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Your search for "*" yielded 530603 hits

Correlation of Professional Antigen-Presenting Tbet+CD11c+ B Cells With Bone Destruction in Untreated Rheumatoid Arthritis

Objective: Subsets of CD21−/low memory B cells (MBCs), including double-negative (DN, CD27−IgD−) and Tbet+CD11c+ cells, are expanded in chronic inflammatory diseases. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), CD21−/low MBCs correlate with joint destruction. However, whether this is due to the Tbet+CD11c+ subset, its function and pathogenic contribution to RA are unknown. This study aims to investigate the ass

Out of Office: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Swedish Party Leaders' Use of Personalization on Instagram

Denna studie utforskar användningen av personalisering på sociala medier av svenska politiker och vilken påverkan det har mätt på engagemang. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av data från Instagram-kontona av tre framstående svenska partiledare—Ulf Kristersson, Magdalena Andersson och Jimmie Åkesson—samlad över en tvåårsperiod (2021-2023), med ett urval på 1 287 inlägg. StudienThis study explores the use of personalization on social media by Swedish politicians and its correlation with engagement levels. A quantitative content analysis was conducted using data from the Instagram accounts of three prominent Swedish party leaders—Ulf Kristersson, Magdalena Andersson, and Jimmie Åkesson—collected over a two-year period (2021-2023), with a sample size of 1,287 posts. The st

Handwriting in primary school : comparing standardized tests and evaluating impact of grapho-motor parameters

A growing number of primary school students experience difficulties with grapho-motor skills involved in handwriting, which impact both form and content of their texts. Therefore, it is important to assess and monitor handwriting skills in primary school via standardized tests and detect specific grapho-motor parameters (GMPs) which impact handwriting legibility. Multiple standardized tools are av

The reading practices of people with neuropsychiatric disabilities : A review of library and information science literature

Introduction. The ability to read and interpret different types of text can be significantly impacted by neuropsychiatric disabilities, which affect cognitive abilities. This paper explores and reviews previous studies within library and information science on neuropsychiatric disabilities in relation to reading practices. Method. Searches were performed in LISA and LISTA to identify research on rIntroduction. The ability to read and interpret different types of text can be significantly impacted by neuropsychiatric disabilities, which affect cognitive abilities. This paper explores and reviews previous studies within library and information science on neuropsychiatric disabilities in relation to reading practices. Method. Searches were performed in LISA and LISTA to identify research on r

Retrospective review of risk factors for surgical wound dehiscence and incisional hernia

Background: Several factors and patient characteristics influence the risk of surgical wound dehiscence and incisional hernia after midline laparotomy. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a specified, or not specified, suture quota in the operative report affects the incidence of surgical wound complications and to describe the previously known risk factors for these complications

Spår från barndomen En studie om unga vuxnas anknytning och betydelsen av närvarande fäder

Denna studie har som mål att undersöka anknytningsmönster hos unga vuxna i relation till närvaron av fäder. För att skapa en förståelse för hur fäders närvaro under barndomen påverkar anknytningen genomfördes en enkät konstruerad specifikt för studiens ändamål. Totalt deltog 152 personer i åldern 18 till 35 år. Enkäten bestod av två huvuddelar; den första delen inkluderade 12 skattningsfrågor som This study aims to examine young adults' attachment patterns in relation to the presence of fathers. In order to create an understanding of how a father's presence during childhood affects young adults' attachment, a survey was constructed for the purpose of the survey. The survey had 152 participants who were between 18 and 35 years old. The questionnaire consisted of two main parts;

När jämställdheten utmanar: Maskulinitetshot, incelkaraktäristiska drag och dess konsekvenser

Denna studie utforskar de potentiella hoten mot maskulinitet som uppfattas i samhällen med hög könsjämlikhet och undersöker om sådana hot kan kopplas till en ökning av incel (ofrivilligt celibat) karaktärsdrag bland den manliga befolkningen. Forskningen använder en kvantitativ metod med två experimentella villkor: ett med en hög jämställdhet och ett med en låg jämställdhet, som skildrar kontrasterThis study explores the potential threats to masculinity perceived in societies with a high gender equality and examines whether such threat can be linked to an increase in involuntary celibate (incel) traits among the male population in. The research employs a quantitative methodology with two experimental conditions: one featuring a high equal scenario and another a low equal scenario, depicting

Assessing Data Quality in Image Recognition Datasets of Swedish Financial Reports

