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On starting up a social venture to increase the nutritional intake of slum children in Chennai, India.

Degraded towns and urban abandonment

One important element in the interaction between the natural and the human environment is the negative impact of the first on the latter when seen through the prism of urban destabilization. Within this scope, the issue of urban abandonment and disappearance holds an important place, the indirect cause of which are the specifics of local and regional natural subsystems. Small towns are especially

Kafka and the COVID-19 epidemic : Why the Sirens’ silence is more deadly than their song

Seeking to examine the implications of social distancing, isolation and the silencing of public spaces brought about by the COVID-19 epidemic, I offer an interpretation of Kafka’s short story ‘The Silence of the Sirens’ contrasting it to the Homeric original. In Homer’s story, Odysseus resists the temptation of the Sirens’ deadly song by having himself tied to the mast of his ship, while his oarsm

Five-factor personality inventories have a competence-related higher-order factor due to item phrasing

This research examines whether the items of some of the most well-established five-factor inventories refer to competence. Results reveal that both experts and laymen can distinguish between items that refer to how competently a behavior is performed and items that do not (Study 1). Responses to items that refer to competence create a higher-order factor in the personality inventories (Study 2), a

Low-dose in situ prelocation of protein microcrystals by 2D X-ray phase-contrast imaging for serial crystallography

Serial protein crystallography has emerged as a powerful method of data collection on small crystals from challenging targets, such as membrane proteins. Multiple microcrystals need to be located on large and often flat mounts while exposing them to an X-ray dose that is as low as possible. A crystal-prelocation method is demonstrated here using low-dose 2D full-field propagation-based X-ray phase

Review of flooding indices : Indices applicable for a Swedish context

Flood risk indices and methods (such as flood risk maps) can be used for long-term pro-active activities like urban planning to reduce flooding risk but also for short-term action such as issuing early warnings when hydro-meteorological conditions are expected to develop in a way that could lead to flooding. There are many different flood risk indices and methods used in the world and this study a

The Electoral Consequences of Nuclear Fallout: Evidence from Chernobyl

What are the political effects of a nuclear accident? Following the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, environmentalist parties were elected to parliaments in several nations. This paper uses Chernobyl as a natural experiment creating variation in radioactive fallout exposure over Sweden. I match municipality-level data on cesium ground contamination with election results for the anti-nuclear Green Party, w

Livslängddimensionering av träkonstruktioner : Utveckling av nytt verktyg

Trä som byggnadsmaterial används till allt från trädäck och möbler till broar och höghus. Enbart i Sverige används 5-6 miljoner m3 sågade barrträvaror årligen varav ungefär hälften används i byggtillämpningar [2]. Till bärande konstruktioner inom hus- och brobyggnad nyttjas framförallt gran och furu men för trädäck och träpanel finns det en uppsjö av olika träslag och behandlingar på marknaden. Vi

Phase Modulation Two-Photon Microscopy of Hybrid Halide Perovskite

Recently, intense research activities have been focused on solution-processed hybrid lead halide perovskite semiconductors which are being developed for the solar-cell, light emitting diode (LED), and lasing applications. To optimize and fabricate a competitive perovskite-based optoelectronic device, the fundamental studies of the electronic structure, photo-generated carrier dynamics as well as t

Mapping the natural distribution of bamboo and related carbon stocks in the tropics using google earth engine, phenological behavior, landsat 8, and sentinel-2

Although vegetation phenology thresholds have been developed for a wide range of mapping applications, their use for assessing the distribution of natural bamboo and the related carbon stocks is still limited, especially in Southeast Asia. Here, we used Google Earth Engine (GEE) to collect time-series of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 images and employed a phenology-based t

Study of Ξ-Hadron Correlations in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV Using the ALICE Detector

Att vatten övergår till ånga när man hettar upp det är ett välkänt fenomen, men även materia som bygger upp atomkärnor kommer att genomgå en fasövergång om den hettas upp tillräckligt mycket. Det som då bildas är ett kvark-gluonplasma (QGP), en exotisk form av materia där atomkärnans minsta beståndsdelar - kvarkar och gluoner - mer eller mindre rör sig fritt, vilket radikalt skiljer sig från vanliBy colliding heavy nuclei at high energies, which is done at RHIC and the LHC, a strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is created. This manifests itself through several different signatures, which until recently was thought to uniquely probe the QGP. Recently, however, similar signatures have been observed also in small systems, such as pp collisions with high charged-particle multiplicity

A conceptual framework for an integrated lignin biorefinery-petroleum refinery

Co-feeding of renewable feedstocks in general, and lignin streams in particular, in petroleum refineries is an attractive means of increasing the proportion of renewable fuel. Four separate units in an integrated refinery can be envisioned using lignin as a feedstock: the hydrotreater, the fluidised catalytic cracker, the hydrocracker and the slurry hydrotreater. A conceptual process design study,

Higher- And lower-order personality traits and cluster subtypes in social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can come in different forms, presenting problems for diagnostic classification. Here, we examined personality traits in a large sample of patients (N = 265) diagnosed with SAD in comparison to healthy controls (N = 164) by use of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP). In addition, we identified subtypes of SAD base