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Vad är viktigast för studenterna i deras digitala lärmiljö?

Med fokus på digitala lärplattformar ställer denna studie frågan: vad är egentligen viktigast för studenterna i den digitala lärmiljön? Vad är den vanligaste anledningen till att studenter upplever att de digitala verktygen ställer till det för dem? Resultatet visar att det finns ett par faktorer som gäller struktur och förståelse av lärarens tanke med kursen som behöver vara uppfyllda för att kur

A setup for millisecond time-resolved X-ray solution scattering experiments at the CoSAXS beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory

The function of biomolecules is tightly linked to their structure, and changes therein. Time-resolved X-ray solution scattering has proven a powerful technique for interrogating structural changes and signal transduction in photoreceptor proteins. However, these only represent a small fraction of the biological macromolecules of interest. More recently, laser-induced temperature jumps have been in

High-yield overproduction and purification of human aquaporins from Pichia pastoris

Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane-bound water channels that play crucial roles in maintaining the water homeostasis of the human body. Here, we present a protocol for high-yield recombinant expression of human AQPs in the methylotropic yeast Pichia pastoris and subsequent AQP purification. The protocol typically yields 1–5 mg AQP per g of yeast cell at >95% purity and is compatible with any membrane

DynSus : Dynamic sustainability assessment in groundwater remediation practice

Decision-making processes for clean-up of contaminated sites are often highly complex and inherently uncertain. It depends not only on hydrological and biogeochemical site variability, but also on the associated health, environmental, economic, and social impacts of taking, or not taking, action. These variabilities suggest that a dynamic framework is required for promoting sustainable remediation

How Blockchain interrelates with trust in the supply chain context : Insights from tracing sustainability in the metal industry

Purpose: Blockchain technology (BCT) is argued to deliver a trustless system where trust is driven by technology rather than individuals or organizations. This paper studies this claim using insights related to tracing sustainability features in the metal industry. Methodology: The results of this study are based on multiple case studies of two supply chains (steel and copper) piloting a traceabil

Turfs and Timbers- Resource use in the construction of the Viking Age Ring Fortress Borgring, Southeast Denmark

Viking Age ring fortresses were some of the largest construction projects in Danish prehistory. In this article we reconstruct the amount of turf and timber used in the construction of the Borgring ring fortress and estimate the resource area needed to supply the building materials. Using REVEALS pollen data modelling, we quantify the regional oak land cover and estimate the resource area. The res

Dietary intakes of dioxins and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and breast cancer risk in 9 European countries

Background: Dioxins and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants that have demonstrated endocrine disrupting properties. Several of these chemicals are carcinogenic and positive associations have been suggested with breast cancer risk. In general population, diet represents the main source of exposure. Methods: Associations between dietary intake of 17 dioxins and 35 PCBs and b

Nuläge termisk komfort : en kunskapssammanställning

Boverket ser ett behov av en kunskapssammanställning kring nuläget inom termisk komfort i Sverige för att ha en så bred och korrekt förståelse som möjligt för vem branschen är, vilka regler som tillämpas, var det finns kunskapscentra och vilka utvecklingsbehov som behöver stödjas för att branschen ska kunna ta större ansvar.Förhoppningen är att kartläggning av termisk komfort ska bidra till kunskaBoverket ser ett behov av en kunskapssammanställning kring nuläget inom termisk komfort i Sverige för att ha en så bred och korrekt förståelse som möjligt för vem branschen är, vilka regler som tillämpas, var det finns kunskapscentra och vilka utvecklingsbehov som behöver stödjas för att branschen ska kunna ta större ansvar. Några faktafrågeställningar som vi författare noterat och som kan vara vä

High-throughput three-dimensional cellular platforms for screening biophysical microenvironmental signals

Cells in vivo are subjected continuously to multiple biochemical and biophysical stimuli from their microenvironment that regulate cell fate and function. Although two-dimensional (2D) platforms to check cell responses to various microenvironmental factors have been established, these methods lack physiological relevance. Macroscale three-dimensional (3D) cell culture platforms were developed to p

Numerical investigation of the influence of the source and detector position for optical measurement of lung volume and oxygen content in preterm infants

There is an urgent need for improved respiratory surveillance of preterm infants. Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is emerging as a potential clinical cutaneous monitoring tool of lung functions in neonates. A challenge in the clinical translation of GASMAS is to obtain sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios in the measurements, since the light attenuation is high in huma

Pharmacometric covariate modeling using symbolic regression networks

A central challenge within pharmacometrics is to establish a relation between pharmacological model parameters, such as compartment volumes and diffusion rate constants, and known population covariates, such as age and body mass. There is rich literature dedicated to the learning of functional mappings from the covariates to the model parameters, once a search class of functions has been determine

A 3D-CFD Methodology for Combustion Modeling in Active Prechamber SI Engines Operating with Natural Gas

Active prechamber combustion systems for SI engines represent a feasible and effective solution in reducing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions for both marine and ground heavy-duty engines. However, reliable and low-cost numerical approaches need to be developed to support and speed-up their industrial design considering their geometry complexity and the involved multiple flow length scales.

Imaging of sugar-based contrast agents using their hydroxyl proton exchange properties

The ability of CEST MRI to detect the presence of millimolar concentrations of non-metallic contrast agents has made it possible to study, noninvasively, important biological molecules such as proteins and sugars, as well as drugs already approved for clinical use. Here, we review efforts to use sugar and sugar polymers as exogenous contrast agents, which is possible based on the exchange of their

Assay discrepancy in mild haemophilia A

UNLABELLED: There are three main methods used to assay factor VIII (FVIII) activity: the one-stage and two-stage clotting assays and the two-stage chromogenic method. The most commonly used assay for the diagnosis of haemophilia A is the automated one-stage FVIII assay. The classical two-stage FVIII assays are less frequently used. The chromogenic FVIII:C assay is a variant of the two-stage assay.

Modeling the assembly of oppositely charged multi-indented lock- and key-colloids

The interactions between oppositely charged multi-indented lock- and spherical key-particles are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations at low volume fractions. The specificity of the interactions is initially investigated in an excess of either lock- or key-particles, and we find ordered clusters with highly directional bonds. This suggests electrostatics alone to be capable of inducing

Analytical Assessment of Green Digital Finance Progress in the Republic of Georgia

Estimations show that approximately US $23 billion is required for Georgia to meet its climate and environmental targets up to 2030. As the current Nationally Determined Contribution reveals, considering 1990 as a base year, the Republic of Georgia plans a 35% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. If the country has financial and technical support, commitment to limit emissions may rise as

Spectral edge frequency during general anaesthesia: A narrative literature review

Previous studies have attempted to determine the depth of anaesthesia with different anaesthetic agents using electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements with variable success. Measuring depth of anaesthesia is confounded by the complexity of the EEG and the fact that different agents create different pattens. A narrative review was undertaken to examine the available research evidence on the effect a