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Your search for "*" yielded 530139 hits

Formation and Characterization of Supported Lipid Bilayers Composed of Hydrogenated and Deuterated Escherichia coli Lipids.

Supported lipid bilayers are widely used for sensing and deciphering biomolecular interactions with model cell membranes. In this paper, we present a method to form supported lipid bilayers from total lipid extracts of Escherichia coli by vesicle fusion. We show the validity of this method for different types of extracts including those from deuterated biomass using a combination of complementary

Low holotranscobalamin and cobalamins predict incident fractures in elderly men: the MrOS Sweden

In a population-based study on cobalamin status and incident fractures in elderly men (n = 790) with an average follow-up of 5.9 years, we found that low levels of metabolically active and total cobalamins predict incident fractures, independently of body mass index (BMI), bone mineral density (BMD), plasma total homocysteine (tHcy), and cystatin C. Cobalamin deficiency in elderlies may affect bon

Microclimate in Hot Dry Damascus: The Influence of the Urban Environment on Human Perception

There is a broad recognition that microclimatic conditions contribute to the quality of life in cities. A favorable microclimate has a positive influence on both commercial and social activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the human being and the surrounding thermal environment in terms of thermal acceptability, physical quality of the place, emotional state a

Optimal Policies for Inventory Systems with Lateral Transshipments

Using lateral transshipments can be beneficial in order to improve service levels and to reduce system costs. This paper deals with a single-echelon inventory system with two identical locations. Demands are generated by stationary and independent Poisson processes. In general, if a demand occurs at a location and there is no stock on hand, the demand is assumed to be backordered or lost. However,

Pa leo-environment and flooding of the Limpopo River-plain, Mozambique, between c. AD 1200-2000

Multi-proxy analysis was performed on a radiocarbon-dated core, collected from a relic oxbow lake in the Limpopo River-plain, Mozambique, with the aim to reconstruct paleo-environment and past flooding of the lower river system over the past c. 800 years. An additional objective was to evaluate and investigate the potential use of different proxies as recorders of paleo-flooding events and paleo-e

Proteomics in Nasal Lavage Fluids from Persulfate Challenged Hairdressers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårfrisörer utsätts dagligen för en mängd kemikalier på arbetet. Många frisörer drabbas därför av luftvägsbesvär vilka ofta kan kopplas till hårblekningsmedel. Blekningsmedlen innehåller bland annat så kallade persulfater. Dessa tros vara en av huvudorsakerna till luftvägsbesvären. Flera studier har visat att persulfater kan ge symptom från luftvägarna såsom hösnuva ellHairdressers have an increased risk for developing airway symptoms e.g. asthma and rhinitis. Persulfate salts, which are oxidizing agents present in bleaching powder, are considered to be important causal agents for these symptoms. The underlying mechanisms are unclear and efficient tools for risk assessment and diagnosis are scarce. The general aim of this thesis was to measure proteomic changes,

The specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning

Biomedicine is typically defined as the branch of medicine that is based on the principles of biology and biochemistry. A central tenet for biomedicine is the notion of disease and therapeutic specificity, i.e. the idea of tailored treatments for discrete disorders underpinned by specific pathologies. The present paper is concerned with how notions of disease and therapeutic specificity guide biom

Slaget vid Fantehåla år 1510

Vid Fantehåla, på gränsen mellan Örkelljunga och Rya socknar i nordvästra Skåne, utkämpades år 1510 ett slag mellan en svensk styrka under ledning av Åke Hansson Thott och en dansk-skånsk under ledning av Tyge Krabbe. Vid slaget dödades Åke Hansson och de svenska styrkorna slogs tillbaka. Mot bakgrund av samtliga uppgifter om slaget och den lokala topografin försöker författaren rekonstruera hände

Oxidation of the GaAs semiconductor at the Al2O3/GaAs junction

Atomic-scale understanding and processing of the oxidation of III-V compound-semiconductor surfaces are essential for developing materials for various devices (e.g., transistors, solar cells, and light emitting diodes). The oxidation-induced defect-rich phases at the interfaces of oxide/III-V junctions significantly affect the electrical performance of devices. In this study, a method to control t

Height and Earnings: The Role of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills

We use large-scale register data on 450,000 Swedish males who underwent mandatory military enlistment at age 18, and a subsample of 150,000 siblings, to examine why tall people earn more. We show the importance of both cognitive and noncognitive skills, as well as family background and muscular strength for the height-earnings relationship. In addition, we show that a substantial height premium re

Optimal single-port matching impedance for capacity maximization in compact MIMO arrays

A complete MIMO system model with compact arrays at both link ends containing arbitrary matching networks is presented based on a Z-parameter approach. The complete channel matrix including the coupling effect is also presented. Utilizing this system model, the optimum single-port matching impedance for capacity maximization is derived for a 2 × 2 MIMO system with coupling at the receivers only. A

A Russian record of a Middle Ordovician meteorite shower: Extraterrestrial chromite at Lynna River, St. Petersburg region

Numerous fossil meteorites and high concentrations of sediment-dispersed extraterrestrial chromite (EC) grains with ordinary chondritic composition have previously been documented from 467 +/- 1.6 Ma Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) strata. These finds probably reflect a temporarily enhanced influx of L-chondritic matter, following the disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid belt

Eli Heckscher’s Ideological Migration Toward Market Liberalism

For most of his life economist and economic historian Eli Heckscher was the most firmly principled economic liberal Sweden had. He fought against state-socialist tendencies, Keynesian crisis policy, and economic planning. In his younger days, however, he was a social conservative who adopted an almost state-socialist stance. This article provides an account of Heckscher’s ideology and its developm

THE HYPOXIC HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL NICHE Consequences of Hypoxia-induced Transcription on Stem Cell Fate

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stamceller är unika celler som har möjlighet att både förnya sig själva och ge upphov till en mängd mogna celler. Den ultimata stamcellen är det befruktade ägget, som är den cell som efter omfattande celldelning kommer att ge upphov till alla vävnader och celler i den färdigutvecklade kroppen. Dessa celler kallas därför pluripotenta. Även i den färdigutvecklade kroppen Hematopoiesis is the process of blood formation that originates with the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), a cell type that is responsible for the life-long supply of mature blood cells. HSCs are defined by their ability to self-renew as well as giving rise to differentiated cells of all blood lineages. Because of these features, HSCs are also the basis for bone marrow transplantation regimens for tr

Effect of vacuum infused cryoprotectants on the freezing tolerance of strawberry tissues

Whole strawberries were vacuum infused with cryoprotectants to improve their freezing tolerance. The strawberries were infused with 12 g/100 g trehalose solution; 0.2 g/100 g cold-acclimated wheatgrass solution (AWWE) containing antifreeze protein (AFP) or combination of 12 g/100 g trehalose with 0.2 g/100 g AWWE under vacuum for 14 mm. The fruits were frozen in liquid nitrogen and thawed at room