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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Give older persons a voice in the society—by using information compiled during preventive home visits on a societal level

Preventive home visits (PHVs) are offered to older persons with the purpose of promoting health and preventing risks on an individual level. However, aspects of health need to be considered on a societal level as well. This study aims to get a deeper understanding of perceptions of the usability of the information compiled during the PHVs to promote health, among older persons, on a societal level

A conjugation strategy to modulate antigen binding and FcRn interaction leads to improved tumor targeting and radioimmunotherapy efficacy with an antibody targeting prostate-specific antigen

Background: The humanized monoclonal antibody (mAb) hu5A10 specifically targets and internalizes prostate cancer cells by binding to prostate specific antigen (PSA). Preclinical evaluations have shown that hu5A10 is an excellent vehicle for prostate cancer (PCa) radiotheranostics. We studied the impact of different chelates and conjugation ratios on hu5A10′ s target affinity, neonatal fc-receptor

EULAR Points to Consider (PtC) for designing, analysing and reporting of studies with work participation as an outcome domain in patients with inflammatory arthritis

Background: Clinical studies with work participation (WP) as an outcome domain pose particular methodological challenges that hamper interpretation, comparison between studies and meta-analyses. Objectives: To develop Points to Consider (PtC) for design, analysis and reporting of studies of patients with inflammatory arthritis that include WP as a primary or secondary outcome domain. Methods: The

Late Quaternary Dynamics of Arctic Biota from Ancient Environmental Genomics

During the last glacial–interglacial cycle, Arctic biotas experienced substantial climatic changes, yet the nature, extent and rate of their responses are not fully understood1–8. Here we report a large-scale environmental DNA metagenomic study of ancient plant and mammal communities, analysing 535 permafrost and lake sediment samples from across the Arctic spanning the past 50,000 years. Furtherm

Time to reconsider : Have the 2015 FIGO and 2017 Swedish intrapartum cardiotocogram classifications led us from Charybdis to Scylla?

In 2015, FIGO revised the 1987 intrapartum cardiotocography (CTG) classification (FIGO1987). A less radical FIGO2015 version was introduced in Sweden 2017 (SWE2017). Now, post hoc simulation studies show that FIGO2015 and SWE2017 are less reliable than (a modified) FIGO1987. FIGO2015 shows significantly better interobserver agreement for normal CTG traces than FIGO1987, but significantly worse for

The rapid transition from campus to online teaching–how are students’ perception of learning experiences affected?

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a global disruption to higher education, especially in engineering education, where many teaching and learning activities are difficult or impossible to conduct online. This study examines the changes in the students’ experiences of this disruption using a 26-item process-oriented course experience questionnaire (CEQ) that was already in use in the Faculty of Engineeri

Changing land cover as a driver of surface water browning

Streams, rivers and lakes across wide areas of the Northern hemisphere have been subject to an increase in water color over the last decades. This increase, also known as browning, is a result of rising dissolved organic matter (DOM) and iron (Fe) concentrations in the water. Over the years, browning has received ample attention due to its impact on the structure and function of freshwater ecosyst

The green economy and the Nordic welfare state : Reconceptualizing green economy narratives from a Nordic perspective

The green economy with its aim to combine ecological and economic objectives has gained in both significance and political contestation in recent years. In this working paper for the NOWAGG project we revisit the literature on the green economy to understand its implications from a Nordic perspective. Our ambition is to improve the conceptualization of different approaches to green the economy by

SENSory re-learning of the UPPer limb (SENSUPP) after stroke : development and description of a novel intervention using the TIDieR checklist

Background: Sensorimotor impairments of upper limb (UL) are common after stroke, leading to difficulty to use the UL in daily life. Even though many have sensory impairments in the UL, specific sensory training is often lacking in stroke rehabilitation. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide a detailed description of the novel intervention “SENSory re-learning of the UPPer limb after stroke (SE

Improvement of platelet respiration by cell-permeable succinate in diabetic patients treated with statins

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most severe metabolic disease that reached the level of a global pandemic and is associated with high cardiovascular morbidity. Statins are the first-line lipid- lowering therapy in diabetic patients with or without a history of atherosclerotic disease. Although well tolerated, chronic treatment may result in side effects that lead to treatment interruption. Mitochond

A double-edged sword : Unrecognized cryptic diversity and taxonomic impediment in Eois (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)

The genus Eois Hübner (Geometridae: Larentiinae) comprises 254 valid species. Being a hyperdiverse genus, Eois potentially includes many undescribed cryptic species and embodies a problematic taxonomic scenario. The actual diversity of Eois is greatly underestimated and the Neotropical fauna needs to be well known since it figures as one of the most threatened terrestrial ecosystem. In the present

A Long Residence Time Enoyl-Reductase Inhibitor Explores an Extended Binding Region with Isoenzyme-Dependent Tautomer Adaptation and Differential Substrate-Binding Loop Closure

The enoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) reductase (ENR) is a key enzyme within the bacterial fatty-acid synthesis pathway. It has been demonstrated that small-molecule inhibitors carrying the diphenylether (DPE) scaffold bear a great potential for the development of highly specific and effective drugs against this enzyme class. Interestingly, different substitution patterns of the DPE scaffold have b

Lasting effects of parental death during childhood: evidence from Sweden

This study looks at the effect of losing a parent before the age of 16 on adult income, educational attainment, and health. Using detailed data from the Swedish registers and several methodological strategies, we follow to adulthood individuals born between 1968 and 1981 and observe their later-life outcomes.The results suggest that, in line with previous research, losing a parent during childhood

Variations within simple models for structure-soil interaction

The dynamic response of blocks sitting on a half-space is considered. Buildings and other structures placed on or within the ground influence the transmission of seismic waves. Hence, the presence of a building will have an impact on the dynamic response of neighbouring buildings. Furthermore, obstacles such as concrete blocks lead to wave scattering that may be beneficial or unfavourable for the

Evaluation of Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction in Abdominal Computed Tomography Imaging at Two Different Dose Levels

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively evaluate recently introduced Model-based iterative reconstruction method (IMR) and routinely used iterative reconstruction algorithm iDose4 to investigate future dose reduction possibilities for abdominal CT exams. The study contained data from 34 patients who underwent abdominal CT in SkåneUniversityHospital Lund, Sweden. A low-dose scan (CTDIvol3.4

Echocardiographic assessment of chamber size and ventricular function during the first year after heart transplantation

AIMS: Detecting changes in ventricular function after orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT) using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is important but interpretation of findings is complicated by lack of data on early graft adaptation. We sought to evaluate echocardiographic measures of ventricular size and function the first year following OHT including speckle tracking derived strain. We also

Mixed methods assessment of impact on health awareness in adult childhood cancer survivors after viewing their personalized digital treatment summary and follow-up recommendations

Background: The survival rate after childhood cancer has improved to 80%. The majority of childhood cancer survivors (CCS) will experience late complications which require follow up care, including access to their individual cancer treatment summary. The need to understand CCS needs and preferences in terms of ways to receive information e.g. digitally, becomes important. This study aims to throug

Realism of mammography tissue patches simulated using perlin noise : A forced choice reading study

Software breast phantoms are central to the optimization of breast imaging, where in many cases the use of real images would be inefficient - or impossible. Establishing the realism of such phantoms is critical. For this study, patches of simulated breast tissue with different composition - fatty, scattered, heterogenous and dense tissue - were generated using a method based on Perlin noise. The c