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Technology sovereignty as an emerging frame for innovation policy : defining rationales, ends and means
In recent years, global technology-based competition has not only intensified, but become increasingly linked to a more comprehensive type of competition between different political and value systems. The globalist assumptions of the post-Cold War era that reliable mutually beneficial agreements could be reached with all nations, regardless of ideology, have been shattered. A previously less visib
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What are the views of the Italian secondary school students about the future of education, and what conception of Europe are they developing? This report presents the results of the survey “Futures for education and europeanity”, which in 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, collected the opinions of the Italian Provincial Student Councils, representative bodies spread throughout the country, about
Removal of organic micropollutantns from wastewater in a Swedish context
Due to their potential environmental risk, the abatement of organic micropollutants from wastewater has gained increasing attention in recent years. This thesis evaluates the use of ozone in Swedish wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the incentives for full-scale implementation of organic micropollutant removal.This work is divided into two sections: the first segment comprises quantitative rDue to their potential environmental risk, the abatement of organic micropollutants from wastewater has gained increasing attention in recent years. This thesis evaluates the use of ozone in Swedish wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the incentives for full-scale implementation of organic micropollutant removal.This work is divided into two sections: the first segment comprises quantitative r
Size-resolved characterization of particles >10 nm emitted to air during metal recycling
Background: In the strive towards a circular economy, metal waste recycling is a growing industry. During the recycling process, particulate matter containing toxic and allergenic metals will be emitted to the air causing unintentional exposure to humans and environment. Objective: In this study detailed characterization of particle emissions and workplace exposures were performed, covering the fu
Allergen immunotherapy for allergic asthma : The future seems bright
Allergen specific immunotherapy (AIT) is the only causal therapeutic option for allergic airway diseases including asthma and allergic rhinitis. AIT has been shown to restore the allergen immune tolerance, can modify both the early and late-onset allergen-specific airway hyperreactivity, helps to achieve disease control/remission and prevents new sensitisations. Recent real life data on long-term
High-resolution Optical Imaging for Deep-water Archaeology
Application of Bioactivity Profile-Based Fingerprints for Building Machine Learning Models
The volume of high throughput screening data has considerably increased since the beginning of the automated biochemical and cell-based assays era. This information-rich data source provides tremendous repurposing opportunities for data mining. It was recently shown that biochemical or cell-based assay results can be compiled into so-called high-throughput fingerprints (HTSFPs) as a new type of de
A novel structural position-specific scoring matrix for the prediction of protein secondary structures
Motivation: The precise prediction of protein secondary structure is of key importance for the prediction of 3D structure and biological function. Although the development of many excellent methods over the last few decades has allowed the achievement of prediction accuracies of up to 80%, progress seems to have reached a bottleneck, and further improvements in accuracy have proven difficult. Resu
Surgical treatment of atrioventricular septal defect
Poor adult tuberculosis treatment outcome and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia : An institution-based cross-sectional study
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major medical and public health problem throughout the world, especially in developing countries including Ethiopia. Its control program is currently being challenged by the spread of drug-resistant TB, which is the result of poor treatment outcomes. Hence, this study assessed poor adult TB treatment outcomes and associated factors in Gibe Woreda, Southern Ethiopia. An
Large Intelligent Surface Measurements for Joint Communication and Sensing
Multiple concepts for future generations of wireless communication standards utilize coherent processing of signals from many distributed antennas. Names for these concepts include distributed MIMO, cell-free massive MIMO, XL-MIMO, and large intelligent surfaces. They aim to improve communica- tion reliability, capacity, as well as energy efficiency and provide possibilities for new applications t
Validity and reliability of the electronic Faces Thermometer Scale for pain assessment—study protocol including pilot testing and primary results in the paediatric population
En framtida innovationsmiljö för Life Science i Helsingborg : -vision för Helsingborgs lasarett 2030
En första utredning om hur lasarettsbyggnaden i Helsingborg kan fyllas med företag inom Life Science, när region Skåne flyttar sjukvården till en ny byggnad ute i Östra Ramlösa.
Farliga förbindelser : Kopplingen mellan Islamiska förbundet i Sverige och Muslimska brödraskapet
I den här artikeln ska jag framlägga argument för en kontroversiell tes. Nämligen att Islamiska förbundet i Sverige (IFiS), som äger och förvaltar Stora moskén på Södermalm i Stockholm, egentligen är en organisation som ingår i Muslimska brödraskapets (MB) nätverk av nationella organisationer och internationella samverkansorgan. MB är en legendarisk islamistisk organisation med rötter i Egypten, g
Inledning till temanummer om Covid-19s effekter på arbetslivet
Sammantagningsvis tar det här temanumret upp viktiga aspekter rörande coronapandemins effekter på arbetslivet. Utifrån artiklarna vill vi särskilt lyfta följande fyra punkter som angelägna för framtiden:- facket och skyddsombuden i Sverige spelar viktiga roller för bedömning avarbetsmiljörisker vid kriser, såsom coronapandemin.- goda arbetsvillkor i vardagen är avgörande för vård- och omsorgssekto
Academic Spin-offs: The Role of Routinized Behaviours in New Venture Success
This book discusses the importance of developing routininized behaviours in new venture development, specifically highlighting the unique challenges that academic spin-offs face in this vital step towards successful business creation. During the early development stage, new ventures are informally established and have few routines that inform organizational performance. However, the process of new
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Unreported incidental pulmonary embolism in patients with cancer : Radiologic natural history and risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism and death
Purpose: To assess the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) and death in patients with unreported cancer-associated incidental pulmonary embolism (iPE). Materials and methods: Matched cohort study on cancer patients with a CT study including the chest between 2014-01-01 and 2019-06-30. Studies were reviewed for unreported iPE, and cases were matched with controls without iPE. Cases and c
Retrieving backbone string neighbors provides insights into structural modeling of membrane proteins
Identification of protein structural neighbors to a query is fundamental in structure and function prediction. Here we present BS-align, a systematic method to retrieve backbone string neighbors from primary sequences as templates for protein modeling. The backbone conformation of a protein is represented by the backbone string, as defined in Ramachandran space. The backbone string of a query can