interviews with six professionals who work or h

Lärresurser i genrepedagogisk undervisning – Undervisningsmaterialets roll i utvecklandet av elevers kompetens i sakprosaskrivande

Genrepedagogikens genomslag i en digitaliserad skola innebär att skrivundervisningens lärresurser i hög grad utgörs av olika typer av modelltexter. Läromedelsutredningen (SOU 2021:70) utförd på uppdrag av regeringen synliggör en spänning mellan den fysiska läroboken och alternativa undervisningsmaterial, men också att forskningen om hur lärresurser används i Sverige är begränsad. Syftet med denna Teaching and Learning Resources in Genre Pedagogy – The Role of Teaching and Learning Materials in the Development of Students’ Non-Fiction Writing Skills The impact of genre pedagogy in a digitalised school means that the resources for teaching writing are largely made up of different types of model texts. Läromedelsutredningen (SOU 2021:70) carried out on behalf of the government highlights a t

Från kärlek till kontroll - En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relationer

Our study aimed to, through a qualitative content analysis, understand how violence manifests among young women aged 16-25 in their romantic relationships, as well as how violence affects their social lives. By listening to six podcasts, watching three short film clips, and reading three written texts, we have gained insights into personal stories from young women's own experiences of violence