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Faunal turnovers and trilobite morphologies in the upper Cambrian Leptoplastus Zone at Andrarum, southern Sweden

The Furongian (upper Cambrian) Leptoplastus Zone marks a time of critical changes in the evolution of olenid trilobites. This zone, unexposed at Andrarum in Skane, southern Sweden, has been re-excavated and the sequence of faunas and sediments logged in detail. The faunal succession accords with that previously described from borehole cores by Westergard, and the subzones of L. paucisegmentatus, L


Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbättrad patientsäkerhet och omvårdnad av patienter med höftraktur Intervention granskad i det nationella kvalitetsregistret RIKSHÖFT Varje år drabbas ca 18 000 personer i Sverige av höftfraktur efter fall. Höftfraktur är ett samlingsnamn för två frakturtyper i den övre delen av lårbenet. Den ena frakturtypen är lokaliserad till lårbenshalsen (cervikal fraktur) och dAim: Hip fractures are common and costly. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore how different clinical pathways influence safety and quality of care among patients with a hip fracture and to test the usefulness of the national quality register RIKSHÖFT as a working tool. The aim in paper I was to improve the outcome of patients with a hip fracture through optimized preoperative pain relief

MR imaging of the pancreas at 0.3 T using a super-paramagnetic oral contrast medium

Twenty patients with carcinoma of the pancreas identified with ultrasonography and/or CT and confirmed by histology, were examined with MR before and after administration of an oral super-paramagnetic contrast medium. Ten patients were examined after administration of the contrast medium through a duodenal tube. Ten patients drank the contrast medium mixed with a viscosity-increasing agent. Organ

The impact of exacerbations on the asthmatic patient's preference scores

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exacerbations on mild to moderate asthmatic patients' preference-based, health-related, quality of life scores and also to describe the effect of these exacerbations on daily life. In a survey, 100 mild to moderate asthmatic patients in the United Kingdom were asked to rate three different health marker states on a scale between 0 (death) and

High-spin structure in Er-157 up to and above band termination

The high-spin structure of Er-157 has been greatly expanded using the Gammasphere spectrometer to investigate the Cd-114(Ca-48,5n) reaction at 215 MeV. Many new transitions have been placed in a greatly augmented level scheme up to spin 40h with many collective rotational sequences established. With increasing angular momentum, this nucleus undergoes a Coriolis-induced shape transition from a defo

Phylogeny and ecology of Cetraria obtusata, Coelopogon epiphorellus, and related taxa (Parmeliaceae, lichenized ascomycetes).

The phylogeny of two lichens, Cetraria obtusata from the Alps and Coelopogon epiphorellus occurring in the southern hemisphere is studied. A DNA-matrix based on ITS 1 and ITS 2 sequences of the rDNA is compared with a data set composed of morphology and secondary chemistry characters in phylogeny analyses using PAUP 4.0. The two data sets were entirely congruent. Neither Cetraria obtusata nor Coel

The changes in the rat parotid glands following total parenteral nutrition and pancreatico-biliary diversion are not mediated by cholecystokinin

CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that the pancreas and parotid glands both respond with hypoplasia during absence of food in the digestive tract and with hyperplasia following pancreatico-biliary diversion (PBD). Factors other than cholecystokinin (CCK) are, however, involved in the effects on the parotid glands, since infusion of CCK-8S and devazepide was without influence. B

Stylistic Fronting

If stylistic fronting is analyzed as feature-driven movement into an articulated CP-domain, in particular FocusP in the sense of Rizzi (1997), it is possible to account for two facts about stylistic fronting that so far have received little attention, namely that stylistic fronting has semantic effects and that there are differences in stylistic fronting in subordinate clauses with no overt subjec

Using local differential operators to model dispersion in dielectric media

Dispersion of electromagnetic waves is usually described in terms of an integrodifferential equation. We show that whenever a differential operator can be found that annihilates the susceptibility kernel of the medium, dispersion can be modeled by a partial differential equation without nonlocal operators

PARTICIPATION IN NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF OLDER PEOPLE PRIOR TO PUBLIC HOME HELP Older persons', their family members', and assessing home help officers' experiences.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Delaktighet i biståndsbedömning av äldre personer inför kommunalt bistånd. Äldre personers, familjemedlemmars och biståndsbedömares upplevelser. Den äldre generationen förväntas snabbt öka i Sverige och i övriga Europa under de kommande årtiondena. De äldres vårdbehov kommer att öka och därmed förväntas svårigheter att ombesörja tillräcklig kommunal vård och omsorg. ÅlAim: The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate older persons' experience of becoming in need of public home help and their family members' experience of this situation. Further, the aim was to illuminate experiences of participation in the needs assessment process of older people and influence on decisions about public home help from the perspective of older needs-assessed persons, their fa

Preoperative fine needle aspiration from human breast cancer is a valuable sampling material for progesterone receptor and cytometric DNA analysis

In a breast cancer series (n = 54), preoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) was compared with biopsy at primary surgery as a source of material for the determination of progesterone receptor (PgR) content by enzyme immuno assay. The respective results manifested a strong correlation (r(s) = 0.82). The fact that PgR content was usually higher in FNA samples than in the corresponding biopsy sample

Le , guo and zhe in Mandarin Chinese: a relevance-theoretic account

In this paper, I propose a relevance-theoretic account of the particles le, guo and zhe in Mandarin Chinese. Though conventionally regarded as aspect markers, on closer inspection they seem to contribute to a range of interpretations that cannot be subsumed under a semantic category or a specific temporal representation. The explanatory model presented in this paper builds upon relevancetheoretic