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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

Catch Me if You Can : Streptococcus pyogenes Complement Evasion Strategies

The human host has evolved elaborate protection mechanisms to prevent infection from the billions of microorganisms to which it host is exposed and is home. One of these systems, complement, is an evolutionary ancient arm of innate immunity essential for combatting bacterial infection. Complement permits the efficient labelling of bacteria with opsonins, supports phagocytosis, and facilitates phag

Data quality quantification for time domain IP data acquired at a former waste deposit in Lund

Tests were done measuring resistivity and time domain induced polarisation using standard multi-core cable spreads and a special layout with separate cable spreads for transmitting current and measuring potentials. For both types of cables spreads both normal and reciprocal measurements were done in order to estimate the measurement errors. The tests were done on a former landfill in Lund in Swede

Safavid Cousins on the Verge of Extinction : Dynastic Centralization in Central Asia and the Bahrāmī Collateral Line (1517-1593)

The Bahrāmī Safavids, a relatively unknown collateral branch of the Safavid dynasty, active in Iran from 1517 to 1593, played a crucial role in dynastic developments in Safavid Iran. This essay examines the dynastic developments of the Safavid rulers and their contemporaries to argue that they embarked on a process of dynastic centralization, presenting themselves increasingly as the only holder

Climate Science for Policy? The knowledge politics of the IPCC after Copenhagen

Klimatförändringarna kommer att påverka ekosystem och samhällen över hela världen. Det är ett problem som kräver drastiska och omedelbara förändringar av vårt sätt att leva och av våra samhällsstrukturer, och därmed politiskt engagemang av aldrig tidigare skådat slag. Under de senaste 30 åren, sedan bildandet av Förenta Nationernas ramkonvention om klimatförändringar (Klimatkonventionen; UNFCCC) åThe rise of climate change as an issue of global concern has rested on scientific representation and understanding of the causes and impacts of, and responses to climatic change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in particular, has been central to how climate change has become known as a global political problem. This thesis aims to critically examine the production, negotiatio

A ceramic bone substitute containing gentamicin gives good outcome in trochanteric hip fractures treated with dynamic hip screw and in revision of total hip arthroplasty : A case series

BACKGROUND: The primary objective was to investigate the clinical and radiological outcome in patients undergoing major hip surgery using a novel antibiotic containing bone substitute for local augmentation in trochanteric fracture fixation or revision of total hip arthroplasty (THA).METHODS: We implanted a novel biphasic bone substitute CERAMENT™|G consisting of hydroxyapatite, calcium sulphate a

Thermochemistry of metallic alkyls : Part 7. - The heat of formation of mercury diphenyl, and of mercury phenyl chloride

The heat of reaction of mercury diphenyl with hydrogen chloride in benzene solvent has been measured at 25°C. The heat of reaction of mercury diphenyl with mercuric chloride in methanol solvent has also been measured. From these heats of reaction, the heat of formation of mercury diphenyl has been derived: ΔHf° (Hgφ2, cryst.) = 65.4 ± 2 kcal/mole. Previous data on the heats of reaction of mercury

Cancer incidence after cholecystectomy - A cohort study with 30 years follow-up

Cholecystectomy has been connected with an increase in colorectal, breast and reproductive system cancers. On 472 patients, 398 women and 74 men, cholecystectomized during the years 1951 to 1955, cancer incidence was investigated. Our results show an elevated risk of breast cancer in the female group (P = 0.016), but no significant increased risk in colorectal or gynaecologic cancer. The risk for

Institutional Risk

The concept of institutional risk is defined as the risk that the regulator will not meet its organizational and policy objectives. The counterpart of institutional risk is societal risk, that is, the risks in society that regulators are entrusted to manage. In recent decades risk management has for various reasons become an attractive solution for societal regulation on all levels. Despite this s

Immunity or Community? : Security in the European Union

This chapter sets out the argument that the securitization of the EU, in particular through the development of the area of freedom, security and justice, has transformed the EU project, and moved it away from a logic of community to a logical of immunity. These concepts of ‘community’ (communitas) and ‘immunity’ (immunitas) are derived from the writing of the Italian philosopher, Roberto Esposito.

Compton scattering from the deuteron above pion-production threshold

The electromagnetic polarizabilities of the nucleon are fundamental nucleon-structure observables that characterize its response to external electromagnetic fields. The neutron polarizabilities can be accessed from Compton-scattering data on light nuclear targets. Recent measurements of the differential cross section for Compton scattering on the deuteron below the pion-production threshold have d

Hen. Bakgrund, attityder och användande

År 2015 infördes det könsneutrala pronomenet hen i Svenska akademins ordlista efter en känslomässig allmän debatt om ordet, dess innebörd och möjliga konsekvenser. Hösten 2015 genomförde vi en större enkätundersökning som besvarades av 1308 personer registrerade i Enkätfabrikens deltagarpanel. Enkäten presenterades som en studie om attityder i aktuella frågor, till exempel attityder till jämställd

Relative survival in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia

IntroductionThe understanding of survival in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) is limited, as well as the impact of these diagnoses in an ageing co-morbid population.MethodsA retrospective study of 177 patients who received a DLB or PDD diagnosis between 1997–2014 at the Memory Clinic in Malmö, Sweden. Relative survival was evaluated by adjusting all-cause surv

Climate information preserved in seasonal water isotope at NEEM : Relationships with temperature, circulation and sea ice

Analyzing seasonally resolved δ18O ice core data can aid the interpretation of the climate information in ice cores, also providing insights into factors governing the δ18O signal that cannot be deciphered by investigating the annual δ18O data only. However, the seasonal isotope signal has not yet been investigated in northern Greenland, e.g., at the NEEM (North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling) ice

Specific Cation Effects on SCN in Bulk Solution and at the Air−Water Interface

The large and sparsely hydrated thiocyanate anion, SCN–, plays a prominent role in the study of specific ion effects in biological, colloid, and atmospheric chemistry due to its extreme position in the Hofmeister series. Using atomistic modeling of aqueous SCN– solutions, we provide novel insight at the molecular scale into the experimentally observed differences in ion pairing, clustering, reorie

No title

On 21 April 2018 Dutch government sent a reaction on the 2017 evaluations of the gift deduction and the charity rules to Dutch Parliament. Starting point of the reaction is that the gift deduction and the charity rules will be continued. However, government wants to improve the workability and enforceability. This article discusses the most important suggestions for changes of the government and t

Microspectroscopy (μFTIR) reveals co-localization of lipid oxidation and amyloid plaques in human Alzheimer disease brains

Amyloid peptides are the main component of one of the characteristic pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD): senile plaques. According to the amyloid cascade hypothesis, amyloid peptides may play a central role in the sequence of events that leads to neurodegeneration. However, there are other factors, such as oxidative stress, that may be crucial for the development of the disease. In

Psychometric evaluation of the Texas revised inventory of grief in a sample of bereaved family caregivers

The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG) was developed to measure the intensity of grief after the death of a close person. It consists of two scales: TRIG I (past behaviors) and TRIG II (present feelings). Because of inconsistencies in previous validations, the instrument needs to be further validated, hence the aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the TRIG in a sam