A great amount of financial statements of Swedish companies are registered with the Swedish companies registration office, Bolagsverket, as paper copies. These copies are then scanned and made available to the public as image-PDFs, meaning the financial information contained in them is not digitised and therefore not easily processed in an automated manner. Being able to do so, is valuable however

I liminalitetens skugga - kvinnors resa in, genom och ut ur prostitution

The law regarding sexwork in Sweden was enforced in 1999, where sexwork is lawful but buying sex is not. Due to the fact that the law is grounded on a radical feminist standpoint, it has led sexworkers to societally be seen as victims of diverse forms of violence, including sexual and has led sexworkers to find themselves in difficult situations. This thesis focuses on the different life stages pr

From the Field to the Firm: The impact of an individual- and team sports background on decision-making in new ventures

Sports have been shown to influence and shape humans in many ways. However, how sports background influences decision-making in early stage entrepreneurial ventures has not been examined closely. Hence, this thesis addressed this gap and explored how sports backgrounds influence decision-making in early-stage ventures. More specifically, it delved into how experience as an elite team sports athlet

Exploring the influence of sustainable entrepreneurship education on sustainable opportunity recognition.

This study explores the influence of sustainable entrepreneurship education (SEE) on the ability to recognize sustainable business opportunities. Using a series of semi-structured qualitative interviews, data was collected from participants in a SEE program at Lund University. The findings reveal that SEE enhances the ability of students to identify and evaluate sustainable business opportunities

What are the key factors influencing business decisions to reintegrate environmental sustainability objectives in startups?

This thesis investigates the key factors influencing startup decisions to reintegrate environmental sustainability objectives (ESO). By adopting an inductive and deductive qualitative approach the study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate the decisionmaking of five startups that have undergone ESO reintegration. The findings lead to the establishment of a theoretic framework by identify

Elite athletes becoming entrepreneurs: An entrepreneurial decision process model

Elite athletes in entrepreneurship is an emergent field of research with scholars showing advantageous entrepreneurial traits in the athletes and a good job-fit between athletes and entrepreneurship. However, current literature presents a fragmented view, often examining characteristics in isolation, and failing to show the process of how elite athletes become entrepreneurs. Hence, this study seek

Influencers - var suddas gränsen ut mellan reklaminnehåll och genuina rekommendationer? Trovärdigheten för influencers

Titel: Influencers - var suddas gränsen ut mellan reklaminnehåll och genuina rekommendationer?, Trovärdigheten för influencers Universitet: Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg Ämne/kurs: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management, SEMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen VT 2024, 15 HP. Författare: Hanna Friis & Selma Holst Handledare: Christian Fuentes

Skönhetsideal och trender på sociala medier

I dagens konsumtionssamhälle präglas konsumenter ständigt av olika trender och skönhetsideal som sprids och förmedlas på sociala medier samt som anses viktiga för vissa konsumenter att följa. Influencers har i takt med detta blivit de nya opinionsledarna som förmedlar trender och skönhetsideal som förväntas följa för att passa in i samhällets normer. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur företag

How has the spatial distribution of mangroves changed in Busuanga municipality from 2020 to 2024?

Mangrove forests are highly productive and vital ecosystems within the tropical and subtropical latitudes. They are considered biodiversity hot spots and hosts ha vast variety of species, both terrestrial and marine, and they are also found to be one of the most productive carbon pools in the world. Mangroves additionally provide coastal communities with timber but also important shelter from tsun

Satellite remote sensing of agricultural land for monitoring of soil health

Favouring good soil health is pivotal for ensuring long term agricultural production by minimizing erosion, increasing soil carbon content, increasing the soil water holding capacity and decreasing the soil bulk density. Certain land management practices can disfavour factors for soil health and in-extent lead to soil degradation which can threaten food production and natural habitats. Soil organi

Ut ur mitt huvud!

Denna teoretiska essä undersöker hur den strukturella och subjektiva relationen till mildare former av ’psykisk ohälsa’ kännetecknade för senmoderniteten är betingad en ökad rationalisering. Analysen utgår huvudsakligen från Hartmut Rosas teorier om modernitet och Nikolas Rose teorier om psykiatrins spridning. Psykiatrins växande omfång och attraktionskraft tolkas genom flera teoretiska begrepp, sThis theoretical essay explores how the structural and subjective relationship to milder forms of ‘mental illness’ characteristic of late modernity is conditioned by rationalization. This analysis is mainly operated through Hartmut Rosa's theories on modernity and Nikolas Roses's theory on psychiatrization. The essay interprets the growing prominence and appeal of psychiatry through severa