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Prevention of falls in old people-a review

Physical training, if including specific different training modalities, reduces the fall risk in healthy community-dwelling older people, as does a home hazards modification programme. Vitamin D supplementation in older individuals with low levels of vitamin D, adjustment of psychotropic medication, and structured modification of multi-pharmacy are all drug-focused programmes that reduce the numbe

Increase of bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin concentrations in urine of rats during pregnancy is due to decreased tubular reabsorption

Bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin are two plasma proteins of about 25 kDa which are made in the liver from a common precursor. The concentration of bikunin in human urine has been shown to increase several fold during various conditions of stress. The mechanism behind this increase is unknown. We have studied pregnant rats and found that the bikunin and alpha1-microglobulin levels in their urine in

Androgenreceptorn och testo steronets effekter

Androgener spelar en viktig roll för mannens reproduktionssystem, kroppssammansättning, hårväxt, muskelfunktion och kardiovaskulära funktion.Mutationer i androgenreceptorgenen ger en dramatisk effekt på fenotypen.Två polymorfa regioner i and­rogenreceptorn verkar bidra till att finjustera receptorns funktion. Därmed kan dessa variationer bidra till utveckling av olika androgenberoende sjukdomar oc

Evidence of endothelial inflammation, T cell activation, and T cell reallocation in uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria

To explain the observation that acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria is associated with a transient inability of peripheral blood cells to respond to antigenic stimulation in vitro, we have postulated the disease-induced reallocation of peripheral lymphocytes, possibly by adhesion to inflamed endothelium. We measured plasma levels of soluble markers of endothelial inflammation and T cell activation

Utilization of digital primary care in Sweden : Descriptive analysis of claims data on demographics, socioeconomics, and diagnoses

Objective: As digital technologies for health continue to develop, the ability to provide primary care services to patients with new symptoms will grow. In Sweden, two providers of digital primary care have expanded rapidly over the past years giving rise to a heated debate with clear policy implications. The purpose of the study is to present a descriptive review of digital primary care as curren

Three-dimensional flow structures and droplet-gas mixing process of a liquid jet in supersonic crossflow

The mixing process of a liquid jet in supersonic crossflow with a Mach number of 2.1 was investigated numerically using large eddy simulation (LES) based on the Eulerian-Lagrangian method. The gas phase was described using the Navier-Stokes equations and the liquid phase was represented using discrete droplets, which were injected and tracked in the computational domain individually according to N

Anisotropic-Strain-Induced Band Gap Engineering in Nanowire-Based Quantum Dots

Tuning light emission in bulk and quantum structures by strain constitutes a complementary method to engineer functional properties of semiconductors. Here, we demonstrate the tuning of light emission of GaAs nanowires and their quantum dots up to 115 meV by applying strain through an oxide envelope. We prove that the strain is highly anisotropic and clearly results in a component along the NW lon

Att mäta restid : Test av mätmetod för att mäta bilisters och cyklandes restid i tätort

Syftet med projektet var att utifrån förändring av cyklandes och bilisters restider, och tillhörande förändringar i bil- och cykelflöden, koppla förändringar i restidskvot till förändringar i färdmedelsval, då hastighetsgränsen sänks från 50 till 40 km/h. Restiden mättes med metoden ”car following” samt liknande metod för cykel som vi kallar ”bike following”. Resultaten visar att restiderna, gener

Cloning of the extra sex combs gene of Drosophila and its identification by P-element-mediated gene transfer

A large region containing the extra sex combs (esc) gene of Drosophila has been cloned by microdissection from polytene chromosomes and chromosomal walking. Within this DNA, the segment comprising the esc gene has been narrowed down in several steps. First, a deletion of the esc gene, Df(2L)esc, defined a region of 380 kb. Then, a duplication carrying the esc gene, Dp(2;2)GYL, and a deletion not e

Preeclampsia is Associated with Sex-Specific Transcriptional and Proteomic Changes in Fetal Erythroid Cells

Preeclampsia (PE) has been associated with placental dysfunction, resulting in fetal hypoxia, accelerated erythropoiesis, and increased erythroblast count in the umbilical cord blood (UCB). Although the detailed effects remain unknown, placental dysfunction can also cause inflammation, nutritional, and oxidative stress in the fetus that can affect erythropoiesis. Here, we compared the expression o

Inverse association between serum albumin and depressive symptoms among drug-free individuals with a recent suicide attempt

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Albumin is a protein with multifaceted functions in the human body. According to many studies, lower serum albumin may be associated with depression in various groups of psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients, as well as with attempted suicide. As more severe depressive symptoms have been identified as a reliable risk factor for suicide in patients with high suicide risk, it

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Problem: Groin pain is common in soccer players but the prevalence has only been examined in uncontrolled studies. Methods: 479 male soccer players aged 25 years (17 - 43) (mean with range), 144 female soccer players aged 23 years (16 - 47), 74 men with no history of soccer training aged 26 years (16 - 42) and 94 women with no history of soccer training aged 23 years (range 15 - 43) answered a mai