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Characterization of the response function of a Si(Li) detector using an absorber technique
The non-Gaussian response function of a Si(Li) detector has been measured for characteristic Kα X-rays in the energy interval 1.5-8.6 keV using an absorber technique. The method is based on the different response to an attenuating absorber placed in front of the detector for the detector tail as compared to fully absorbed photons in the same position in the spectrum. The shape of the tail of a Kα
Southern scandinavian aerosol composition and elemental size distribution characteristics dependence on air-mass history
The influence of aerosol long range transport in southern Sweden was investigated from a data base consisting of simultaneous cascade impactor measurements at three sampling stations, two coastal and one inland rural location. The study focused on S and heavy metals determined by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis. The influence of local emissions was minimized by eliminating samples
Let's make the 'digital turn' a 'narrative turn' : On the gap between two history disciplines and how to bridge it
Rescattering effects in the decay of the A1
Rescattering effects in the 3π system in the A1 region are studied with a method, which fulfils unitarity and has the proper analytic structure. Fairly small effects are obtained which confirm the result found in amplitude analyses, neglecting rescattering corrections, that the phases of the JP = 1+ amplitudes vary only very little over the A1 region. Similar results hold for the Q enhancement.
Temporally Resolved Single-Cycle Measurements of Fuel- and OH-Distributions in a Spark Ignition Engine Using High Speed Laser Spectroscopy
Status of MC++ Event Generator Toolkit
Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum increased gut microbiota diversity and functionality, and mitigated Enterobacteriaceae, in a mouse model
Probiotics should bring ‘balance’ to the intestinal microbiota by stimulating beneficial bacteria, whilst mitigating adverse ones. Balance can also be interpreted as high alpha-diversity. Contrary, Escherichia coli is often regarded as an adverse component of the resident intestinal microbiota. The aim of the present study was to implement a mouse model for in vivo screening of Lactobacillus-strai
Deterministic annealing and nonlinear assignment
Autonomous quantum refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture based on a Josephson junction
An implementation of a small quantum absorption refrigerator in a circuit QED architecture is proposed. The setup consists of three harmonic oscillators coupled to a Josephson junction. The refrigerator is autonomous in the sense that it does not require any external control for cooling, but only thermal contact between the oscillators and heat baths at different temperatures. In addition, the set
Emission of time-bin entangled particles into helical edge states
We propose a single-particle source which emits into the helical edge states of a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator. Without breaking time-reversal symmetry, this source acts like a pair of noiseless single-electron emitters which each inject separately into a chiral edge state. By locally breaking time-reversal symmetry, the source becomes a proper single-particle emitter which exhibits
Quasi-probability distributions for observables in dynamic systems
AROMA 2.2 - A Monte Carlo generator for heavy flavour events in ep collisions
A program to simulate the production of heavy quarks through the boson-gluon fusion process in e±p collisions is presented. The full electroweak structure of the electron-gluon interaction is taken into account as well as the masses of the produced heavy quarks. Higher order QCD radiation is treated using initial and final state parton showers, and hadronization is performed using the Lund string
MAJOR 1.5 - A Monte Carlo generator for heavy Majorana neutrinos in ep collisions
The Monte Carlo generator MAJOR 1.5 simulates the production and decay of heavy Majorana neutrinos via lepton mixing or exchange of 'light' right-handed W-bosons in deep inelastic scattering, i.e. e±p → NX → e±W∓X or veZX. Physics and programming aspects are described in this manual.
Renormalisation scale uncertainty in the DIS 2+1 jet cross-section
The deep inelastic scattering 2+1 jet cross-section is a useful observable for precision tests of QCD, e.g. measuring the strong coupling constant αs. A consistent analysis requires a good understanding of the theoretical uncertainties and one of the fundamental ones in QCD is due to the renormalisation scheme and scale ambiguity. Different methods, which have been proposed to resolve the scale am
Dislocation related droop in InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes investigated via cathodoluminescence
Today's energy saving solutions for general illumination rely on efficient white light emitting diodes (LEDs). However, the output efficiency droop experienced in InGaN based LEDs with increasing current injection is a serious limitation factor for future development of bright white LEDs. We show using cathodoluminescence (CL) spatial mapping at different electron beam currents that threading disl