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The culturalization of Disease: A cultural analysis of the discourse on civic mindedness, health inequity, and ethnicity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark

This thesis analyses the media narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic and non-Western ethnic minorities in Denmark. Few months after the outbreak of the pandemic in Denmark, Statens Serum Institut (SSI), the national Danish agency for disease control and research, reported that persons with non-Western background were unproportionally affected by the disease. In the following media debate, there are

Is Automation the Future of Machine Learning? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Influential Factors for Adoption of Automated Machine Learning in an Organizational Context

Machine learning (ML) started as hype and an academic dream and throughout recent years has become reality for many organizations that are working towards becoming data-driven when making vital business decisions with the use of great amounts of data. Capitalizing on ML re-quires expertise which the job market is struggling to provide. This resulted in the intro-duction of the concept of automatin

Cooking over the sun

The use of tools is closely connected to the development of the human species, in both cognitive abilities and physiology. Tilting the equation of energy and time favorably, by the use of tools, has shaped us to who we are. Cooking and its benefits have created an edge for humans to develop and thrive but it also poses challenges. We have evolved alongside fire to a point where we depend on an ex

The future of urban trees – assessing the potential impact of climate change on urban tree populations in two European cities

Due to climate change, cities are increasingly facing the situation of being exposed to more frequent and prolonged extreme weather events in the future, such as heat and droughts, which are exacerbated by urban heat island (UHI) effects. The implementation of green infrastructure (GI) in the form of trees is seen as a possible adaptation measure to regulate the microclimate. However, there is an

When the home becomes our office - The relation between personality, perceived work engagement and work life balance during a new wave of work from home

Trenden med virtuellt arbete och arbete hemifrån har snabbt accelererats av Covid-19-pandemin. De huvudsakliga frågorna för denna studie var huruvida de fem stora personlighetsfaktorerna kunde förutsäga individens upplevda nivåer av arbetsengagemang och balans i arbetslivet kring deras hemarbete, i nuläget och under perioden av det senaste året. Detta gjordes genom ett online-frågeformulär med skaThe trend of virtual work and work from home have been rapidly accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The main questions for this study were whether the five major personality factors could predict the individual's perceived levels of work engagement and work life balance during work from home, at present and over time. The relationships were tested using scales for big five personality traits,

Jäv för styrelseledamot i aktiebolag - En studie av 8 kap. 23§ ABL

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka betydelsen av jäv för styrelseledamot enligt vad som stadgas i 8 kap. 23 § ABL. För att uppnå syftet har juridisk metod tillsammans med juridiska rättskällor varit utgångspunkten för uppsatsskrivandet. En styrelseledamot i ett aktiebolag har ett gemensamt samt individuellt ansvar Regleringen i 8 kap 23§ ABL syftar till att motverka de negativa effekterna sThis essay aims to investigate the significance of non-compliance for a board member in accordance with what is stipulated in chapter 8 section 23 of the Swedish Companies Act. The regulation in Chapter 8, Section 23 of the Swedish Companies aims to counteract the negative effects that may arise because of conflicts of interest between the company and the individual board member. The regulation m

Alkaline wet oxidation of biorefinery lignin from wheat straw

Klimatförändringar och överkonsumtion av fossila naturresurser har skapat ett behov av en energiproduktion som baseras på förnybara energikällor, däribland biomassa innehållandes lignocellulosa. Restavfall från jordbruket, som vetehalm, är material innehållandes lignocellulosa som kan bidra till energitillförseln om de används till biogasproduktion. Ett problem med biogasproduktion från sådana matClimate change and depletion of fossil resources have generated a need for energy production based on renewable resources such as lignocellulosic biomass. Agricultural residues, like wheat straw, is lignocellulosic biomass that could contribute to the energy supply if it was used for biogas production. One issue with biogas production from lignocellulosic materials is, however, the high content of

Hållbart brandskydd - Har vi råd att inte investera?

The aspect of sustainability has been a major topic in construction and real estate planning the last decade, but this seems to have fall between the cracks in the fire protection design. Therefor the aim of this thesis is to map building developer and fire engineer’s opinion and understanding about sustainable fire safety. The report also aims to develop an explanation of the concept and investig

Tvärprofessionell samverkan kring ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa-ett skolsköterskeperspektiv. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa bland unga ökar och elevhälsan spelar en viktig roll i arbetet med de ungdomar som mår dåligt. För att på bästa sätt ge stöd åt unga med psykisk ohälsa krävs att skolans professioner samverkar. Syfte: Att belysa tvärprofessionell samverkan kring elever med psykisk ohälsa på högstadieoch gymnasieskolor ur ett skolsköterskeperspektiv. Metod: Datainsamlingen skedde genom tio

Sustainable Cattle Production in Brazil - The Agricultural Innovation System of Integrated Livestock Systems in Mato Grosso State

The precarious state of affairs in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, particularly in Mato Grosso, where unsustainable cattle ranching is driving the deforestation. Brazil needs to invest in sustainable development of its cattle production. Integrated Livestock Systems is a technology which serves this purpose, but is poorly integrated into Brazil’s Agricultural Innovation system. The literature rev

Viscosity of carbon dioxide expanded ethanol. – The Hagen-Poiseuille method

Introduction: Knowing the viscosity of carbon dioxide expanded solvents is important in extraction and chromatography processes due to its effect on mass transfer. Background: Rather few studies on viscosity of carbon dioxide expanded ethanol at different pressures, temperatures, and molar ratios exist. Aim(s): Building a system and validating a method to determine the viscosity of supercritic

Encouraging Pro-Social Behaviours Through Feelings of Responsibility: Investigating factors influential to the behaviour of low-risk individuals during the COVID-19 response in Ireland

This research examined the experiences of 12 low-risk individuals to identify factors influential to their behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland. The method used a semi-structured format of interviews conducted over June 2021. The study found that participants held a subscription like mentality towards adopted protective behaviours which focused on the protection of loved ones. Behavi

Making Sydhavnen Meet

Social interaction is a basic human need that contributes to society by allowing individuals to compare and exchange opinions and perspectives, bridging the gap between different groups. The primary setting for this exchange is what we define as public space. In our daily lives, we find ourselves constantly interacting with the environment that surrounds us, influencing and being influenced by it.

The Impact of the UNCRC During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sweden

Sweden has expressed a commitment to children’s rights in the last few decades, signing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1990 and eventually incorporating it as Swedish law in 2020. With the Covid-19 pandemic coinciding with the convention as law and drastically changing the lives of many, including those of children and youth, what role do children’s rights play during a gl

Sharing local files with Kubernetes clusters

I takt med att världen blir mer datadriven flyttas allt fler stora beräkningar till molnet. Då tillkommer ofta problem med filhantering. Detta examensarbete bidrar med ett nytt sätt att dela filer med molnet, där molntjänsten får tillgång till filer som lagras på användarens dator.Data science development largely revolves around working in notebooks, and these usually run in a cluster environment. These cloud notebooks do however come with limitations. Support for tools like version control, testing, refactoring and linting is limited, which negatively impacts developer experience and software quality. We propose a networked file system for sharing local files and director

Post-democratic sustainability in the EU-Morocco fisheries agreement. On the depoliticized inclusion of the waters of occupied Western Sahara

The territory of Western Sahara (WS) has been occupied by Morocco since 1975, displacing many of the indigenous people now living in refugee camps in Algeria. In 2019, the EU adopted a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) with Morocco which includes WS waters. This in spite of two court rulings stating that trade agreements including WS resources are not legal without the cons