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Your search for "*" yielded 531182 hits

Influence of constructed wetlands on cyanobacterial growth with regards to the effect of nutrient concentrations and water colour

Can constructed wetlands be used to fight cyanobacterial blooms? Cyanobacterial blooms are more than just a nuisance that prevents swimmers from making the most of the warmest months. Cyanobacterial blooms can cause a wide array of problems such as polluting freshwater reservoirs and causing fish die offs, owing to their ability to grow rapidly and release toxins which are harmful to both humans

Diving beneath Swedish protected waters : understanding governance and management of the HELCOM Marine Protected Areas (HELCOM MPAs) in Skåne, Sweden.

Marine protection has gained global attention following international and national goals for coverage percentages of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) with effective management. In the Baltic Sea, a network of HELCOM MPAs has been established to contribute to international goals through regional collaboration. As part of the Baltic Sea Area, Sweden has also set targets for marine protection. Unfortuna

Connectivity for Cyclists? A Network Analysis of Copenhagen's Bike Lanes

Cycling has been identified as a central element of the solutions to some of the most pressing challenges for today’s cities, such as poor air quality, rising CO2-levels due to emissions from motorised traffic, traffic congestions, and sedentary lifestyles. A high-quality, safe, and widespread network of cycling infrastructure is a key part in the quest to encourage more people to choose the bicyc

Gaming Language and How It Is Characterized

Language is a social act and the fact that social communities create new or change existing words that are known in daily standard language, can make the lexicon difficult to comprehend for the ones not involved. The communication that belong to a specific social group can be classified as a jargon, and in this present study we look at gaming language as an example of how social communities’ lexic

Stress constrained topology optimization for non proportional loading

Topologioptimering är ett populärt och effektivt verktyg för att hitta smarta designer utformade för att fungera optimalt. Det aktuella forksningsarbetet presenterar en metod för att kunna optimera strukturer som utsätts för varierande laster där det inte är uppenbart var, eller när de högsta spänningarna kommer uppstå. Detta innebär att robusta strukturer smidigt kan genereras som kommer hålla föStress is a key component for structural designs in a variety of applications. The aim of this work is to obtain mechanical structures that are free of stress concentrations. A common ap- proach is to optimize a structure with respect to a specific load case. However, if the structure is subjected to other load cases than the one it has been optimized for, it may not withstand those loads. Also, i

Effects of pillows on sleep ergonomics

Pillows are an important part of sleeping comfort. The goal of the master thesis was to get a better understanding of pillows for IKEA. To reach that goal, a customer study of 20 customers was performed. Information about and measurements of each customer were collected in order to find a pattern between data and opinions of pillows. Each customer laid on a mattress and tried five different pillow

Det dubbla främlingskapet - Invandrarens dilemma: att leva med eller mellan två kulturer

The study considers the phenomenon of double alienation, by which is meant the immigrant’s feeling of in a sense being alienated in their native country as well as in the new one. Those elements of their behaviour which are common in the one country or the other are expected there, whereas those which are not are seen as strange and different. This gives the immigrant a feeling of being at home in

The Over-research & NGOisation Paradigm of the West Bank: Applied Cultural Analysis on the 'futility of research' and the 'burden of occupation'

The West Bank attracts countless researchers due to the conflict’s intractable label. On one hand, these researchers are drawn to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict due to logistical reasons: accessibility to the area, academic prestige, ample funding, grant and networking opportunities. On the other, researchers are allured due to an Orientalist fascination with conducting fieldwork in the West Ban

“Rädda världen och göra bra affärer”

Titel: ​“Rädda världen och göra bra affärer” Nivå och kurs: ​Kandidatuppsats för Institutionen Service Management vid Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg. KSMK65 - Examensarbete för kandidatexamen. Författare: ​Johan Holmedahl och Jesper Svensson Handledare:​ Alina Lidén Syfte och frågeställning: ​Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för organisatoriska förändringsprocesser oc

Exploring the data behind students’ published theses - Analyzing the pride of Lund University

Lund University have for over ten years been using a website called LUP Student Papers where they publish theses from bachelor and master courses. The aim of this thesis is to use visualizations and data mining techniques that will explore and shows interesting aspects of the data. The wide variety of variables in the dataset can be used to gain insight regarding several interesting questions such

