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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Influence of the migration of radioactive contaminants in soil, resident occupancy, and variability in contamination on isodose lines for typical Northern European houses

In the remedial phase following an accidental radioactive release, it is important that soil decontamination measures are carried out on the areas that contribute most to the radiation dose. In this study, the newly developed concept of isodose lines was applied to the area around typical Swedish dwellings to identify these areas. The influence of the most common building materials in Sweden, wood

Sveriges största forskningssatsning på biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i ett föränderligt klimat

TEMA: BIODIVERSITET I CENTRUMEtt av Sveriges 43 nationella strategiska forskningsområden BECC – Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate – fokuserar på biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster i en värld präglad av klimatförändring. Med ett tvärvetenskapligt angreppssätt arbetar vi med hur svensk markanvändning kan förenas med en långsiktigt hållbar utveckling i ett föränderligt k

Antagonists of bradykinin that stabilize a G-protein-uncoupled state of the B2 receptor act as inverse agonists in rat myometrial cells

Several B2 bradykinin (BK) receptor-specific antagonists including HOE140, NPC17731, and NPC567 exhibited negative intrinsic activity, which was observed as a decrease in basal phosphoinositide hydrolysis in primary cultures of rat myometrial cells, and this response was opposite to that elicited by the agonist BK. The order of potency of the antagonists in attenuating basal activity was essential

Effects of pseudophakic lens capsule opacification on optical coherence tomography of the macula

AbstractPURPOSE: To report observations on the influence of posterior lens capsule opacification on optical coherence tomographic imaging quality and measurements of macular thickness. METHODS: The retrospective study included 13 eyes in 12 patients of which 2 eyes had a healthy macula and 11 eyes had maculopathy. In all eyes posterior lens capsule fibrosis was present. A clinical examination incl

Concentration-driven models revisited: Towards a unified framework to model settling tanks in WWTPs

This contribution introduces a new perspective on the modelling of settling behaviour aimed at providing a unified description of the processes taking place both in primary and secondary settling tanks for a more detailed operation and control in Water and Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRFs). First, experimental evidence is provided pointing out the flocculation state of sludge as an important co

Generation of reactive astrocytes from NG2 cells is regulated by sonic hedgehog.

NG2 cells, a fourth glial cell type in the adult mammalian central nervous system, produce oligodendrocytes in the healthy nervous tissue, and display wide differentiation potential under pathological conditions, where they could give rise to reactive astrocytes. The factors that control the differentiation of NG2 cells after focal cerebral ischemia (FCI) are largely unknown. Here, we used transge

A Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Abeta42 and Pro-oxidative Substances Exhibits Cognitive Deficit and Alterations in Glutamatergic and Cholinergic Neurotransmitter Systems.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most serious human, medical, and socioeconomic burdens. Here we tested the hypothesis that a rat model of AD (Samaritan; Taconic Pharmaceuticals, USA) based on the application of amyloid beta42 (Abeta42) and the pro-oxidative substances ferrous sulfate heptahydrate and L-buthionine-(S, R)-sulfoximine, will exhibit cognitive deficits and disruption of the glut

Filter function of graphene oxide : Trapping perfluorinated molecules

We need clean drinking water, but current water purification methods are not always sufficient. This study examines the binding and binding mechanisms when graphene oxide is used as a filter material for removing perfluorinated substances and trihalomethanes. We use density functional theory calculations to examine the binding of the harmful molecules on graphene oxide. Our results indicate that t

Trust, happiness and mortality: Findings from a prospective US population-based survey

There has been an abundance of research discussing the health implications of generalised trust and happiness over the past two decades. Both attitudes have been touted as independent predictors of morbidity and mortality, with strikingly similar trajectories and biological pathways being hypothesised. To date, however, neither trust nor happiness have been considered simultaneously as predictors

Assembly mechanisms of the bacterial cytoskeletal protein FilP

Despite low-sequence homology, the intermediate filament (IF)-like protein FilP from Streptomyces coelicolor displays structural and biochemical similarities to the metazoan nuclear IF lamin. FilP, like IF proteins, is composed of central coiled-coil domains interrupted by short linkers and flanked by head and tail domains. FilP polymerizes into repetitive filament bundles with paracrystalline pro

Tailored emission to boost open-circuit voltage in solar cells

Recently, a lot of research focus has been on how to make solar cells more efficient. One direction is to enhance the open-circuit voltage Voc by optimizing the emission of photons in the cell, where emission is a necessary loss process due to the reciprocity between absorption and emission of light. Here, we performed a Shockley-Queisser detailed balance analysis to predict the benefit of managin

Education, Home Exercise, and Supervised Exercise for People With Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis As Part of a Nationwide Implementation Program : Data From the Better Management of Patients With Osteoarthritis Registry

Objective: To compare the effectiveness of education (ED) plus home exercise (HE) and ED plus supervised exercise (SE) according to information provided by the Better Management of Patients With Osteoarthritis (BOA) Registry, a nationally implemented rehabilitation program for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). In addition, we investigated whether or not the effect of the treatments d

From carbohydrates to fat : Trends in food intake among Swedish nutrition students from 2002 to 2017

Earlier studies have implied a change in dietary habits of the Swedish population towards a low carbohydrate, high fat diet. Questions have been raised about the development in recent years and potential health effects. We have investigated the dietary intake of Swedish female students enrolled in a university nutrition course between 2002 and 2017. The students carried out self-reporting of all f

Incompleteness and disgust predict treatment outcome in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder

Increasing evidence suggests that pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is underpinned not only by fear but by feelings of incompleteness and disgust, but it is currently unclear whether emotion-involvement in OCD symptoms is associated with treatment response in youth with OCD. The present study investigates whether treatment outcome for youth with OCD was predicted by the degree to which

Meeting at the crossroads? Developing national strategies for disaster risk reduction and resilience : Relevance, scope for, and challenges to, integration

Increasing impacts from disasters and climate hazards have prompted international efforts to promote the development of national disaster risk reduction and resilience (DRRR) strategies intended to reduce mortality and other losses. The development of such strategies is the subject of target E of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030). Furthermore, an increasing understanding