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Den okunnige läromästaren och filmens tredje behov : Jan Bark och den subversiva kulturpedagogiken
Presentation of the pedagogical ideas and practice of Swedish filmmaker and composer Jan Bark (1934 - 2012).
Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy in Europe : Results From the ERA-EDTA Registry
Rationale & Objective: Data for outcomes of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) are limited. We examined the incidence and prevalence of ESRD due to scleroderma in Europe and the outcomes among these patients following initiation of RRT. Study Design: Registry study of incidence and prevalence and
Nearby Hills ejecta as a probe of the gravitational potential of the Milky Way
Stars ejected from the Galactic Center can be used to place important constraints on the Milky Way potential. We have used Hills stars to constrain models for the Galactic potential, demonstrating that meaningful constraint can be obtained if we have samples of around 50 nearby Hills stars.
Focal Adhesion Isolation Assay Using ECM-Coated Magnetic Beads
Focal adhesions are force sensitive structures that dynamically alter their composition, protein-protein interactions, and signaling in response to external mechanical stimuli. These dynamic changes are critical for focal adhesion function and are required for cellular mechanosensing. Here, we describe a simple protocol that allows for isolation of the focal adhesion complex from adherent cells in
Relationship between precipitation and 10Be and impacts on soil dynamics
Meteoric beryllium-10 (10Be) is commonly used as a proxy of landscape dynamics (erosion and sedimentation rates) and soil development. Soil represents the first-stage reservoir of meteoric 10Be, and variability in the concentration of the isotope in soils may be affected by soil properties and atmospheric deposition. Although many investigations have targeted this issue, there are still problems i
Announcement : The International System for Reporting Lymph Node Cytopathology
Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytopathology (FNAC) of lymph nodes is a very common, inexpensive, and rapid diagnostic procedure and can lead to the accurate and timely diagnosis of one of the wide range of pathological processes that involve lymph nodes. These diagnoses include specific reactive processes, specific infections such as tuberculosis, metastatic carcinomas and melanomas, and some lymp
Low-cost exercise interventions improve long-term cardiometabolic health independently of a family history of type 2 diabetes : a randomized parallel group trial
INTRODUCTION: To investigate the effect of an exercise prescription and a 1-year supervised exercise intervention, and the modifying effect of the family history of type 2 diabetes (FH), on long-term cardiometabolic health.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: For this prospective randomized trial, we recruited non-diabetic participants with poor fitness (n=1072, 30-70 years). Participants were randomly as
Familial associations for Addison’s disease and between Addison’s disease and other autoimmune diseases
DESIGN: Addison disease (AD) is a rare autoimmune disease (AID) of the adrenal cortex, presenting as an isolated AD or part of autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes (APSs) 1 and 2. Although AD patients present with a number of AID co-morbidities, population-based family studies are scarce. We aimed to carry out an unbiased study on AD and related AIDs.METHODS: We collected data on patients diagnosed
Occupation-focused health promotion for well older people-A cost-effectiveness analysis
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate three occupational therapy interventions, focused on supporting continued engagement in occupation among older people, to determine which intervention was most cost effective, evaluated as the incremental cost/quality adjusted life year gained. Method: The study was based on an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Participants were 77-82 year
Johannes Widekindis diktning : En historiograf som versifikatör
Cultures in Conflict : Religion, History and Gender in Northern Europe c. 1800–2000
This book includes studies of main conflict areas in modern Western societies where religion has been a central element, ranging from popular movements and narratives of opposition to challenges of religious satire and anti-clerical critique. Special attention is given to matters of politics and gender. With this theme, it provides a useful guide to conflict areas in modern European religious hist
The Usefulness of Brief Family Health Conversations Offered to Families Following the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Currently, there are few studies which examine targeted family-focused support when a family member is diagnosed with breast cancer. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore families’ experiences of participating in a family nursing intervention identified as Brief Family Health Conversations (BFamHC) following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Semi-structured family interviews were conducted with
“#COVIDSchmovid! #SummerTreats” : The usage and functions of schm-reduplications in corona virus related discourse
The aim of this paper is to investigate the uses of schm-reduplications, also known as deprecative reduplications, in current corona virus related discourse. The investigation shows that schm-reduplications, such as covid schmovid, corona schmorona and pandemic schmandemic, are often used in a spirit-lifting function, to show that, despite all the threats and complications posed by the virus and n
Robust Terrain-Aided Navigation through Sensor Fusion
To make autonomous, affordable ships feasible in the real world, they must be capable of safely navigating without fully relying on GPS, high-resolution 3D maps, or high-performance navigation sensors. We suggest a method for estimating the position using affordable navigation sensors (compass and speed log or inertial navigation sensor), sensors used for perception of the environment (cameras, ec
Ledaren i det svenska civila samhället - En enkätstudie
Rapporten handlar om civilsamhällets ledare och bygger på en enkätundersökning som genomfördes under hösten 2017 med 140 ledare för nationella och regionala organisationer i det civila samhället i Sverige (N. 140). Syftet med rapporten är att ge en bred bild av dessa ledares positioner, de resurser de förfogar över, deras aktiviteter och inflytande, deras erfarenheter kring ledarskap och motiv til
Evaluation of a zone model for fire safety engineering in large spaces
Thanks to simple and straightforward calculation methods it is rather easy to estimate gas temperatures in small- or medium sized enclosures; however, the problem becomes more complex if fire safety analyses are to be performed in large spaces where the hot gas layer cannot be regarded as uniform. Using a multi-zone modelling concept could be a good alternative for such situations. However, few suThanks to simple and straightforward calculation methods it is rather easy to estimate gas temperatures in small- or medium sized enclosures; however, the problem becomes more complex if fire safety analyses are to be performed in large spaces where the hot gas layer cannot be regarded as uniform. Using a multi-zone modelling concept could be a good alternative for such situations. However, few su
Transport av stallgödsel – lärdomar från Nederländerna och Danmark
I det moderna lantbruket blir gårdarna allt större och mer specialiserade. En följd kan bli överskott av stallgödsel i områden med mycket djur, vilket ökar risken för näringsläckage. Samtidigt är stallgödsel en värdefull resurs som tillför näringsämnen till marken och gör den bördig. Skulle transporter av stallgödsel till områden med växtodling kunna bidra till att minska näringsläckaget i djurtät
4MOST Scientific Operations
The 4MOST instrument is a multi-object spectrograph that will address Galactic and extragalactic science cases simultaneously by observing targets from a large number of different surveys within each science exposure. This parallel mode of operation and the survey nature of 4MOST require some distinct 4MOST- specific operational features within the overall operations model of ESO. The main feature