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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Ammonia Combustion: Design Principles and Case Studies

Ammonia combustion in gas turbines is emerging as a carbon-free solution for the power-generation sector. The challenges associated with using ammonia as a fuel include its combustion characteristics, which can lead to instability, and the emission of NOx due to the presence of nitrogen atoms. This study examines the diffusion flames of partially cracked ammonia at low cracking degrees and the air

Evolution of surface quality in micromilling Ti-6Al-4V alloy with increasing machined length

Micromilling is a subtractive manufacturing process that presents challenges due to scale effects and rapid tool wear. To understand the evolution of surface quality when increasing the machined length during the micromilling process, this study assessed the surface roughness, topography, and defects of slots micromilled on Ti-6Al-4V. For the experiments, 1 mm diameter flat end mills were employed

Optical Diagnostics in Energy Conversion Processes

This thesis presents development in optical diagnostics for studies of energy conversion processes. Work has been done in characterization of electrode wear in spark plugs, multi-species high-speed tomographic laser-induced fluorescence, high-speed diagnostics in lab-scale gas turbine burners, and surface temperature measurements on gas turbine burner injection nozzles.A new method of monitoring e

Dispositional and state sadness, interpersonal features, and internalizing/externalizing symptoms : A network analysis

Sadness serves adaptive functions in restructuring one's objectives and strategies in loss situations. This study examined the relationship between the effects of sadness, social components, and psychopathological issues in children, distinguishing between state and dispositional sadness. A semi-structured written interview about a specific moment of sadness and questionnaires to measure interpers

Investigating recombinant transaminase stability with cofactor variations and enzyme immobilization

Amine transaminases are valuable biocatalysts in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of chiral amines. Their high regioselectivity and inherent regeneration of cofactor pose them as a greener alternative to the chemical synthesis. However, their application is hampered by their limited stability and narrow substrate scope and product inhibition. Recently, a stable tetrameric amine trans

TOI−757 b: an eccentric transiting mini−Neptune on a 17.5−d orbit

We report the spectroscopic confirmation and fundamental properties of TOI−757 b, a mini−Neptune on a 17.5−d orbit transiting a bright star (V = 9.7 mag) discovered by the TESS mission. We acquired high−precision radial velocity measurements with the HARPS, ESPRESSO, and PFS spectrographs to confirm the planet detection and determine its mass. We also acquired space−borne transit photometry with t

Investigating Ras homolog gene family member C (RhoC) and Ki67 expression following external beam radiation therapy show increased RhoC expression in relapsing prostate cancer xenografts

Ras homolog gene family member C (RhoC) is a GTPase involved in cell migration, implicated in epithelial-mesenchymal transition and treatment resistance and metastasis of cancer. For example, RhoC has been shown to be involved in resistance to radiation in cervical carcinoma. Here, the effect of X-ray irradiation on RhoC expression in prostate cancer (PCa) xenografts was investigated in both xenog

Private domestic care services for the elderly : Inequalities and new conditions of care in a changing Swedish welfare state

The sector for private domestic services in Sweden has grown rapidly since the RUT tax deduction was introduced in 2007. Already in the government proposition (2006/07:94) it was suggested that services provided by the expanding market would come to replace parts of the publicly funded elderly care, thus marking a shift in the organisation of care in the welfare state. Today we begin to see the ef

Towards the exact complexity of realizability for Safety LTL

We study the realizability and strong satisfiability problems for SAFETY LTL, a syntactic fragment of Linear Temporal Logic ([Formula presented]) capturing safe formulas. While it is well-known that realizability for this fragment lies in [Formula presented], the best-known lower bound is [Formula presented]-hardness. Surprisingly, closing this gap has proven an elusive task. Previous works have c

Investigating the superconducting state of 2H−NbS2 as seen by the vortex lattice

2H-NbS2 is a classic example of an anisotropic multiband superconductor, with significant recent work focusing on the interesting responses seen when high magnetic fields are applied precisely parallel to the hexagonal niobium planes. It is often contrasted with its sister compound 2H-NbSe2 because they have similar onset temperatures for superconductivity, but 2H-NbS2 has no charge density wave w

Comparing and Optimizing an Identity-Based Post-Quantum Scheme

The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of the IBE scheme over NTRU lattices presented by Ducas, Lyubashevsky, and Prest (2014) on different platforms. The motivation behind this study was to explore a post-quantum IBE scheme and determine its viability on different platforms and specifically on an ARM64 CPU. Our goal was to parallelize the bottlenecks identified during our ini

Don't Be So Hard on Yourself! - Impacting Factors on the Relationship between Relatedness and Mental Well-Being in Swedish High School Students: A Longitudinal Analysis

This longitudinal study explored the factors influencing the relationship between relatedness and mental well-being in 16–18-year-old Swedish high school students (N=249; m=87, f=159, N/A=3) attending upper secondary school. Measurements were the DASS-21 (Henry & Crawford, 2005), BPNSFS (Chen et al., 2015), SFS-SF (Raes et al., 2011), and the HSC-21 (Weyn et al., 2022), with relevant scores be

Zinc speciation in fly ash from MSWI using XAS - novel insights and implications

The chemical forms of zinc in fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) crucially affect ash management, influencing both material recovery options and the risk of unwanted leaching into ecosystems. The zinc speciation was investigated in fly ash samples sourced from full-scale MSWI plants, including four grate fired boilers (GB) and one fluidized bed boiler (FB). We applied X-ray Abs

Exploring vegetation as coastal protection during extreme storm conditions Case study: Kivik waste water treatment plant

Kiviks reningsverk som ligger på Skånes östkust drabbades av en storm 20:e oktober 2023 som nästan skadade reningsverket. Stormen visade på behovet att förstärka det befintliga kustskyddet för framtida stormar. I denna studie undersöks ifall vegetation kan användas för att skydda reningsverket. Växter som planteras vid kustlinjen kommer att dämpa våghöjden genom den friktionskraft som uppstår melScania has always been susceptible to damages caused by storms along its coasts which also holds true for the east coast in Scania where there is a great need of coastal protection for households and infrastructure alike. One example is the Kivik waste water treatment plant (WWTP) which is a newly built establishment with glass windows situated 30 meters from the east coast and provides its servic

Incremental prognostic utility of congestion markers in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis

Background/aims: Congestion is prognostically relevant in cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR-CA), but whether congestion has an incremental prognostic value beyond the well-established, congestion-sensitive NT-proBNP is unknown. Therefore, we aimed to comparatively evaluate the prognostic utility of several congestion surrogates over NT-proBNP. Methods: We estimated hazard ratios by Cox propo