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Your search for "*" yielded 533487 hits

Constraining the pressure threshold of impact induced calcite twinning : Implications for the deformation history of aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies

Calcite twinning in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites can be used to reconstruct the deformation history and the parent body environment during and/or after aqueous alteration, but the shock pressure threshold at which the twins develop is unknown. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to determine the magnitude of shock pressure that is needed to generate calcite twins. This was done by measuring

A standardized crisis management model for self-harming and suicidal individuals with three or more diagnostic criteria of borderline personality disorder: The Brief Admission Skåne randomized controlled trial protocol (BASRCT) : Study Protocol

Background: Brief Admission is a crisis and risk management strategy in which self-harming and suicidal individuals with three or more diagnostic criteria of borderline personality disorder self-admit to hospital at times of increasing risk when other efforts to stay safe are failing. Standardized in the current randomized controlled trial, the intensity of Brief Admission Skåne is implemented in

Academic knowledge and economic growth : Are scientific fields all alike?

The article elaborates and tests the hypothesis that there are different types of aca demic knowledge that exert different effects on economic growth. Knowledge items differ with respect to the specificities of both their generation and exploitation pro cesses. Building upon these bases, the article articulates the crucial distinction between knowledge as a capital good, necessary to produce all t

Deblending seismic data by directionality penalties

In conventional seismic surveys, there is a waiting time between sequentially fired shots. This time is determined such that the deepest reflection of interest is recorded before the following source is fired. In a survey with simultaneous or blended sources, the waiting time between the firing of shots is not dependent on the deepest reflection of interest, it is usually much shorter and/or can h

Azimuthally Differential Pion Femtoscopy in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN =2.76 TeV

We present the first azimuthally differential measurements of the pion source size relative to the second harmonic event plane in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon pair of sNN=2.76 TeV. The measurements have been performed in the centrality range 0%-50% and for pion pair transverse momenta 0.2

Dementia behaviour management programme at home : impact of a palliative care approach on care managers and professional caregivers of home care services

Objectives: Care managers and professional caregivers of home care services are sometimes unaware of the psychosocial approaches to the challenging behaviour of dementia. Therefore, we developed a Behaviour Analytics & Support Enhancement (BASE) programme. We investigated the effects of the programme on the attitudes towards dementia care among professionals. Method: Forty-six participants in

Numerical solution of a multi-class model for batch settling in water resource recovery facilities

In Torfs et al. (2017) a new unified framework to model settling tanks in water resource recovery facilities was proposed providing a set of partial differential equations (PDEs) modelling different settling unit processes in wastewater treatment such as primary and secondary settling tanks (PSTs and SSTs). The extension to a multi-class framework to deal with the distributed properties of the set

Katolska prästcelibatet i skottgluggen

De protestantiska kyrkorna liksom kyrkorna i Östeuropa uppmuntrar präster att ingå äktenskap. Att den katolska kyrkan håller fast vid celibatet har en disciplinär funktion. I artikeln ges historiska perspektiv på prästcelibatet, kritiken mot detta och motiven för dess bibehållande.

Modelling pulmonary microthrombosis coupled to metastasis : Distinct effects of thrombogenesis on tumorigenesis

Thrombosis can cause localized ischemia and tissue hypoxia, and both of these are linked to cancer metastasis. Vascular microocclusion can occur as a result of arrest of circulating tumour cells in small capillaries, giving rise to microthrombotic events that affect flow, creating localized hypoxic regions. To better understand the association between metastasis and thrombotic events, we generated

A Clash of Disciplines? : Economists and Historians Approaching the African Past

This review article examines the differences in the approaches taken by economists and historians when interpreting social and economic change in the African past. It is argued that it is a mistake to assume that one discipline has supremacy over the other, let alone monopoly, when it comes to evaluating historical causes of African poverty. One of the shortcomings of the ‘New African Economic His

Behavior discrimination using a discrete wavelet based approach for feature extraction on local field potentials in the cortex and striatum

Linkage between behavioral states and neural activity is one of the most important challenges in neuroscience. The network activity patterns in the awake resting state and in the actively behaving state in rodents are not well understood, and a better tool for differentiating these states can provide insights on healthy brain functions and its alteration with disease. Therefore, we simultaneously

Performance of the ATLAS trigger system in 2015

During 2015 the ATLAS experiment recorded 3.8fb-1 of proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV. The ATLAS trigger system is a crucial component of the experiment, responsible for selecting events of interest at a recording rate of approximately 1 kHz from up to 40 MHz of collisions. This paper presents a short overview of the changes to the trigger and data acquisition syste

Proposals for the establishment of national diagnostic reference levels for radiography for adult patients based on regional dose surveys in Russian Federation

In 2009-2014, dose surveys aimed to collect adult patient data and parameters of most common radiographic examinations were performed in six Russian regions. Typical patient doses were estimated for the selected examinations both in entrance surface dose and in effective dose. 75%-percentiles of typical patient effective dose distributions were proposed as preliminary regional diagnostic reference