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Research priorities to prevent and treat diabetic foot ulcers—A digital James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership

Aim: To establish outcomes of a priority setting partnership between participants with diabetes mellitus and clinicians to identify the top 10 research priorities for preventing and treating diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Methods: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership process was adapted into a digital format which involved a pilot survey to identify unde

Objekt i svenskans historia. : En studie av varierande objektsplacering i fornsvenska

I min avhandling undersöker jag varierande placering av objekt till verb i svenskans historia. Primärt undersöks placering av nominala objekt visavi negerande adverbial, och sekundärt undersöks placering av nominala objekt visavi andra argument (subjekt och objekt) i huvudsatser. Materialet som ligger till grund för avhandlingen är texter från äldre och yngre fornsvenska (1225-1526), och huvudsaklThis thesis focuses on the distribution of objects in the history of Swedish. The primary focus of the thesis is the distribution of objects relative to negation, and the secondary focus is varying order of nominal arguments in Old Swedish (1225–1526).In Modern Swedish, objects may precede the negation, often referred to as Object Shift, OS, or precede a subject, often referred to as Long Object S

Interactions with pain-related systems - Towards new electrical treatments for chronic pain

Background. Persistent intolerable pain is still an unsolved issue with a huge socioeconomic impact. To develop appropriate treatments, it is crucial to understand the complex mechanisms underlying pain and how they change during sustained pain stimuli or during pathological conditions. In particular, it is essential to clarify how the endogenous analgesic centres which are present in the brain, s

Therapist-Supported Internet-Delivered Exposure and Response Prevention for Children and Adolescents with Tourette Syndrome : A Randomized Clinical Trial

IMPORTANCE: The availability of behavior therapy for individuals with Tourette syndrome (TS) and chronic tic disorder (CTD) is limited.OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of internet-delivered exposure and response prevention (ERP) for children and adolescents with TS or CTD.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This single-masked, parallel group, superiority randomized clinic

Influence of temperature management at 33 °C versus normothermia on survival in patients with vasopressor support after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : a post hoc analysis of the TTM-2 trial

Background: Targeted temperature management at 33 °C (TTM33) has been employed in effort to mitigate brain injury in unconscious survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Current guidelines recommend prevention of fever, not excluding TTM33. The main objective of this study was to investigate if TTM33 is associated with mortality in patients with vasopressor support on admission after OH

Purchasing Assessment Tool – Assessment and benchmarking of strategic purchaser skill set

According to studies, a strategically aligned purchasing strategy can increase both purchasing and business performance. The foundation for executing a strategically aligned purchasing strategy is the fact that strategic purchasing professionals inherit the relevant competencies and that organizations have tools to track purchasing professionals' performance. However, these performance- and coThe role of strategic purchasing has become increasingly important for financial success, and the portfolio of necessary skills and competencies has evolved. However, ways of assessing current competency levels for strategic purchasing development are not standardized, objective or efficient. In our thesis, we created and validated a Multiple Choice Question assessment tool for this purpo

What is the Problem of EBO? A Poststructural Policy Analysis of the Swedish Reception System

Sweden was once known for its open and generous refugee reception, with a mindset that was different from its neighbouring countries. However, this has changed in recent years. Due to an increased influx of people seeking asylum in Sweden, restrictive measures were put in place. The political discourse on migration shifted from a welcoming narrative to enforcing border controls and limiting access

A Functionality Study of Mycoprotein

The mycoprotein was obtained from the company, Mycorena. The mycoprotein is a potential source of alternative protein of the animal origin used as the functional ingredients in the food industry. In this project, mycoprotein concentrate (MC) and mycoprotein isolate (MI) were produced by freeze-drying the biomass and pH-shift processing together with freeze-drying, respectively. Moreover, the funct

Green Coacervates for Pharma and Food

I dagens samhälle är de flesta produkter inom kosmetika-, läkemedels- och matbranschen baserade på fossilbaserade ingredienser som utvinns från råolja och med de nuvarande klimatproblemen forskas och undersöks det intensivt efter möjligheter till förnybara alternativ. I många produkter från dessa områden finns det ofta ett kemiskt komplex, mellan två större molekyler med olika laddningar. Dessa koAnionic biosurfactant-cationic biopolymer systems were investigated to identify and characterize a coacervation window. The characterization of the systems was performed with dynamic light scattering, small angle x-ray scattering and in-situ ellipsometry. The surfactants sodium- and potassium caprylate (NaC10, KC10) and sodium- and potassium laurate (NaC12, KC12) were studied with titration experi