Diagrammatic Programming Interface for Graph Traversal Algorithms

Grafdatabaser är ett modernt och effektivt sätt att hantera stora mängder av relaterad data. Företaget som detta arbetet utfördes hos erbjuder en mjukvarutjänst som samlar, dokumenterar och visualiserar data för en bred kundkrets. Med en kommande uppdatering har företaget förslag på en ny funktionalitet i produkten, som skulle komma att nyttjas av deras egna utvecklare såväl som kunder. Det finns Graph databases are a modern and efficient way of dealing with large amounts of interrelated data. The company provides a software platform that collects, documents and visualizes data for a large variety of businesses. With a new major update in the works, the company proposed a new feature in the product which will be used by both in-house developers and customers alike. There is a need for a us

Sensorless Induction Welding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Components

In this work, a method to estimate the weld-zone temperature during induction welding of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) is developed. Today several methods exist to measure, or in other ways ensure, the correct temperature in the weld. However, these methods all have some form of drawback ranging from leaving foreign material in the weld to complex sensor arrangements. The induction weldi

Numerical modelling of cold helium safety discharges from the cryogenic distribution line

The European Spallation Source, ESS, is a project currently with 17 Partner Countries, and with Sweden and Denmark as host nations. The ESS main facility is being constructed in Lund, to ultimately become the world’s most powerful neutron source, providing around 30 times brighter neutron beams than any earlier facility. The Linear Accelerator, Linac, at the heart of ESS is fundamentally powered

En studie om hur våldsutsatta kvinnor skattade sina välmånde med hjälp av ORS

Denna studie ingick i kvalitetssäkring av en behandlingsmottagning i södra Sverige. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur en grupp kvinnor (N=31) som utsatts för våld i nära relation bedömde sina psykologiska välmående med Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) samt belysa tidiga avbrott i behandlingen. Genom en longitudinell kvantitativ studie, undersöktes kvinnornas skattningar utifrån de fyra första behaThis study is included in a quality assurance of a treatment centre in southern Sweden. Using a longitudinal quantitative study design, a group of women (N=31), exposed to domestic violence, prior to four subsequent therapeutic treatment occasions estimated their psychological well-being based on the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS). Additionally, the study was aimed to illuminate the occurrence of trea

Additiv tillverkning och lönsamhet – Ekonomisk analys och utveckling av två komponenter till en elbil

Ecoist AB utvecklar en prototyp till en trehjulig elbil för två personer. Två komponenter till fordonet har undersökts: den övre bärarmen i den främre hjulupphängningen och en bussning som sitter i denna bärarm. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att se om det finns några funktionella eller ekonomiska fördelar med att tillverka dessa genom 3D-printing. Olika sätt att framställa komponenterna har uEcoist AB is developing a three-wheeled electric car with two seats. Two components for the vehicle have been examined: the upper wishbone in the front wheel suspension and a bushing that is mounted in this wishbone. The goal of the thesis has been to examine any potential functional or economic advantages of manufacturing these using 3D-printing. Different ways of producing the components have be

Tokyo Night Fever : A study of English code-switching in Japanese 1970s & 1980s city pop

The purpose of this thesis is to add further knowledge regarding the mixing of languages (code-switching) in Japanese popular music from the 1970s and 1980s. The genre of focus is the newly resurfaced musical style city-pop. Analysis of functional elements as well as a quantitative examination of three established code-switching types was made. Comparisons of the code-switching construction in son

Analyzing the Santa María Bay through the social-ecological system framework : identifying leverage points for sustainability in La Reforma, Sinaloa

Small-scale fisheries are highly important in terms of economic productivity and environmental relevance in Mexico’s Northwest. The Santa María Bay (SMB), in Sinaloa, México, is the largest bay in the state and is highly productive in terms of fishing and the economic activities derived from it. It is also home to endemic species and the region’s largest mangrove wetland. It faces environmental an

Tvekande hjortdjur - En beteendeekologisk studie av rådjur och dovhjort för att bedöma effektiviteten av en faunaport och en ekodukt i Skåne, Sverige

Tvekande hjortdjur Vägar utgör ett hinder och stor fara för många djur. Ljus och ljud stör djuren och vid stora mängder trafik blir vägen en barriär. Broar och tunnlar kan ge dem möjligheter att passera förbi, men ytterligare kunskap behövs för att veta hur man ska utforma dessa. Tidigare har man mätt antalet av besökande djur som passerat igenom för att bedöma hur väl broarna fungerar. ResultateWildlife crossing structures are needed to enable animal movements in an all more broken up landscape. The Swedish Transport Administration need to know how to build these. Previous studies have focused on passing frequencies and indices. Few have looked at the behavior of the visiting animals. In this study, I have complemented passage frequencies with vigilance behavior for roe deer and fallow d