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Rank-Based Selection Strategies for Forecast Combinations: An Evaluation Study

This thesis evaluates four of the most popular methods for combining time series forecasts. One aspect that is often overlooked in the literature is the choice of which forecasts to include in a forecast combination. The focus here, is to investigate the variability in forecast accuracy that occurs between all distinct subsets from a fixed set of eleven individual forecasting models that a combina

Correlation of microstructural damage to functional properties of irradiated carbon fibre based composites used in neutron chopper discs

Understanding material behaviour has in the past enabled human development and will continue to characterize the various stages of our future development. The use of neutrons will greatly affect several research areas, such as sustainable energy production and cancer research, due to their interaction with nuclei. Neutrons will thus interact differently depending on the specific isotope, reveal in

”Har du något önskemål om tonart?” En studie om platstagande och kvinnors utrymme i jazzensemble på en folkhögskola

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur platstagande ter sig i en jazzensemble på en folkhögskola. Studien har främst ett genusperspektiv men tittar också på andra faktorer som påverkar platstagandet samt lärarens roll i fördelningen av plats. Deltagarna filmades vid två tillfällen: under en lektion samt vid en repetition utan läraren. Filmerna analyserades utifrån ett critical incidents techThe aim of this study is to investigate how the participants in a jazz ensemble at a folk high school [folkhögskola] claim space. The study has primarily a gender perspective but also looks at other factors that affect how the students claim space and also the teacher’s role in the distribution of space. The participants were filmed on two occasions: during a lesson and during a rehearsal without

Recombinant expression of the cowpea chlorotic mottle virus

Virus är icke levande organismer som infekterar levande celler och förökar sig med hjälp av cellernas maskineri. De kan infektera alla typer av liv och de är totalt beroende av en värdcell. Alla virus innehåller genetiskt material samt en så kallad viruskapsid. Denna kapsid kan ha olika struktur och består av identiska proteinenheter. Kapsidens uppgift är att skydda det genetiska materialet. DettaAll viruses are composed of both genetic material and a capsid. The capsid is composed by identical protein subunits and the purpose is protection of the genetic material, in this case RNA. This project is about cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, also called CCMV, which is a plant virus and the disassembly and reassembly mechanisms of the capsid are investigated to understand how the capsid proteins a

Kartläggning av pensionerade mäns och kvinnors aktiviteter, mening, aktivitetsvärde och hälsa i vardagen

Bakgrund: Det bor 2,2 miljoner pensionärer i Sverige vilket är ca 20% av befolkningen. Övergången till pensionärslivet kan skapa aktivtetsförluster som leder till sämre hälsa. En meningsfull vardag korrelerar med hälsa och bidrar till en väg för nyblivna pensionärer att undgå bland annat nedstämdhet. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga meningsfulla aktiviteterna som ålders- och heltidspe

Sensemaking on the intranet: The meaning of the global organization from an employee perspective

Although successful intranet requires active employees that engage in dia-logues to exchange knowledge, the employee is neglected in the research within the field of internal communication on intranet. This study problema-tizes organizations’ high expectations on intranet and highlights the em-ployee perspective. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of sensemak

Ett inkluderande ledarskap? Framställningen av ledarskap i ledarskaps- och diversity managementlitteratur

Vad: Kandidatuppsats VT 2016. Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, institutionen för Service Management. Titel: Ett inkluderande ledarskap? Framställning av ledarskap i ledarskaps- och diversity management litteratur. Syfte och frågeställning: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ledarskap framställs i dagens ledarskaps -och diversity managementlitteratur. Vi frågade oss därför vilka

Post-quantum Secure Communication on a Low Performance IoT Platform

A recent trend in the IT world is the term Internet of Things (IoT). As more and more devices get connected to the internet, and with companies trying to lower production costs in order to stay competitive, security can easily be neglected. In this report traditional Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementations and post-quantum based TLS were evaluated and performance measurements were conducted

Pay-for-delay settlements at the crossroads in the EU: will we walk the object path or the road to effects analysis?