A Habitable Sea Barrier

Sea levels are expected to rise by four meters by 2100, which would displace up to 630 million people, while millions of square kilometres of land would be lost, costing the global economy trillions of dollars. While this forecast is alarming, no long-term solution exists to handle permanently increased sea levels. My project, a habitable sea barrier, is an approach to realising a structure that p

Safe Countries or Systematic Assessments? - A critical investigation of the safe country of origin concept in the CEAS and the national implementation in Sweden in relation to the right to asylum

Säkerhet har alltid varit ett väletablerat koncept i asylrätten för utvärderingen av rätten till internationellt skydd. Dock har EU:s asylpolitik undergått extensiva förändringar de senaste åren, och genomgått ett paradigmskifte mot mer restriktiva migrationsregleringar: och användningen av säkerhet som ett koncept har förändrats i enlighet med den utvecklingen. Med implementeringen av regleringenSafety has always been a prominent concept within asylum law for the assessment of international protection. However, as the CEAS has developed immensely the past years, moving towards a paradigm shift of increasingly restrictive migration policies; the use of safety has evolved accordingly. With the ‘safe country of origin’ (SCO) concept, the focus has shifted further towards the situation in the

Amyloid and tau PET-positive cognitively unimpaired individuals are at high risk for future cognitive decline

A major unanswered question in the dementia field is whether cognitively unimpaired individuals who harbor both Alzheimer's disease neuropathological hallmarks (that is, amyloid-β plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles) can preserve their cognition over time or are destined to decline. In this large multicenter amyloid and tau positron emission tomography (PET) study (n = 1,325), we examined the

Who are the long-term survivors of recurrent ovarian carcinoma? : a retrospective analysis of a multicenter study

Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the incidence and hallmarks of long-term survivors of recurrent ovarian carcinoma (LTSROC) in a large-scale retrospective cohort of patients from a multicenter study group. Methods: We performed a regional multicenter retrospective study between January 1986 and September 2021 using clinical data collected under the central pathological r

Soft QCD effects in VBS/VBF topologies

We consider the impact of multi-parton interactions and colour reconnection on the modeling of vector boson fusion and vector boson scattering (VBS) final states at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We investigate how the variation of the model parameters, compatible with a reasonable spread of predictions around typical tuning observables, extrapolates into the VBS phase space. We study the implic

How are sponsors' share returns in Formula 1 affected by race wins?

This paper examines abnormal returns for sponsors of race-winning Formula 1 teams through an event study. Abnormal returns are analyzed from the hybrid era 2014-2021 for 12 different sponsors whose logo is on the car's chassis through an event study. Petronas, Mercedes' main sponsor, is the sponsor that won by far the most Formula 1 races during this period. The Constant Return Model gives

On Carbon Tariffs and Price Distortions: A study of the EU’s CBAM and imports from China

Consumption-based emissions have increased rapidly during the last few decades and measures to battle climate change have included numerous initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union is currently in the process of implementing its new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, to level the playing field between domestic producers and importers by setting the same requirements conc

From Undertaker to Funeral Director: A Social Change in Cyprus

How often do we think of our own death? And how often do we stop and think of the changes surrounding death that affect our lives? Thanatology, the study of death and dying, examines death from different perspectives. Following a thanatological path, this research aimed to explore the relationship between death and technology in terms of social change, specifically in the Republic of Cyprus. F

A closer look at war: analyzing the determinants of conflict in Mozambique during 2013-2021 using geo-referenced data

The relationship between inequality and conflict has been widely studied in the literature, finding non-significant results. However, the availability of new statistical software and geographical databases has boosted new literature on the topic, focusing on the regional level. Mozambique is now suffering a wave of conflicts whose causes seem varied. Using a negative-inflated binomial regression a

Development of Foot Design for Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

I arbetet med att göra industrin mer energieffektiv har packningsförsedda värmeväxlare en betydande roll då den effektivt överför värme mellan fluider. Detta exjobb ämnar at utreda och utveckla en ny stöttande fot till Alfa Lavals packningsförsedda värmeväxlare. Målet var att ta fram en design som kan klara av allvarliga externa laster genererade av till exempel ett anslutande rörsystem eller jordIn the process of making the industry more energy efficient, the gasketed plate heat exchanger has an important role as it effectively transfers heat between fluids. This master thesis aims to investigate and develop a new supportive foot for Alfa Laval’s gasketed plate heat exchangers. The goal was to present a design that can sustain severe external loads induced by for example the connecting pi

Microbial diversity declines in warmed tropical soil and respiration rise exceed predictions as communities adapt

Perturbation of soil microbial communities by rising temperatures could have important consequences for biodiversity and future climate, particularly in tropical forests where high biological diversity coincides with a vast store of soil carbon. We carried out a 2-year in situ soil warming experiment in a tropical forest in Panama and found large changes in the soil microbial community and its gro