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The Impact of Bilingual Linguistic Factors on Cognitive Control in a Chinese-English Bilingual Sample: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

The main aim of this study was to investigate how individual differences in second language linguistic factors affect cognitive control subcomponents based on controlling for non-linguistic factors. More specifically, while controlling cultural background, age and educational level, this study examined how the age of second language acquisition, second language proficiency, second language usage,

Naturbaserade lösningar - Ett verktyg för klimatanpassning - En undersökning om arbetet med naturbaserade lösningar i Lunds kommun

Klimatförändringarna förväntas påverka alla världens regioner negativt med bland annat intensifiering av lokala översvämningar och värmeböljor. För att förebygga dessa effekter är det avgörande att utveckla anpassningsbara och tåliga städer. Naturbaserade lösningar (NBS) har pekats ut som ett av de viktigaste verktygen i klimatanpassningsarbetet. Trots en ökad kunskap om NBS många fördelar kvarståThe ongoing climate changes pose a serious threat to both societies and ecosystems globally. Intensification of extreme weather, floods in combination with heat waves and droughts are some of the challenges that require adaptable and sustainable solutions. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have been identified as a powerful tool for creating resilient and sustainable cities by integrating natural proce

Om ovilligheten att ingå i naturvårdsavtal; En mixed method-undersökning om faktorer som hindrar skogsägare att ingå i naturvårdsavtal och vad som kan göra skyddsformen mer attraktiv

När man färdas genom Sverige går det enkelt att notera att en stor del täcks av skog, närmre bestämt ungefär 70%. Flera av våra viktiga ekosystem med höga naturvärden finns bland denna grönska. Mycket skog innebär även många skogsägare som har olika behov. Därför behövs även olika typer av naturskydd för att hitta något som passar alla. Människan är del av ekosystemen, och vi skulle inte klara osThe European union and the Convention on biological diversity require 30% of all land to be protected by 2030, stressing the necessity for increased nature conservation. To meet the requirements different forms of protection are needed. Thus, nature conservation agreements (NCA) relevant for further exploration, as they are not used in as large of an extent as other nature conservation types. Thi

Current-based metrology in a quantum thermal machine

Quantum metrology is a rapidly growing field of quantum information science that aims to exploit the counter-intuitive properties of quantum systems to estimate physical quantities with better-than-classical precision. The field primarily deals with the problem of estimating system parameters, which may or may not directly be associated to an observable. A prominent result of quantum metrology is

Harmonic Analysis in EMC - Developing a Software Tool for Frequency Spectrum Analysis

EMC is crucial when it comes to designing modern electronic systems, ensuring their functionality, reliability, and regulatory compliance amidst the ever-expanding electromagnetic landscape. This master's thesis delves into the domain of EMC by investigating the possibility of developing a Python-based proof-of-concept tool. The software tool is designed to analyze frequency spectra acquired f

An AI-based Predictor of Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence Following Pulmonary Vein Isolation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most prevalent arrhythmia, increasing with each year. AF is characterized by periods of rapid and irregular beating of the heart and increases the risk of stroke and heart failure. The disease often originates from ectopic beats generated by the pulmonary veins, activating the atria, creating short periods of AF. Without treatment the disease evolves, remodels the a

Natursyn och miljövänligt beteende En kvantitativ studie om hur natursyn påverkar individens miljövänliga beteende med ett genusperspektiv

Klimatförändringar är en ökande verklighet för många människor, sätter vår framtid på spel, och ställer krav på hur vi kan skapa förändring. Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att undersöka forskningsfrågan om natursyn påverkar individens miljövänligt beteende, samt replikerade tidigare forskning som visat att kvinnor tenderar att vara mer miljövänliga än män. En enkät bestående av 12 frågorClimate change is an increasing reality for many people, risking our future and demanding ways to mitigate the process. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate the research question regarding if perception of nature has an impact on pro-environmental behavior, as well as replicating previous research stating that women are prone to more pro-environmental behavior than men. An int

Evaluation of AI for Enuresis Prediction in Healthcare Applications

Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, is the second most common chronic health problem among children and negatively affects their daily lives. A first-line treatment option for enuresis is alarm treatment that awakens the child upon urination. This treatment has been further developed by the company Pjama AB that, in addition to the alarm, offers a mobile application where users provides data regar

Transduktion av plasmid-komplex genom cellmembran med hjälp av akustofluidisk infångning

Förbättring av plasmidtransfektion till celler är av yttersta vikt vid forskning och behandling av sjukdomar baserat på genetiska tillvägagångssätt. Utvecklingen av omfattande, säkra, effektiva och skalbara metoder att införa genetiskt material i celler utgör en teknisk utmanande uppgift. Sonoporering, där trycket från ultraljudvågor orsakar perforering i cellmembranet, vilket möjliggör transfektiImproving plasmid transfection into cells is crucial in genetic disease research and treatment. The development of comprehensive, safe, effective, and scalable methods for introducing genetic material into cells poses a technically challenging task. Sonoporation, which utilizes pressure from ultrasonic waves to induce perforations in the cell membrane, enabling transfection, is an evolving method

