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”Den osynliga regeringen” - En undersökning av Edward L. Bernays demokratisyn

Edward L. Bernays (1891 - 1995) was an American PR-pioneer who came into prominence during the 1920s. He made a significant contribution to the theorizing and legitimization of the field. This started with Crystallizing Public Opinion(1923)where he defined, justified and celebrated the profession. He also staged several notable PR-campaigns; e.g. ”Torches of Freedom” and ”Light's Golden Jubile

Developing robust algorithms for feature extraction in images of polymer layers

Automated manufacturing processes are an important component of today’s industries. Assuming the processes are properly maintained they allow for great efficiency when producing various goods. Image analysis can be used as a tool to monitor such processes and evaluate their results. This Thesis treats development of algorithms for automatic evaluation of images acquired using a standardized proce

Digitala strategier inom innovativa tjänsteföretag - Möjligheter och utmaningar relaterade till digitalisering av tjänsteprocesser

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka de möjligheter och utmaningar som finns relaterade till innovativa tjänsteföretags strategiska arbete med digitalisering av tjänsteprocesser. Syftet diskuteras utifrån följande frågeställningar: På vilket sätt innebär innovativa tjänsteföretags digitala strategi att kunden involveras i tjänsteprocessen och bidrar till strategin? På vilket sätt bidrar de innovativa

Accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) – Analysis of Opinion 2/13 of the European Court of Justice

On the 18th of December 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered the historic Opinion 2/13, where it ruled that the draft agreement on the accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is not compatible with Article 6(2) of the Treaty on European Union or with Protocol (No 8) relating to Article 6(2) TEU.In

Hur kan sjuksköterskan bli bättre på att kommunicera med personer med demens? En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Vid demens får personen olika symtom beroende på var skadan i hjärnan sitter, och ett av dessa symtom är svårigheter med kommunikationen. När befolkningen blir äldre kommer demenssjukdomar att öka. Sjuksköterskor behöver verktyg för att veta hur de kan bli bättre på att kommunicera med det ökande antalet personer med demens. Syfte: Att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan bli bättre på att komm

Talaren i tiden : en klusteranalys av Jimmie Åkessons tal i Almedalen år 2014 och 2018

Uppsatsen berör de tal som Sverigedemokraternas partiledare Jimmie Åkesson framförde under Almedalsveckan år 2014 och 2018. Avsikten med uppsatsen är att studera hur och om Sverigedemokraternas argumentation har förändrats under en mandatperiod, då mycket i samhället har förändrats sedan det senaste valåret, exempelvis flyktingkrisen år 2015. För att besvara uppsatsems frågeställningar som lyder

RGB and Multispectral UAV image classification of agricultural fields using a machine learning algorithm

A common technique within image analysis is image classification which describes the process of reducing the information content of an image into few user-defined classes. With the emergence of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), high spatial resolution (cm-level) images can be collected. This thesis aims at testing different methods for classifying UAV images from an agricultural crop site in the so

A Life Cycle Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Cross-Laminated Timber

Negative environmental impacts generated by new buildings and the built environment needs to be reduced in order to contribute to mitigation of anthropogenic global warming. Sustainable building certifications such as Miljöbyggnad and DGNB was introduced as a measure to transition into more sustainable buildings. The research study explores the environmental impacts of cross-laminated timber and t

Digitala framställningar av idealjaget - En semiotisk bildanalys av självpresentationer på Facebook

Självpresentationer utgör en viktig aspekt utifrån den digitala världens ökade betydelse i de mellanmänskliga interaktionerna. Via postandet av bilder på sociala medier tillåts en framställning av självet för hur vi väljer att presentera oss. Studien syftade till att undersöka hur självpresentationer skiljer sig åt inom olika sociala grupper. En semiotisk bildanalys har därför använts för att leta

Forming a Supply Chain Strategy for a Startup

About 90% of all startups fail to become successful, and the most significant reason is due to premature scaling. Limited research has priorly been conducted in the borderland between startups and supply chain. Explicitly on how a startup should go about defining its supply chain objective and how to measure its performance. Nevertheless, the high-tech startup industry sees potential in gaining in

ARIMA-modellering av anlagda bilbränder i Sverige

An ongoing trend the last couple of years has been the intense reporting of an increased amount of deliberate vehicle fires in Sweden. As the overall assumption in society is that the number of deliberate vehicle fires is steadily increasing, a statistic model trying to investigate this was made. In 1998, the share of deliberate car fires were estimated to 12%, the same number in 2015 was 38%, ind

Connecting young women in Malawi to ICTs - Strengthening SRH information as a pathway to empowerment?

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming increasingly influential in social, economic and political spheres and have also been recognised for their potential within health promotion, especially when targeting youth and adolescents. Despite the potential of these new technologies, there is a growing understanding of how prevailing inequalities between men and women and socio-c

Data driven fuzzy suitability modelling as a method for assessing habitat choice of migratory Red Kites (Milvus, milvus) across Spain

As an increasing number of species drift onto the IUCN’s list of endangered species, it has become increasingly important to understand the fundamental aspects that are essential in maintaining the fitness of these threatened species. Using tracking data from 75% of a sample of Swiss juvenile Red Kites during their wintering period in Spain, various bioclimatic predictors (BCMPs) were taken into

"Det fanns självklart också kvinnliga filmskapare vid denna tid" - Om kanonbildning inom svensk filmvetenskap vid Lunds universitet och Stockholms universitet

This essay aims to discuss equality in the film selection screened in Undergraduate Film Studies at Lunds University and Stockholm University. As there is a consensus within canon formation studies that film canons hegemonically premier white men of American and European decent, there was reason to analyze if this could be found within these academic film institutions. The films screened during th

Ondskans konungar och hejdukar: En semiotisk analys av fyra Robin Hood filmer

Essential to many films is the conflict between good and evil. This paper presents an overview of the representation of evil in film. The paper’s purpose is to find out how the three principal antagonists in four Robin Hood movies are represented as being evil and how this has changed over time. The study method used is semiotic analysis. The previous research in the field of evil representation i

Säkerhet vid vägarbete

Vägar slits konstant och kräver konstant förbättringar och ombyggnationer. För att möjliggöra detta krävs personer som befinner sig ute på vägarna. Tekniken har gått framåt inom området trafiksäkerhet men skulle behöva förbättras ytterligare om vägarbetare ska vara säkra på sin arbetsplats. Även trafiken har förändrats över åren. Idag finns fler fordon på vägarna än aldrig förr. Bilarna är säkrareRoads are constantly worn down and demands improvements and reconstructions. To make this possible there has to be road workers on the road. Road safety has been improved along the years but can still be improved more. Today there are more vehicles on the road than ever before. The cars are more safe and therefore is encouraging to higher speeds as they are driven together with all safety features

How Capital Requirements Affects Swedish Pension Payments

The size of the pension payments is a result of how well the pension capital has been invested by the life insurance company. The laws for how much of the pension capital the life insurance companies are able to invest, and how much they need to keep as capital requirement, are under investigation. This is regulated by the risk measure value at risk. Finansinspektionen has released a test report,

Tillit, professioner och organisation – En studie om hur professionell tillit kan skapas i och av organisationer

Denna studie har sin utgångspunkt i artikelserie som påtalade några av de problem som finns inom den svenska välfärden. De problem som identifierades är de yrken som verkar inom den svenskavälfärden har blivit styrda i stor utsträckning vilket har lett flera olika typer av problem. För att råda bot på detta infördes något som kallas för tillitsreformen. Denna reform har till uppgift att hitta nya