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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Fetal growth restriction followed by very preterm birth is associated with smaller kidneys but preserved kidney function in adolescence

Background: Preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (FGR) are associated with structural and functional kidney changes, increasing long-term risk for chronic kidney disease and hypertension. However, recent studies in preterm children are conflicting, indicating structural changes but normal kidney function. This study therefore assessed kidney structure and function in a cohort of adolescents

Using nudges to promote clinical decision making of healthcare professionals : A scoping review

Nudging has been discussed in the context of policy and public health, but not so much within healthcare. This scoping review aimed to assess the empirical evidence on how nudging techniques can be used to affect the behavior of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in clinical settings.A systematic database search was conducted for the period January 2010–December 2020 using the PRISMA extension for ScNudging has been discussed in the context of policy and public health, but not so much within healthcare. This scoping review aimed to assess the empirical evidence on how nudging techniques can be used to affect the behavior of healthcare professionals (HCPs) in clinical settings. A systematic database search was conducted for the period January 2010-December 2020 using the PRISMA extension for S

The type 1 diabetes gene TYK2 regulates β-cell development and its responses to interferon-α

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that results in the destruction of insulin producing pancreatic β-cells. One of the genes associated with T1D is TYK2, which encodes a Janus kinase with critical roles in type-Ι interferon (IFN-Ι) mediated intracellular signalling. To study the role of TYK2 in β-cell development and response to IFNα, we generated TYK2 knockout human iPSCs and directed

Exploring Transnational LGBT+ Solidarities across the Norwegian-Russian Border: the Case of Barents Pride

This paper explores the case of Barents Pride, an event organized collaboratively byRussian and Norwegian LGBT+ activists located close to the Norwegian–Russian border. The idea of the Pride is to bring LGBT+ people and activists from Russia, where state pressure limits possibilities of organizing prides, to Norway and to express solidarity across borders. We use this case to investigate pitfalls

Thriving or surviving? How the physical work setting at home was experienced globally during COVID-19

One of the most prominent and widely adopted COVID-19 countermeasures globally was the recommendation to work from home for all non-essential workers. Working from home (WFH) already entails many challenges, including difficulties in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, the COVID-19 enforced remote working differed from planned remote work, as it was unplanned and involuntary, not ba

Bench to bedside : Mechanisms and consequences of alcohol-altered host defenses

This article presents the proceedings of a symposium presented at the 2004 ISBRA meeting in Mannheim, Germany, October 1, 2004. The organizers and chairpersons were Joseph H. Sisson, MD, and Claudia Spies, MD. The presentations were as follows: "Alcohol: Impact on Mucociliary Clearance"; "Alcohol and Alveolar Epithelial Dysfunction"; "The Reluctant Neutrophil in Lung Bacterial Host Defense During

Tissue response curve shape analysis of dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI in patients with brain tumor

Dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) MRI is used to study the signal intensity time course (tissue response curve) after D-glucose injection. D-glucose has potential as a biodegradable alternative or complement to gadolinium-based contrast agents, with DGE being comparable to dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI. However, the tissue uptake kinetics as well as the detection methods of DGE differ from DCE,

Perforated gastric ulcer

A retrospective study is presented of 297 patients operated upon for perforated benign gastric ulcer in Denmark from 1975 to 1984. Male: female ratio was 0.9:1, mean age 64.2 years. The numbers of gastric and prepyloric perforations were almost equal (156:141), but gastric perforations were more frequent in elderly women and prepyloric perforations in younger men. Simple closure was performed in 8

Structural basis for HflXr-mediated antibiotic resistance in Listeria monocytogenes

HflX is a ubiquitous bacterial GTPase that splits and recycles stressed ribosomes. In addition to HflX, Listeria monocytogenes contains a second HflX homolog, HflXr. Unlike HflX, HflXr confers resistance to macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics by an experimentally unexplored mechanism. Here, we have determined cryo-EM structures of L. monocytogenes HflXr-50S and HflX-50S complexes as well as L. m

Non-career firefighters in rural areas - Exploring aspects contributing to retention

Det övergripande syftet med denna licentiatavhandling är att öka kunskapen kring vad som påverkar att jobba som en brandman vars huvudsakliga sysselsättning är utanför räddningstjänsten (exempelvis frivilliga brandmän eller deltidsbrandmän) för att förstå hur utmaningar och engagemang påverkar beslutet att fortsätta vara verksam. Bibehållandet av dessa brandmän är en välkänd utmaning i många ländeThe overarching aim of this licentiate thesis is to increase knowledge about the implications of working as a non-career firefighter in order to understand how challenges and commitment affect retention. Retention of non-career firefighters (for example volunteer or part-time firefighters) is a well-known, multifaceted challenge in several countries. These non-career firefighters account for the m

Epitope specificity and isotype of monoclonal anti-D antibodies dictate their ability to inhibit phagocytosis of opsonized platelets

Rh immune globulin (WinRho SDF; Cangene, Mississauga, ON, Canada) is an effective treatment for autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura; however, maintaining a sustained supply for its use in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura and its primary indication, hemolytic disease of the newborn, makes the development of alternative reagents desirable. We compared Rh immune globulin and 6 human monoclonal ant

High Disease Activity over Time and Persistent Inflammation Are Associated with Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Background/Purpose:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular (CV) disease. Systemic inflammation has been implicated as a key factor behind CV comorbidity in RA. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of disease activity and inflammation over the first two years on the risk of subsequent CV events in patients with early RA.Methods:An incept

Ventilation och innemiljö i moderna småhus – Mätningar och analys

En studie som kartlägger innemiljön i svenska småhus har länge behövts, speciellt för nyare småhus. Tack vare våra finansiärer blev det möjligt. Ett stort tack till PVF och Formas. Ett tack riktas också till de företagsrepresentanter som har fungerat som referensgrupp och deltagit på PVF:s möten och kommit med idéer och synpunkter på projektet. Ett tack går också till alla media som har hjälpt til

Self-Perceived Competence of Ambulance Nurses in the Care of Patients with Mental Illness : A Questionnaire Survey

Ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care must assess, treat, and triage patients with mental health issues. This study aimed to investigate the self-perceived competence of ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care of patients with mental illness. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was done, a question-index value (Q-IV; range: 0-1.0) was defined as a summary of the proportion of po

Criminal Law

The book contains a summary presentation of the Swedish legal system, written by leading Swedish experts in their respective legal fields. It is intended to be used by foreign law students participating in introductory courses in Swedish law, foreign legal professionals looking for fundamental information about the Swedish approach to a particular legal problem and Swedish lawyers when communicati

Physiotherapists' knowledge of and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines and recommendations for ankle sprains management : a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is a common and burdensome injury. However, the quality of its management is scant. Nowadays, physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal diseases seems to be generally not based on research evidence. Studies that investigated the knowledge-to-practice gap in LAS management are yet to be carried out. Therefore, this research investigated physiotherapists' kno