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Magnetic phase diagram of the quantum spin chain compound SrCo2V2O8 : A single-crystal neutron diffraction study

We explore magnetic order in the quantum spin chain compound SrCo2V2O8 up to 14.9 T and down to 50 mK, using single-crystal neutron diffraction. Upon cooling in zero-field, commensurate antiferromagnetic (C-AFM) order with modulation vector=(0, 0, 1) develops below T N≃5.0K. Applying an external magnetic field (H∥c axis) destabilizes this C-AFM order, leading to an order-disorder transition betwee

Effects of intervention on self-efficacy and text quality in elementary school students’ narrative writing

Aim: Self-efficacy for writing is an important motivational factor and considered to predict writing performance. Self-efficacy for narrative writing has been sparsely studied, and few studies focus on the effects of writing intervention on self-efficacy. Additionally, there is a lack of validated measures of self-efficacy for elementary school students. In a previous study, we found that a traine

Action of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the isolated photosensory pineal organ

The effect of GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), its agonists (muscimol, baclofen) and antagonist (bicuculline) on pineal ganglion cells of the luminosity type were studied in the isolated, superfused pineal organ of the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Extracellular recordings revealed that GABA added through the superfusion medium caused a clear alteration of the actvity of projecting neurons, which

bicoid RNA localization requires the trans-Golgi network

Background: The formation of the bicoid (bcd) mRNA gradient is a crucial step for Bcd protein gradient formation in Drosophila. In the past, a microtubule (MT)-based cortical network had been shown to be indispensable for bcd mRNA transport to the posterior.Results: We report the identification of a MT-binding protein CLASP/Chb as the first component associated with this cortical MT network. Since

Workshop on Environmental Nanosafety: Biological Interactions of Plastic Nanoparticles

The one-hour workshop, containing both a demonstration and hands-on experiments on the topic of nanosafety, is based on current science on a topic of general interest. The workshop aims to provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of nanoparticles. The participants get an introduction to what nanoparticles are, why nanosized materials are interesting, how nanomaterials interact with biological The one-hour workshop, containing both a demonstration and hands-on experiments on the topic of nanosafety, is based on current science on a topic of general interest. The workshop aims to provide a deeper knowledge and understanding of nanoparticles. The participants get an introduction to what nanoparticles are, why nanosized materials are interesting, how nanomaterials interact with biological

Att göra trygghet i staden : Ett "samvärkande" projekt mellan kommun och civilsamhälle

I det första kapitlet presenteras tankar och koncept kring tillit och trygghet samt tidigare forskning om civilsamhället och relationen mellan den offentliga och den ideella sektorn. I andra kapitlet redogörs för projektets genomförande och olika steg. I rapportens tredje kapitel presenteras resultaten av arbetet. Rapporten avslutas med en sammanfattande reflektion kring ritualer och improvisation

Tool–chip thermal conductance coefficient and heat flux in machining : Theory, model and experiment

This study proposes a technique for determining a tool–chip thermal conductance coefficient and heat flux in machining. The technique is based on solving an inverse heat transfer problem (IHTP). Because the IHTP is ill-posed, a priori information is required for its effective solution. To derive this information, substantial qualitative and quantitative analysis of a mixed boundary value problem f

Ethical Considerations in Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics

Ethics is the study of the normative dimensions of human relations and experiences. This chapter discusses such questions in relation to basic values in modern society. The normative foundations for the analysis are the values of human dignity, autonomy, freedom, equality, and solidarity, as well as the responsibilities of society toward its citizens, including freedom, security, and justice. The

Contemporary science as context for teaching nature of science : Teachers' development of popular science articles as a teaching resource

Most of the physics (as well as the other sciences) taught in school can be described as well-established or consensus science. This is the kind of science knowledge that was mostly developed over a century ago. The inclusion of contemporary science research in compulsory school science teaching could be justified from a variety of reasons: increasing students' interest and motivation; providing i


Imagination is a human capacity that reproduces and transforms experiences and thoughts. The capacity is manifested in children’s pretend play and is an important part of adults’ ability to process the past, and to plan the future. A first step in the development of imagination is the ability to represent objects and events and to change these representations into alternatives to reality. For adap

Hezbollah and the axis of refusal : Hamas, Iran and Syria

Hezbollah has acquired a dual and contradictory reputation: as a legitimate political actor in Lebanon and as a terrorist organisation in the USA and Israel. This duality can be explained if we understand that Hezbollah is a nationalist entity that defines itself primarily within the Lebanese polity, as well as an anti-imperialist party intent on countering the regional hegemony of Israel and the

Insights from the field : Methodologies and research problems in empirical research on elites

There appear to be no methodological works on empirical research in the Arab world and only a few recent works on methodologies of elite research. The purpose of this article is not to fill the gap in empirical research on the Arab world or to present groundbreaking discoveries on methodologies for elite research. Rather, it is to pave the way for future works in that direction. Another purpose is

The Cost-effectiveness of Biological Therapy Cycles in the Management of Crohn's Disease

OBJECTIVES: To examine the cost-effectiveness of continued treatment for patients with moderate-severe Crohn's disease in clinical remission, with a combination of anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha [anti-TNFα] [infliximab] and immunomodulator therapy compared with two different withdrawal strategies: [1] withdrawal of the anti-TNFα therapy; and [2] withdrawal of the immunomodulator therapy, respec