Evaluation of dyes for white blood cell staining for in-vitro diagnostics

Infärgning av vita blodkroppar för att möjliggöra blodanalys Kvantifiering av vita blodkroppar kan vara en snabb och enkel lösning på att diagnostisera olika sjukdomstillstånd. Genom att färga in de vita blodkropparna i ett blodprov kan man lättare analysera dem och då få kunskap om hur de ser ut och kunna räkna dem. Men vilken färg är faktiskt bäst för att färga in vita blodkroppar och vad finns​​The white blood cells are critical for the immune response of the body and the defence against infections. Measurements of the number of white blood cells in the blood is essential when diagnosing for example immunodeficiencies and determining the type of infection. Two types of measurements are frequently used, total white blood cell count and white blood cell differential. Both types are depen

In Vitro Validation of 4D Flow MRI Measured Hepatic Flow Distribution Following a Fontan Procedure

Att filma blodflöden med MR-kamera kan vara ovärdeligt för patienter med ett enkammarhjärta. Denna studie visar att magnetkamera kan bli ett värdefullt verktyg för att övervaka och hantera möjliga komplikationer hos barn födda med hjärtfel, vilket i sin tur kan förbättra deras hälsa och livskvalitet. Barn som föds med ett defekt hjärta där en av hjärtats sidor inte funkar som det ska, behöver ofThe treatment for children born with only one functioning ventricle culminates in a Fontan procedure, which aims to create a total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC), i.e. where the superior and inferior vena cava has been connected to the pulmonary arteries, bypassing the right atrium and ventricle. The blood flow to the right and left lung plays an important part in preventing pulmonary arterioveno

Bathhouse in Reykjavik, Iceland

One of the main qualities of life in Icelandic society is the earth’s heat that has been harnessed and fed into the homes of the citizens. The swimming pool is the clearest and most visible manifestation of these qualities of life. Bathhouses are a regular part of many people’s daily lives, and human life in the pools is a fascinating part of Icelandic society. Architecture plays a key role there,

"Leaving no one behind" : a study of public libraries and community work in southern Zimbabwe

This Master’s thesis concerns librarians and community work in Zimbabwe, and investigates the ways in which librarians may be seen as agents of change. The focus areas are five public and community libraries in Matabeleland, southern Zimbabwe, where the first language is Ndebele. The libraries are situated in the city of Bulawayo, in suburbs, in a town and at rural sites. The study investigates wh

AI som emotionellt stöd

Chat GPT was launched in November 2022 and has by some been described as just as big and important as the launch of the internet or the personal computer. Trying to describe Chat GPTs main use is not easy. It can help you with your programming, write music or plan a dinner. But its main purpose is not to be a friend, a partner or a therapist. Yet it is used as one. People using artificial intellig

Food Packaging Operations Audit

Supply chain management (SCM) and packaging solutions are essential in the food industry due to their impact on the environment and economics, necessitating innovation. How to efficiently move goods through the supply chain therefore involves a complex network involving a great amount of stakeholders and processes. Food distribution logistics are particularly complex, requiring standard procedures

The epidemiological and economic burden of diabetes in Ghana : A scoping review to inform health technology assessment

Diabetes remains one of the four major causes of morbidity and mortality globally among non-communicable diseases (NCDs. It is predicted to increase in sub–Saharan Africa by over 50% by 2045. The aim of this study is to identify, map and estimate the burden of diabetes in Ghana, which is essential for optimising NCD country policy and understanding existing knowledge gaps to guide future research

Improving the Thermal Insulation of Industrial Doors

This master thesis was conducted in collaboration with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems in Landskrona with the aim to lower the U-Value of their existing 42 mm overhead sectional door. U-value is a measurement of the energy that passes through a system per unit area and temperature. The goal was to achieve this without compromising its structural integrity while keeping economic and environmental facto

Undersökning av tillgänglighetsmått

Genom intervjuer med användare visar den här studien hur geografiska tillgänglighetsmått bör utformas för att optimera funktionaliteten i olika kartbaserade webbapplikationer. Utgångspunkten har varit befintliga tillgänglighetsmått som ofta används idag. Kartbaserade webbapplikationer kan idag innehålla stora mängder geografiska data. Med hjälp av verktyg i applikationerna kan användare enkelt uThe purpose of this study is to find out how accessibility measures for geographical data describing population and infrastructure should be designed to best meet the needs of users. As a starting point, ready-made applications have been used, developed by Tillväxtverket. The work began with a literature study on how accessibility measures are designed and what possibilities and variations is used

Att slita – eller – stjäla för brödfödan?

Om en person på regelbunden basis skaffar sig sitt uppehälle genom att stjäla från sina medmänniskor kan man säga att vederbörande försörjer sig genom att stjäla. Varför väljer någon ett sådant leverne och hur har livsstilskriminella försvarat vad de gjort för att skaffa sig mat på bordet? I detta kapitel diskuteras hur svenska straffångar resonerade kring sitt eget tjuvaktiga beteende under förs