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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Inter-Team Communication in Large-Scale Co-Located Software Engineering: A Case Study

Large-scale software engineering is a collaborative effort where teams need to communicate to develop software products. Managers face the challenge of how to organise work to facilitate necessary communication between teams and individuals. This includes a range of decisions from distributing work over teams located in multiple buildings and sites, through work processes and tools for coordinatin

Discrimination and Quality of Life Among Marriage-Squeezed Men in Rural China : Unexpected Functions of Structural and Functional Social Support

In rural China, marriage-squeezed men are more likely to experience discrimination than other males. Using data collected from Anhui Province in China on marriage-squeezed men’s quality of life, this study examines the influence of discrimination on the quality of life and the buffering effect of social support among this cohort. The results show that discrimination is a strong stressor, and its n

Inside-t : A groundwater contamination transport model for sustainability assessment in remediation practice

Current sustainability assessment (SA) tools to help deal with contaminated groundwater sites are inherently subjective and hardly applied. One reason may be lack of proper tools for addressing contaminant spread which are basically objective. To fill this gap, there is a need for contaminant transport models that provide site managers with needed room for applying their judgments and consideratio

Novel Reclassification of Adult Diabetes Is Useful to Distinguish Stages of β-Cell Function Linked to the Risk of Vascular Complications : The DOLCE Study From Northern Ukraine

Background: Presently, persons with diabetes are classified as having type 1 (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D) based on clinical diagnosis. However, adult patients exhibit diverse clinical representations and this makes treatment approaches challenging to personalize. A recent Scandinavian study proposed a novel classification of adult diabetes into five clusters based on disease pathophysiology and

Numerical and experimental aspect of coherent lensless imaging

This thesis is devoted to the understanding, application, and extension of coherent lensless imaging methods for microscopy purposes. Particular attention is given to the Fourier transform holography and coherent diffractive imaging methods.These two methods share several properties such as the ability for singleshot imaging and their experimental geometries, but differ greatly in their reconstruc

Social mättnad, relationell hunger : strategisk kommunikation i förändring när matindustrin utmanas av folklig misstro

The purpose of the dissertation is to provide new knowledge on how strategic communication can be understood and practiced when companies and authorities are challenged by digitally organized citizens who mobilize dissatisfaction and question traditional experts. The dissertation is based on a relational perspective, which means interest in how different actors constitute themselves and relate to

Inequality in early life: Social class differences in childhood mortality in southern Sweden, 1815–1967

This article analyses the long-term development of social class differences in infant and child mortality in an area of southern Sweden, spanning from the early stages of the mortality transition at the beginning of the nineteenth century, to the late 1960s when both infant and child mortality had reached very low levels. Our findings show that infant and child mortality was fairly equal at the be

Fighting microbial infections with force fields: Evaluating conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins

The main goal of this compilation thesis has been to investigate the conformational ensemble of the intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) histatin 5 by using a mixture of experimental and computational techniques including, but not limited to, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and coarse-grained Monte Carlo (M

Management to Promote Flowering Understoreys Benefits Natural Enemy Diversity, Aphid Suppression and Income in an Agroforestry System

Agroforestry systems, where productive trees are integrated into agricultural land, can deliver benefits to biodiversity, natural pest control, and pollination, but the effects are highly variable. Recent advances in our understanding of flower strips in agricultural systems suggest that the management of the tree row understorey could be an important contributor to this variation. Here, we compar

Is mass screening for coeliac disease a wise use of resources? A health economic evaluation

Background: Living with undiagnosed symptomatic coeliac disease is connected with deteriorated health, and persons with coeliac disease often wait a long time for their diagnosis. A mass screening would lower the delay, but its cost-effectiveness is still unclear. Our aim was to determine the cost-effectiveness of a coeliac disease mass screening at 12 years of age, taking a life course perspectiv

Multidimensional diffusion magnetic resonance imaging for characterization of tissue microstructure in breast cancer patients : A prospective pilot study

Diffusion-weighted imaging is a non-invasive functional imaging modality for breast tumor characterization through apparent diffusion coefficients. Yet, it has so far been unable to intuitively inform on tissue microstructure. In this IRB-approved prospective study, we applied novel multidimensional diffusion (MDD) encoding across 16 patients with suspected breast cancer to evaluate its potential

Reconfigurable multi-access pattern vector memory for real-time orb feature extraction

This work presents an on-chip memory subsystem envisioned for real-time applications performing Oriented FAST and Rotated Brief (ORB) feature extraction for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems. For autonomous navigation of battery-powered devices, feature-based SLAM is a computationally frugal alternative to direct methods. This paper thoroughly analyses ORB multiple memory access

Hadronic rescattering in pA and AA collisions

In a recent article we presented a model for hadronic rescattering, and some results were shown for pp collisions at LHC energies. In order to extend the studies to pA and AA collisions, the Angantyr model for heavy-ion collisions is taken as the starting point. Both these models are implemented within the general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator Pythia, which makes the matching reasonably stra

What is the effect of giving the grazers access to additional nutrient sources on biodiversity in semi-natural pastures? A systematic review protocol

Background: Semi-natural pastures are unfertilized grasslands with a long history of traditional low-input grazing management. This kind of pastures are recognized for their high species richness. However, as a consequence of modernization of agriculture, many of the semi-natural pastures have been lost during the last century, leading to a serious threat to farmland biodiversity. Semi-natural pas

Antileukotrienes for the prevention and treatment of chronic lung disease in very preterm newborns : a systematic review

Background: Very preterm infants are at high risk of developing chronic lung disease, which requires respiratory support and might have long-term sequelae. As lung inflammation plays an important role in pathogenesis, antileukotrienes have been explored in both clinical and animal studies. We aimed to assess the benefits and harms of antileukotrienes for the prevention and treatment of respiratory

Host-parasites transfert of micropollutants and eco-physiological consequences on a freshwater fish: Case study of chub-acanthocephalan model

Exposure to complex mixtures of environmental contaminants may have severe consequences in free-living animals through the disruption of physiological mechanisms, reduced reproductive outputs and survival, thereby leading to population collapse. Contaminant analyses in fish have been used as a routine approach in studies of aquatic pollution. Located at the upper levels of the food webs, fish are

Time reclustering for jet quenching studies

The physics program of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) has brought a unique insight into the hot and dense QCD matter created in such collisions, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Jet quenching, a collection of medium-induced modifications of the jets’ internal structure that occur through their development in dense