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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Serum immunoglobulin concentrations and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults : a prospective cohort study from the TCLSIH study

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion and/or insulin action. Increasing evidence suggests that inflammation played an important role in the pathogenesis of T2DM. Prospective studies on the link between immunoglobulins concentrations and the risk of T2DM in adults are limited. We developed a cohort study in

Mammalian cell display with automated oligo design and library assembly allows for rapid residue level conformational epitope mapping

Precise epitope determination of therapeutic antibodies is of great value as it allows for further comprehension of mechanism of action, therapeutic responsiveness prediction, avoidance of unwanted cross reactivity, and vaccine design. The golden standard for discontinuous epitope determination is the laborious X-ray crystallography method. Here, we present a combinatorial method for rapid mapping

Effects of secondary hydrogen injection on thermoacoustic instability of swirling premixed flames in a model combustor

Effects of pilot H2 injection on the thermoacoustic instability of premixed CH4/air flames were experimentally investigated with varied hydrogen injection rates and different injection strategies. The flames were stabilized on a swirl burner with a central pilot-fuel injection tube. The flame structure was captured using high-speed OH* chemiluminescence and OH-PLIF methods, while the CO and NOx em

Digital remote assessment of speech acoustics in cognitively unimpaired adults : feasibility, reliability and associations with amyloid pathology

Background: Digital speech assessment has potential relevance in the earliest, preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We evaluated the feasibility, test-retest reliability, and association with AD-related amyloid-beta (Aβ) pathology of speech acoustics measured over multiple assessments in a remote setting. Methods: Fifty cognitively unimpaired adults (Age 68 ± 6.2 years, 58% female, 46%

Transport av farligt gods - Analys av ERA-ramverket och beräkningsjämförelse av utsläppsfrekvenser

Utvärdering av ett europeiskt ramverk för riskhantering -vid transport av farligt gods på väg och järnväg Förbättring av säkerheten kring transport av farligt gods kräver ett utvecklande arbete kring hur riskhantering genomförs av involverade aktörer. Ett steg på vägen är att lägga en grund för hur riskanalyser bör genomföras. Detta undersöks där fokus ligger på ett nyligen framtaget europeiskt rRisk assessment is an important part of societal planning which includes evaluation and risk estimations regarding transportation of dangerous goods. There are several methods available for varying purposes connected to risk analysis of dangerous goods. These methods can contain varying assumptions and calculations regarding different parts of risk estimation. In order to develop an appropriat

Three decades of remote sensing subarctic vegetation in northern Russia : A case study in science diplomacy

The vegetation at and beyond the northern edge of the world's boreal forest plays an important though imperfectly understood role in the climate system. This is particularly true within Russia, where only a small proportion of the boreal land area has been studied in depth, and little is known about its recent evolution over time. We describe a long-term collaboration between institutions in Russi

Kyrkorna och staten i det ryska området 1917–1940: Ett liv på samma mark, men inte under samma tak

Ryssland är känd bland annat för den mäktiga symbiosen mellan kyrkan och staten. Ortodoxin som blomstrar och står sida vid sida med det ståtliga kejsardömet och därefter med federationen. Den ryska ortodoxin utgör majoritet av kristenheten i Ryssland, men verkligen inte hela kristenheten. På samma mark som ortodoxin lever även de så kallade frikyrkorna – olika kristna rörelser med olika bakgrund.

Svenska kyrkans inre mission : en studie av missionsteologi inom Sverige

Inom Sveriges gränser har Svenska kyrkan inte behövt bedriva någon mission på det sätt som man har bedrivit den i andra länder. Fram till 1951 då lagen om religionsfrihet infördes i Sverige, var de som begärde utträde ur Svenska kyrkan tvungen att inträda i ett av staten annat godkänt samfund. Så kom sekulariseringen kyrkan skildes från staten och med det, det fria valet att tillhöra det samfund s

Increase in gross primary production of boreal forests balanced out by increase in ecosystem respiration

Changes in the net carbon sink of boreal forests constitute a major source of uncertainty in the future global carbon budget and, hence, climate change projections. The annual net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) controlling the terrestrial carbon stock results from the small difference between respiratory CO2 release and the photosynthetic CO2 uptake by vegetation. The boreal forest, an