Detta fördjupningsarbete kommer att undersöka hur Europeisk konkurrensrätt ska verkställas i relation till så kallade ’pay-for-delay’-avtal, vilka är avtal där värdeöverföringen sker från patentinnehavaren till den som begår patentintrång: tvärtemot hur en typisk förlikningsprocess ser ut. Dessa avtal har under det senaste decenniet, framförallt i läkemedelsindustrin, varit under granskning av den

Statsorganiserad brottslighet – kriminologiskt försummat? En innehållsanalys av svenska kriminologiutbildningars kurslitteratur

State crime is a neglected area within the academic doctrine of criminology; a fact which has been determined several times in the US, but also in Sweden. The aim for this thesis is to determine in what prevalence and in what way state crime is a part of Swedish university educations in criminology by examining its course literature. In total 336 unique works have been examined in a content analys

WNT5A signaling and MARCKS phosphorylation in melanoma cell migration and invasion

The positive correlation between elevated expression of wingless-type mammary tumor virus integration site family member 5A (WNT5A) and metastatic potential in melanoma has been extensively explored. However, detailed mechanistic aspects regarding how WNT5A promotes increased melanoma aggressiveness remains unknown. Myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS), an intracellular protein c

University Spinoffs and the New Venture Creation Process. A Case Study of Lund University Spinoff Model

University spinoffs play a significant role in transferring knowledge to society. This research explores and evaluates the creation of a university spinoff within Lund University setting by applying Bhave’s new venture creation process with an aim of revealing aspects that lead to spinoff creation that can be related to this specific model. The study reveals that the evolution of university based

Crime Prediction in Swedish Municipalities with machine learning algorithms

In this thesis we use a number of common machine learning algorithms to predict crime rates in Swedish municipalities. As predictors we use a mix of municipal socioeconomic variables. For some years we are able to correctly classify up to 85% of the municipalities that have a high crime rate. The highest prediction accuracy rates are obtained from tree and clustering based models. Important factor

Öreland- en försvunnen värld

Öreland – a Lost World The aim of this BA Study is two-folded. First, to investigate if and when the Strait of Öresund has been dry land and, second, if there are traces of human activities – tools and settlements – that could be related to Öreland, e.g. when Öresund was dry land. My starting point is that Öreland was a geographic area in its own right. By that I mean that Öreland should not only

Investigating the efficient markethypothesis using Fourier analysis

This study examines if the Swedish stock market adheres to the weak form efficient market hypothesis using Fourier analysis on past stock prices to identify possible cyclic returns. Fourier analysis is well suited for finding seasonalities which would violate the weak-form efficiency. 10 firms were randomly selected from stock market index OMX30 to represent the Swedish stock market. All firms

Deciphering glucocorticoid-mediated stress responses in the pancreatic beta cell using bioinformatics methods

Detecting gene targets of glucocorticoids in pancreatic beta cells by bioinformatics approaches The pancreatic beta cells (β-cells) are the cells that synthesize and secrete insulin, the hormone that is responsible for controlling the blood sugar levels in the body. Studies have revealed that a certain group of drugs, called glucocorticoids (GCs), despite being widely prescribed against various p

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This study examines the generalization process of trademarks from a consumer perspective. The phenomenon verbification, when trademarks are used as verbs, is particularly in focus. Since it is the consumers that determine whether trademarks are generic, this study examines consumers’ role more closely. Through a qualitative study of the trademark Vipps, qualitative interviews has been conducted to

Sveriges självbild skapas på nyanländas bekostnad : en queerteoretisk och intersektionell kvalitativ innehållsanalys av ett metodstöd för jämställdhetsintegrering på HVB-hem

Arbetet utgår från en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys av ett metodstöd för jämställdhetsintegrering på HVB-hem skapat av Länsstyrelsen Dalarna. Jämställdhetsintegrering av nyanlända görs genom övningar som främjar samtal. Analysen gjordes utifrån Judith Butlers queerteoretiska perspektiv och det tillfördes även ett intersektionellt perspektiv taget främst från Paulina De los Reyes och Diana Muli

Jämställdhetsdiskursers spegling i reklam

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze if and how advertising and gender equality in Sweden may affect and relate to each other. We want to analyze advertising images from 1950 ́s until 2016 and examine the relationship between different discourses. Method: This study uses a qualitative method where a feminist image analysis of advertising images are used to create a deeper understandin