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Rekonstruktion: Festen

Rekonstruktion:Festen är ett labb som genomförs av grupperna Banditsagor (Malmö) och Skuggteatern (Umeå). Tillsammans undersöker de en form av scenkonst där publiken är aktörerna men inte behöver ta ansvar eller agera. Labbet pågår i en vecka och avslutas med två test i form av föreställningar. Det är dessa test som vi nu bjuder in till.Rekonstruktion:Festen är en rekonstruktion av ett fiktivt hän

Eleven Amino Acids of HLA-DRB1 and Fifteen Amino Acids of HLA-DRB3, 4 and 5 Include Potentially "Causal Residues" Responsible for the Risk of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes

Next generation targeted sequencing of HLA-DRB1, -DRB3, -DRB4 and -DRB5 (abbreviated as DRB345) provides high resolution of functional variant positions to investigate their associations with type 1 diabetes risk and with autoantibodies against insulin (IAA), GAD65 (GADA), IA-2 (IA-2A) or ZnT8 (ZnT8A). To overcome exceptional DR sequence complexity due to high polymorphisms and extended linkage-di

Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and tyrosine phosphatase-like protein (IA-2) autoantibodies index in a regional population is related to glucose intolerance and body mass index

Aims/hypothesis. Our aims were to investigate the concentrations and prevalence of autoantibodies against the Mr 65.000 isoform of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and the tyrosine phosphatase-like protein (IA-2) in adults and to test the hypothesis that GAD65 and IA-2 autoantibodies in a regional population are related to abnormal oral glucose tolerance. Methods. We analysed serum from 2157 Swedis

Naturvård - segregerad från eller integrerad i jordbrukslandskapet?

Naturvårdens mål är att bevara biologisk mångfald (gener, arter och livsmiljöer) ochnaturliga ekosystemprocesser, men också att möta människors behov av att tillgodogöra sig de tjänster som naturen ger. Under de senaste åren har en polariserad debatt uppstått som ställer dessa målsättningar emot varandra. Sett ur ett bredare perspektiv är det dock möjligt att hitta lösningar som kombinerar bägge d

Vaccination mot typ 1-diabetes framme vid kliniska försöksstadiet

The occurrence of type I diabetes is associated with autoimmunity against insulin, glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and the transmembrane protein IA-2. Experiments in the spontaneously diabetic NOD mouse and the BB rat have shown early autoantigen treatment to confer protection from diabetes. The question remains of whether human type I diabetes can be prevented by autoantigen 'vaccination'.

Tax Sustainability in an EU and International Context

With this book, you will gain unique insights and a wider perspective on the impact of taxes on sustainable development in the European Union and worldwide. Based on multidisciplinary analyses, it takes an in-depth look at how tax systems can help or hinder the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. A must-read for public finance experts, tax experts and sustainable development experts.

Multicenter Analysis of Endovascular Aortic Arch In Situ Stent-Graft Fenestrations for Aortic Arch Pathologies

Background: In situ fenestration of aortic stent grafts for treatment of aortic arch aneurysms is a new option for endovascular aortic arch repair. So far, only few reports have shown perioperative and short-term results of in situ fenestrations for aortic arch diseases. We present the multicenter experience with the aortic arch in situ fenestration technique documented in the AARCHIF registry for

Activity evoked by A- and C-afferent fibers in rat dorsal horn neurons and its relation to a flexion reflex

The responses of 56 neurons recorded in the lumbosacral spinal cord of halothane-anesthetized rats were studied following the application of mechanical stimuli to the skin on the lateral aspect of the paw or electrical stimulation of the sural nerve. Only neurons driven by A- and C-fiber stimulation were considered. The evoked activity in a nerve supplying flexor muscles, the common peroneal nerve

Specific functions of grafted locus coeruleus neurons in the kindling model of epilepsy

Grafts of fetal noradrenaline (NA)-rich locus coeruleus (LC) tissue implanted bilaterally into the hippocampus in 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) treated, hyperexcitable rats retard seizure development in hippocampal kindling. We report that bilateral intrahippocampal LC grafts failed to affect the severity of seizures when implanted in 6-OHDA-treated, already kindled rats. Furthermore, a noradrenergic

Parkinson's disease-like burst firing activity in subthalamic nucleus induced by AAV-α-synuclein is normalized by LRRK2 modulation

Parkinson's disease (PD) affects motor function through degenerative processes and synaptic transmission impairments in the basal ganglia. None of the treatments available delays or stops the progression of the disease. While α-synuclein pathological accumulation represents a hallmark of the disease in its idiopathic form, leucine rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is genetically associated with familia