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Your search for "*" yielded 529913 hits

An integrated approach to unravelling smallholder yield levels : The case of small family farms, eastern region, Ghana

Yield levels and the factors determining crop yields is an important strand of research on rainfed family farms. This is particularly true for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), which reports some of the lowest crop yields. This also holds for Ghana, where actual yields of maize, the most important staple crop, are currently about only a third of achievable yields. Developing a comprehensive understanding

Citizenship Capital

This article examines the citizenship dimension of transnational inequalities. It is clear that some citizenships offer great advantages while others are liabilities for the individual, and the aim of this present article is to develop a conceptualisation of citizenship and inequality, in order to be able to assess and compare them. For this purpose, elements of Pierre Bourdieu's sociology are uti

Fourier Method for Valuation of Options under Parameter and State Uncertainty

Mainstream option valuation theory relies implicitly on the assumption that latent states (such as stochastic volatility) and parameters are perfectly known, an assumption that is dubious in many ways. Computing the value of options under the assumption of perfect knowledge will typically introduce bias. Correcting for the bias is straightforward but can be computationally expensive. Fourier-base

Effectiveness of a self-managed digital exercise programme to prevent falls in older community-dwelling adults : study protocol for the Safe Step randomised controlled trial

INTRODUCTION: Exercise interventions have a strong evidence base for falls prevention. However, exercise can be challenging to implement and often has limited reach and poor adherence. Digital technology provides opportunities for both increased access to the intervention and support over time. Further knowledge needs to be gained regarding the effectiveness of completely self-managed digital exer

The importance of documentation in defending minorities in Yemen

Documentation is the process of recording, examining, analyzing, and archiving information in order to present it to researchers, interested individuals, students, and decision-makers, which entails taking specific policies, strategies, and plans based on that information later on. The article discusses the importance of the documentation process in defending the minorities in Yemen.

Engineering change management maturity assessment model with lean criteria for automotive supply chain : Journal of Engineering Design

Supplier relationships in the automotive industry have changed fundamentally in recent decades owing to trends such as less verticalintegration, global sourcing, simultaneous engineering, and theInternet. Suppliers have become much more important in terms ofboth production and development. The ability to manage engineeringchanges (EC) efficiently and reliably reflects the capability of thewhole su

Interpretation of variation in omics data : Applications in proteomics for sustainable agriculture

Biomarkers are used in molecular biology to predict characteristics of interest and are applied in agriculture to accelerate the breeding of target traits. Proteomics has emerged as a promising technology for improved markers by providing a closer view to the phenotype than conventional genome-based approaches. However, a major challenge for biomarker development is that the identified biological

The Orthodox "Unorthodox" : From Populism to Pluralism

During the last decade the link between religion and right-wing populism has been underlined by scholars, viewing the latter as a form of ‘religious backlash’ and encouraging progressives to fight back. However, by setting the religious against the secular, these arguments, paradoxically, have contributed to the development of populism—by enforcing what Ryszard Bobrowicz and Johanna Gustafsson Lun

Give me history or give me death! : Politik och historiebruk i USA

This article deals with uses of history and the combination of politics and the past from an American point of view. On one hand, the time span is long, with references dating back to Roman history, the war of independence and more recent events as the Vietnam War. On the other hand, it is interpretations of history here and now that are is analyzed. Another point of departure is different histori

Predicting suitable habitats of the African cherry (Prunus africana) under climate change in Tanzania

Prunus africana is a fast-growing, evergreen canopy tree with several medicinal, household, and agroforestry uses, as well as ecological value for over 22 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. This species is under immense pressure from human activity, compounding its vulnerability to the effects of climate change. Predicting suitable habitats for P. africana under changing climate is essential for con

Article Incubator: building interdisciplinary academic writing skills among PhD students

The Article Incubator (AI) is a course intended for PhD students at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University. The course provides a forum for students to discuss their current research, to develop academic writing skills, and to share best practices in academic publishing. The AI is coordinated by a senior researcher at the IIIEE, while maintain

Does the narrative ability during retelling differ in 5-year-olds born with and without unilateral cleft lip and palate?

Background: A previous study has indicated poorer narrative ability during retelling in 5-year-olds with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) as a group, compared to peers without UCLP. Aim: To investigate if there are any differences between 5-year-olds with and without UCLP in narrative ability during retelling. Methods: A total of 83 children participated, 51 with UCLP and 32 without. They ha

Resource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850-1939

The resource curse literature has established that the taxation of natural resources might limit the long-term development of fiscal capacity in resource-rich countries. This article explores if, and how, natural resource abundance generates fiscal dependence on natural resource revenues. We compare five peripheral economies of Latin America (Bolivia, Chile, Peru) and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden)