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FALF 2018. Arbetet – problem eller potential för en hållbar livsmiljö?: Kustnära yrkesfiske i omvandling : Sessionen Fysiskt arbetsliv
En eftermiddag i juli 2011 besökte jag yrkesfiskaren Nils i hamnen. Vi talade länge om hur han kommit att börja med yrkesfiske och om hans dröm som nyligen blivit verklighet, att sälja fångsten från en egen fiskvagn i hamnen. Han hade även många idéer om hur fisket kunde utvecklas samtidigt som framtidsbilden var dystopisk. I en ekonomi där yrkesfisket har minskat med åttio procent på nittio år, m
Sex Work as a choice. Male Sex Workers in Sweden
The research aims at mapping and analysing the phenomenon of male sex workers (specifically men that sell sex to other men, M$M) in Italy and Sweden. If female sex work has been studied from different scholars worldwide, a lack of attention exists on the male side of the phenomenon. This gap in the academic literature mirrors a more general ‘invisibility’ of the issue also in other domains - polit
Läkare: Sjukt att uppmuntra vuxna att cykla utan hjälm
Emergency physician Ardavan Khoshnood reacts strongly to Lorentz Tovatts (MP) statement that there are reasons for adults not to use bicycle helmets.
Foreign Direct Investment, Source Country Heterogeneity and Management Practices
This paper examines whether and, if so, why source country heterogeneity exists in foreign direct investment. Using detailed Swedish matched employer-employee data for the period from 1996 to 2009, we find statistical evidence that affiliate performance differs systematically across source countries. We then show that differences in foreign multinational enterprises’ global management practices (e
BMI Is a Potential Confounder of Postpartum Relaxin-2 and Short-Term Left Ventricular Function Following Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
Housing in the RiverCity : Rethinking Place and Process
On the banks of the Göta River, the city of Gothenburg is undergoing a transformation that characterizes many urban waterfronts today, as shipping, fishing, and naval uses are replaced by a high demand for new housing. What is unique to Gothenburg is its vision of a RiverCity that is diverse, environmentally sound, and vibrant. It is imperative, however, to take stock of the successes and failures
Sverige inför rätta - Kontrollen av medlemsstaterna i Europeiska unionen
Global real interest rate dynamics from the late 19th century to today
There is a long-standing economic debate to what extent interest rates are determined by domestic versus international forces. Using a time series factor model, we estimate two common global factors for the short-term real interest rate for a panel of 17 advanced economies from 1871 to 2013. Our analysis shows that more than 50% of the variation in national real interest rates can be explained by
Commentary: Why U.S. sanctions won’t change Iran’s foreign policy
Paradigm Found? Immanent Critique to Tackle Interdisciplinarity and Normativity in Science for Sustainable Development
The ambition of this two-part article is to argue for immanent critique as a research strategy in sustainability studies. We do this by picking up and developing two central, cross-cutting themes in sustainability research, namely interdisciplinarity and normativity. It is widely suggested that the problem-driven and solution-focused orientation in sustainability studies necessitates interdiscipli
Genome-wide meta-analysis of 158,000 individuals of European ancestry identifies three loci associated with chronic back pain
Back pain is the #1 cause of years lived with disability worldwide, yet surprisingly little is known regarding the biology underlying this symptom. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis of chronic back pain (CBP). Adults of European ancestry were included from 15 cohorts in the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium, and from th
Gender differences in early systemic sclerosis patients : a report from the EULAR scleroderma trials and research group (EUSTAR) database
METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis of the prospective EULAR Scleroderma Trial and Research database (EUSTAR) was performed. Patients fulfilling preliminary ACR 1980 classification criteria for SSc, with less than 3 years from the first non-Raynaud's symptom at first entry, were selected. A group of patients with less than 3 years from the first SSc symptom, including Raynaud's phenomenon, was als
The Conquistador and the Phoenix : the Franco-Spanish Precedence Dispute (1564-1610) as a Battle of Kingship
Being Nassau : Nassau family histories and Dutch national discourse from 1541 to 1616
William I of Nassau, Prince of Orange, and his sons Maurice and Frederick Henry were seen in their own time as the protectors of the new Dutch nation. As such, they play a significant role in the formation of a Dutch national identity. This essay addresses the question in what measure this sentiment was returned: did the Nassaus feel Dutch? An analysis of dynastic arguments used in the Apology (15
Implementing a salutogenic treatment model in a clinical setting of emergency child and adolescent psychiatry in Sweden
Problem: Emergency care in child and adolescent psychiatry often lacks a coherent treatment model. This study reports on the development and implementation of a salutogenic treatment model at the Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Emergency Unit in Malmö, Sweden. Methods: The development and implementation involved all staff categories and was guided by a recognized authority on salutogenesis. Gen
Operation and performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter in Run 1
The Tile Calorimeter is the hadron calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Approximately 10,000 photomultipliers collect light from scintillating tiles acting as the active material sandwiched between slabs of steel absorber. This paper gives an overview of the calorimeter’s performance during the years 2008–2012 using cosmic-ray muon events an
Heat release and flame spread assessment of insulation in External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) facades
External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) represent a popular modern facade for reducing energy consumption, particularly in retrofit applications. Insulation - typically in the form of either EPS (expanded polystyrene) or mineral wool - is applied to the exterior of buildings using mortar adhesive, and then coated with a final layer of sand-cement render and glass fibre reinforcement.
The molecular clutch model for mechanotransduction evolves
Many biological processes are influenced by the mechanical rigidity of surrounding tissues. Now, a combination of experiments and mathematical modelling has been used to describe the precise molecular and physical mechanism by which cells sense and respond to the mechanical properties of their extracellular environment through integrin-based adhesions.
A multicenter evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of a 0h/1h protocol in the assessment of emergency department chest pain patients.
BackgroundIn emergency department (ED) chest pain patients, the European Society of Cardiology recommends the use of a 0h/1h high-sensitivity cardiac Troponin (hs-cTn) protocol. However, the recommendation is based on observational studies and the effects of the protocol when implemented in routine care is unknown. The aim of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of the ESC 0h/1h