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New religious movements and science: Rael's progressive patronizing parasitism

The article examines the concoction of religion and science contained in the revelation that substantiates a new religion: Raelianism, founded and led by the prophet Claude Vorilhon/Rael after having received a revelation in 1974. After a detailed examination both of Rael's prophetic message and his/the Raelians' interpretative practices, an ad hoc model is presented to describe such concoction (p

Possibilities for sustainable biorefineries based on agricultural residues - A case study of potential straw-based ethanol production in Sweden

This study presents a survey of the most important techno-economic factors for the implementation of biorefineries based on agricultural residues, in the form of straw, and biochemical conversion into ethanol and biogas, together with production of electricity and heat. The paper suggests locations where the necessary conditions can be met in Sweden. The requirements identified are regional availa

Contact allergy to fragrances with a focus on oak moss absolute

The exposure to fragrances is widespread and contact allergy to fragrance substances affects 1–4% of the general population. Many fragrance substances are volatile and it can therefore be suspected that they may evaporate from petrolatum patch test preparations applied in test chambers. In the first two papers included in this thesis the aims were to i) to investigate the stability of fragrance pr

Cardiovascular mortality in bipolar disorder: a population-based cohort study in Sweden

Objective To estimate the cardiovascular mortality among persons with bipolar disorder in Sweden compared to the general population. Design Population register-based cohort study with a 20-year follow-up. Setting Sweden. Participants The entire population of Sweden (n=10.6 million) of whom 17101 persons were diagnosed with bipolar disorder between 1987 and 2006. Main outcome measures Mortality rat

A review of recent freshwater dinoflagellate cysts: taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and palaeocology

Resting stages (e.g. cysts) play an important role in the life history and ecology of phytoplankton, e.g. the survival, reproduction, genetic recombination, and dispersal of many species. Marine dinoflagellates cysts have been intensively studied by both geologists and biologists, but freshwater cysts have received less attention. There are approximately 350 freshwater dinoflagellate species, and

Risk Factors for Medically Treated Hypocalcemia after Surgery for Graves' Disease: A Swedish Multicenter Study of 1,157 Patients.

BACKGROUND: For reasons that remain unclear, surgery for Graves' disease is associated with a higher risk of hypocalcemia than surgery for benign atoxic goiter. In the present study, we evaluated risk factors for postoperative hypocalcemia in patients undergoing operation for Graves' disease. METHODS: Data from 1,157 patients who underwent operation for Graves' disease between 2004 and 2008 were

Imaging of gynecological disease (6): clinical and ultrasound characteristics of ovarian dysgerminoma

Objectives To describe the clinical history and ultrasound findings in patients with ovarian dysgerminoma. Methods This was a retrospective study of patients with a histological diagnosis of ovarian dysgerminoma who had undergone preoperative ultrasound examination. The patients were identified from the databases of 11 ultrasound centers. The tumors were described by the principal investigator at

Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker

The semiconductor tracker is a silicon microstrip detector forming part of the inner tracking system of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The operation and performance of the semiconductor tracker during the first years of LHC running are described. More than 99% of the detector modules were operational during this period, with an average intrinsic hit efficiency of (99.74 +/- 0.04)%. The evolution

Development of a safety performance function for motorcycle accident fatalities on Malaysian primary roads

This study uses a generalized linear model approach, i.e. negative binomial regression, to develop a predictive model for motorcycle fatal accidents on Malaysian primary roads. For the modeling process, a huge data inventory has been carried out, integrating the road geometry features, fatal accident records and traffic censuses from 3 selected states for the past 3-year period. The results show t

CD44 isoforms are heterogeneously expressed in breast cancer and correlate with tumor subtypes and cancer stem cell markers.

BACKGROUND: The CD44 cell adhesion molecule is aberrantly expressed in many breast tumors and has been implicated in the metastatic process as well as in the putative cancer stem cell (CSC) compartment. We aimed to investigate potential associations between alternatively spliced isoforms of CD44 and CSCs as well as to various breast cancer biomarkers and molecular subtypes. METHODS: We used q-RT