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Respektlöst - en analys av respekträttsintrång vid användning av musikaliska verk i politiska sammanhang

Uppsatsen utreder rättsläget i situationer där politiska partier på olika sätt använder musik i sin verksamhet – kampanjer, torgmöten, sociala medier o.s.v. Utifrån den utgångspunkten aktualiseras förutom upphovsrättsliga frågor även konstitutionella dito – rörande yttrandefrihet och dess inskränk-ningar. I 3 § 2 st. upphovsrättslagen föreskrivs att ett verk inte får göras tillgängligt för allmänhThis thesis investigates the legal situation in scenarios where political parties use music in various ways in their activities – campaigns, rallies, social me-dia, etc. From this standpoint, not only copyright issues are of interest but also constitutional matters concerning freedom of expression and its limitat-ions. According to paragraph 3, subsection 2 of the Swedish Copyright Act (Upphovsrät

The Power of Privilege: Enhancing Land Cover Classification with Privileged Information

Given the pressing environmental crisis, marked by climate change, biodiversity loss, and deforestation, precise land cover monitoring has become crucial. In this thesis, we explore the use of privileged information to enhance land cover classification using deep neural networks. Our study specifically focuses on how to best utilise all available data, by leveraging a machine learning framework kn

“Det är inte lätt”: En intervjustudie om erfarenheter av etableringsprocessen på arbetsmarknaden för högutbildade kvinnor som flytt från Syrien till Sverige

This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences related to the integration process in the Swedish labor market of highly educated female refugees who fled from Syria to Sweden between the years of 2014 to 2021. Interviews were conducted with a total of seven women who, at the time of their interviews, were in different stages of integration into the labor market. Three of the women that we

Amino acid ester synthesis by immobilized α-chymotrypsin

A screening of immobilized α-chymotrypsin preparations suitable for the synthesis of N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester from N-acetyl-L-tyrosine and up to 99% ethanol was carried out. α-Chymotrypsin adsorbed to Sepharose LH-20 or covalently bound to Sepharose 4B (tresyl chloride activation) was found to be an efficient catalyst. A column packed with immobilized enzyme retained 60% of its initial acti

transforMera: att transformera tomma kontorsbyggnader till bostäder, gestaltningsförslag: Passagenhuset kunde levt vidare

“Buildings, more often than not, outlast civilizations” skrev Kenneth Powell i sin bok Architecture Reborn. För många kan denna mening ses som självklar, eftersom vi betraktar byggnader som något som kommer att stå i flera hundra år. Men om vi kollar på verkligheten, är det inte alltid fallet. Man kan undra varför vi river byggnader. Var där något fel på byggnaden? Var den inte livsduglig, inte u“Buildings, more often than not, outlast civilizations”, Kenneth Powell wrote in Architecture Reborn. For many this may seem obvious, as we presume buildings will stand for hundreds of years. But if we look into reality, this is not always the case. One may ask why buildings are demolished. Was there something wrong with the building? Was it not viable, not valued by its users, not thought-throug

Two Eurasian Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus roosting together in a nest-box on multiple winter nights

BIRDS THAT SPEND the winter in a harsh and cold climate face a suite of challenges that require optimization of energy expenditure and energy intake. Some birds roost communally, which can increase energy savings during cold winter nights. However, this behaviour is almost completely absent in chickadees, tits, and titmice (Paridae) as there are very few accounts in the literature of parids roosti

Reconfiguring a Unit-Load Finished-Goods Warehouse

Title: Reconfiguring a Unit-Load Finished-Goods Warehouse Authors: Jakob Bjarke & Oliver Elftonsson Supervisor: Joakim Kembro, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Problem formulation: Since moving, Alfdex has experienced increased demand while the Finished Goods Warehouse (FGW) has remained unchanged. This has caused challenges such as

Designing a System for Supplier Performance Evaluation: Bridging Organizational Needs, External Demands, and Literature Insights

Background: Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management are becoming increasingly important as companies’ competitiveness increases. One part of this is Supplier Performance Evaluation (SPE), which is part of the final step in the purchasing process and can be performed in many different ways. SPE can ensure that suppliers are performing as expected and when not, actions can be taken. When mea

Improving Delivery Performance Through Distribution Process Redesign - A Case Study at ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems

The order-to-delivery (OTD) process for a specific product group at ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems (AAES) has been underperforming lately and failing to meet changing customer expectations, especially regarding reliability and speed. The current process configuration has been assessed as outdated and inadequate for efficient distribution of the product. Since the OTD process was configured, supply ch

Designing a Supplier Performance Measurement System: A Case Study at Outnorth

Outnorth, a large Swedish Outdoor e-commerce retailer, is experiencing issues with lacking supplier performance, such as late deliveries and insufficient information. Concurrently they strive to strengthen their relationships with suppliers. In this study, a supplier performance measurement system, SPMS, is created to help Outnorth deal with supplier issues and facilitate communication and relatio

Breaking Down Functional Silos with Sales and Operational Planning

Title Breaking down functional silos with Sales and Operational Planning: A case study at a Swedish grocery wholesaler Authors Tim Engrenius and Emma Rydén Supervisor Dag Näslund - Senior Lecturer at Division of Engineering Logistics, Faculty of Engineering at Lund University Examinator Jan Olhager - Professor at Division of Engineering Logistics, Faculty of Engineering at Lund University Problem

Drivers and Barriers for “Circular” Consumer Electronics in the European Union

The European Union (EU) and the EU member states have adopted a number of policies that can support circular economy developments in the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector, and additional policies have been proposed. The policies include the new Ecodesign Regulation and a new Battery Regulation, and forthcoming rules related to durability and repairability of mobile phones and tablet

Efficiently Bounding the Probabilities of Vehicle Collision at Intelligent Intersections

Intelligent intersections have the potential to serve as an integral part of tomorrow's traffic infrastructure. Wireless communication is key to enabling such technology. We consider a scenario where two flows of vehicles traverse an intelligent intersection. We investigate safety in emergency braking scenarios, where one of the vehicles in a flow suddenly decides to emergency brake and emergency