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European society of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases guidelines for antimicrobial stewardship in emergency departments (endorsed by European association of hospital pharmacists)

Scope: This European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases guideline provides evidence-based recommendations to support a selection of appropriate antibiotic use practices for patients seen in the emergency department (ED) and guidance for their implementation. The topics addressed in this guideline are (a) Do biomarkers or rapid pathogen tests improve antibiotic prescribing and

Iohexol plasma clearance measurement protocol standardization for adults : a consensus paper of the European Kidney Function Consortium

International consensus supports the development of standardized protocols for measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR) to facilitate the integration of mGFR testing in both clinical and research settings. To this end, the European Kidney Function Consortium convened an international group of experts with relevant experience in mGFR. The working group performed an extensive literature search to

Att definiera antisemitismen i skuggan av Palestina

Ur ett forskarperspektiv förankrat i en bred tradition av kritisk teori framstår det inte som eftersträvansvärt att hitta ”rätt” definition av antisemitism. Precis som vi inte har några en gång för alla fastslagna definitioner av rasism, homofobi, sexism eller något annat måste vi förstå även antisemitismen som ett socialt och historiskt fenomen som ständigt befinner sig i rörelse och under omförh

The International Anticorruption Agenda, Legal Culture, and Business Environment in Uzbekistan

This chapter aims to examine the impact of the international anticorruption agenda on the business and investment climate and legal culture in Uzbekistan. In undertaking this task, I specifically emphasise the daily life of anticorruption laws, policies, and agencies in Uzbekistan in order to understand how domestic institutions and actors perceive, interpret, negotiate, and challenge global antic

Effectiveness and Acceptability of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy for Gaming Disorder : Protocol for a Nonrandomized Intervention Study of a Novel Psychological Treatment

Background: Gaming disorder (GD) is a new official diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision, and with its recognition, the need to offer treatment for the condition has become apparent. More knowledge is needed about the type of treatment needed for this group of patients. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of a novel module-b

Comparison of elements and state-variable transfer methods for quasi-incompressible material behaviour in the particle finite element method

The Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) is attractive for the simulation of large deformation problems, e.g. in free-surface fluid flows, fluid–structure interaction and in solid mechanics for geotechnical engineering and production processes. During cutting, forming or melting of metal, quasi-incompressible material behaviour is often considered. To circumvent the associated volumetric locking

Recommendations for Deprescribing of Medication in the Last Phase of Life : An International Delphi Study

Context: Medications may become inappropriate for patients in the last phase of life and may even compromise their quality of life. Objective: To find consensus on recommendations regarding deprescribing of medications for adult patients with a life expectancy of six months or less. Methods: Experts working in palliative care or other relevant disciplines were asked to participate in this internat

Sport-Related Concussion: Neuroimaging, Biomarker, Vestibular and Neuropsychological Studies

A sport-related concussion (SRC) is caused by a force transmitted to the brain during sports, and may lead to long-term disabilities and neurodegeneration. The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms causing persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS) lasting beyond the normal four-week period, have not been established. The aim of this thesis was to investigate mechanisms of persistent symptoms i

De mest sårbara

Många flickor som skrivs in på Bup akut berättar att de någon gång blivit utsatta för ett sexuellt övergrepp. Dessa patienter är bland de mest utsatta. De har ofta en psykisk samsjuklighet och ett vacklande socialt sammanhang, faktorer som bidrar till deras sårbarhet. Skribenten har 20 års erfarenheter från Bup akut i Malmö. (1 kommentar)

Forskning eller familj – hur påverkas den vetenskapliga produktiviteten av att bli förälder?

Obalansen mellan könen inom forskningen anses vara ett problem av många skäl, inte minst för att kvinnors talang inom forskning inte utnyttjas fullt ut. Den politiska styrningen har de senaste decennierna därför riktats mot att öka andelen kvinnliga professorer genom könsbalansmål för befordringar. Det finns goda skäl att tro att vad som händer i början av den akademiska karriären spelar roll för

NGOisation and food sovereignty : unearthing the intricacies of NGO-driven food sovereignty efforts. Insights from Uganda

In many places, social movements and organised networks are the primary drivers of mobilisation for food sovereignty. Elsewhere, the concept has been institutionalized and incorporated into national food policy frameworks. However, there is a dearth of knowledge regarding places where food sovereignty efforts are spearheaded by NGOised civil society. This study addresses this gap by examining five