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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Individually tailored exercise in patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome related to post-COVID-19 condition - a feasibility study

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) occurs in approximately 30% of people with highly symptomatic post-COVID-19 condition (PCC). It involves several symptoms that limit physical and psychological functions and cause reduced quality of life. Evidence for different treatments of POTS and PCC is limited, and this study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of individually tailored physical e

Tear secretion is preserved while the area of meibomian glands is reduced in patients with prosthetic eyes, contributing to the symptoms of dry eye

Background/aims It is unclear whether a reduction in tear secretion contributes to the discomfort experienced by those with prosthetic eyes. Tear secretion has hitherto only been measured with the Schirmer test which may be affected by the pooling of tears behind the prosthesis. In this study, direct imaging of the lacrimal gland has been performed to measure tear secretion in anophthalmic sockets

The Transformative Potential of the Craft Imaginary - A Study on Craft Brewing

Craft has been a steady adversary to the proliferation of industrialization. As an imaginary of embodied work, mainly driven by intrinsic motivation and by a strive for excellence, craft is increasingly re-emerging in discussions on improving current forms of work. A common theme across research on craft is its potential to address alienation as one of the main pathologies of modern work. We study

UNITY: A low-field magnetic resonance neuroimaging initiative to characterize neurodevelopment in low and middle-income settings

Measures of physical growth, such as weight and height have long been the predominant outcomes for monitoring child health and evaluating interventional outcomes in public health studies, including those that may impact neurodevelopment. While physical growth generally reflects overall health and nutritional status, it lacks sensitivity and specificity to brain growth and developing cognitive skil

Laser Frequency Stabilization Using a Slow Light Cavity

Laser frequency stabilization is a necessary component in many modern technologies and physics experiments,providing spectral resolution for spectroscopic investigations, accurate optical clocks for timekeeping and phasestability for interferometry. The limiting factor to the frequency stability of state-of-the-art laser stabilization isfrequency uncertainty as a result from variations in the leng

Institutional Impacts on Economic Evolution in Taiwan and China

This thesis explores the divergent economic trajectories of Taiwan and China, focusing on how institutional differences shaped their respective economic structures. Through a comparative analysis, the study investigates the role of political institutions in driving Taiwan’s emergence as a knowledge-based economy (KBE) and China’s continued reliance on labor-intensive manufacturing. Despite similar

Unpacking Trust in International Intelligence Cooperation : SIGINT Trust Games in Denmark and Sweden

In recent years, trust has emerged as a topic of interest for scholars aiming to understand the mechanisms enabling transnational intelligence cooperation and focusing on relations of trust between intelligence agencies. The potential dynamics between the trust facilitating transnational intelligence cooperation and the public trust in intelligence agencies on a national level, however, remains un

Measurements of laminar burning velocities and kinetic modelling of two symmetrical ketones : di-ethyl ketone and di-isopropyl ketone

Laminar burning velocities (SL) of di-ethyl ketone (DEK) + air and di-isopropyl ketone (DIPK) + air mixtures were measured using the heat flux method at 305-358 K and equivalence ratios of 0.7–1.4 under atmospheric pressure. Data inconsistency was found between the present SL of di-ethyl ketone + air mixtures and those reported in the literature. Moreover, existing DEK and DIPK combustion kinetic

No mess with mesh; vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (vNOTES) autologous posterior rectus fascia mesh for vaginal urinary incontinence procedures

Urinary incontinence affects 25–45 % of women with the gold standard surgical approach being placement of mid-urethral synthetic slings; tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) and trans-obturator tape (TOT). Due to the controversies regarding vaginal mesh the last decade, an increasing demand has evolved for incontinence treatment without vaginal synthetic mesh. The short term results of autologous rectu

Association of Body Mass Index and Parkinson Disease A Bidirectional Mendelian Randomization Study

Background and Objectives: The role of body mass index (BMI) in Parkinson disease (PD) is unclear. Based on the Comprehensive Unbiased Risk Factor Assessment for Genetics and Environment in PD (Courage-PD) consortium, we used 2-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) to replicate a previously reported inverse association of genetically predicted BMI with PD and investigated whether findings were robus

Screening and management of hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease referred to Hypertension Excellence Centres among 27 countries. A pilot survey based on questionnaire

Objective: Real-life management of hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is unclear. Methods: A survey was conducted in 2023 by the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) to assess management of CKD patients referred to ESH-Hypertension Excellence Centres (ESH-ECs) at first referral visit. The questionnaire contained 64 questions with which ESH-ECs representatives were asked to e

Climate change dominated runoff change in the eastern Tibetan Plateau

Quantitatively identifying the impact of climatic and underlying surface condition changes on runoff is crucial for the efficient utilization of water resources and understanding hydroclimatic variability processes. This study aims to employ both Grid-RCCC-WBM model and Fu's equation based on Budyko hypothesis to quantitatively analyze the spatial patterns of runoff changes, driving forces, and up

Nature-based solutions for upgrading harbour revetments in Simrishamn

In late October 2023, the storm Babet struck the southeast coast of Sweden, high waves and extreme water levels caused significant damage to infrastructure. Simrishamn’s central harbour was particularly affected, with waves smashing and destroying the as- phalt on the southern pier. The revetment covering the entire seaward edge of the pier is estimated to tolerate a significant wave height of up

L-chondrite body breakup in Ordovician strata in China - A time tie point globally and across the inner solar system

More than a quarter of all meteorites falling on Earth today originate from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body (LCPB) ∼470 Ma ago, the largest documented asteroid breakup in the past ∼3 Ga. The event had a profound impact on the inner Solar System, resulting in an orders-of-magnitude increase in L-chondritic material in mid-Ordovician sediments on Earth. Here we show based on Ordovician st

Liver stiffness as a prognostic parameter and tool for risk stratification in advanced cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis

Background: In light of increasing therapeutic options, risk stratification of advanced cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR-CA) is gaining clinical importance to avoid ineffective treatments. Liver stiffness as a marker of hypervolemia and hepatic congestion might predict mortality in advanced ATTR-CA and allow to identify patients at highest risk. Methods: Proven ATTR-CA patients underwent re

Kombinerad mobilitet i Stockholms län – Från samverkan till verklighet

Combined mobility has increasingly been promoted as a way to use the combined strengths of cycling and public transport to enable sustainable mobility patterns. In the Greater Stockholm Area, combined mobility has worked its way into strategic regional policy documents. This study, departing from a collaborative planning perspective, uses qualitative methods to investigate how key actors in the St

Svensk planering för en cirkulär utveckling: En jämförande fallstudie av Helsingborgs stad och Lunds kommun

The historically rapid growth of modern cities has a tearing effect on our planet, which requires a systematic transformation from linear to circular resource usage and consumption. Scientists and decision makers world-wide propose Circular Cities as a part of the solution, but empirical evidence and theoretical models of their practical implementation is lacking. This study explores the framework