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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Early growth response 1 regulates hematopoietic support and proliferation in human primary bone marrow stromal cells

Human bone marrow stromal cells are key elements of the hematopoietic environment and they play a central role in bone and bone marrow physiology. However, how key stromal cell functions are regulated is largely unknown. We analyzed the role of the immediate early response transcription factor EGR1 as key stromal cell regulator and found that EGR1 was highly expressed in prospectively-isolated pri

Photo-Oxidation Reveals H-Aggregates Hidden in Spin-Cast-Conjugated Polymer Films as Observed by Two-Dimensional Polarization Imaging

Spin-cast intermolecular interactions in conjugated polymer films lead to the formation of excited states delocalized over a few oriented and tightly packed conjugated segments. The optoelectronic properties of conjugated polymers are strongly dependent on the presence of such oriented domains at a nanoscale level. We observe oriented domains as large as several micrometers in size spontaneously f

Diffusion parameter correlations for PEFC gas diffusion layers considering the presence of a water-droplet

A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) produces electrical energy according to the electrochemical reactions carried out inside the cell. During the energy conversion, water molecules are also produced at the cathode side, which affects the gas diffusion layer (GDL) diffusion parameters. The generated water-drops from the reaction may give partial or total blockage of the reactant gases and also m

More Power to the People: Electricity Adoption, Technological Change and Social Conflict

There is a wide-spread concern that technical change may spur social conflicts, especially if workers are replaced with machines. To empirically analyze whether job destruction drives protests, we study a historical example of a revolutionary new technology: the adoption of electricity. Focusing on the gradual roll-out of the Swedish electricity grid between 1900 and 1920 enables us to analyze 2,4

”We were only managing our legacy” Forms of agency in Olofström’s development path from supply chain to regional cluster

The labour market region of Olofström-Karlshamn experienced a period of exceptional economic decline between 2007 and 2010, prompted primarily by the job loss that resulted from restructuring within Volvo. In December 2008 around 1000 jobs disappeared overnight, throwing the municipality of 15000 people into crisis, and further rippling through the region. This is a story of a peripheral region de

Making Blue Carbon : Coastal Ecosystems at the Science-Policy Interface

Klimatkrisen framstår mer och mer som det största hot människan någonsin ställts inför. Även om det politiska svaret kan beskrivas som avvaktande, pågår arbete för att på olika sätt minska klimatförändringarnas effekter, och hantera de risker vi kommer att ställas inför. Världssamfundet är enigt. Den globala medeltemperaturen bör inte öka med mer än 2 grader, och helst inte mer än 1,5 grader, jämfClimate change is a growing threat to mankind. The message from the scientific community is clear: we need to act fast and profoundly. The political response has, however, been slow. The likelihood that we will be able to meet our political climate goals only by reducing emissions is slim. Meanwhile is the interest around ways to capture carbon dioxide that has already been emitted on the rise. In

Potential Risk Factors and Prevalence of Voice Symptoms in Students Starting Their Teacher Education

The aim of the present study was to determine prevalence of voice problems and potential risk factors in teacher students at the start of their education. A total of 1494 students from seven teacher education schools participated in the study. The students answered a questionnaire about 11 risk factors, and one with six questions about voice symptoms, Screen6, and 30 statements in the Voice Handic

Femtosecond streaking and control of electrons from a plasmonic nanofocusing taper by photoemitted charges in a nanoantenna

Manipulation of electrons by light forms the basis for future optoelectronic devices targeting switching speeds close to optical frequencies. Specifically, nanolocalized optical and plasmonic fields play a key role as they reduce the interaction region down to few nanometers and thus the time electrons require to traverse the fields. In this context, the precise knowledge of the localized fields i

Biodiversity seen through the perspective of insects : 10 simple rules on methodological choices and experimental design for genomic studies

Massively parallel DNA sequencing opens up opportunities for bridging multiple temporal and spatial dimensions in biodiversity research, thanks to its efficiency to recover millions of nucleotide polymorphisms. Here, we identify the current status, discuss the main challenges, and look into future perspectives on biodiversity genomics focusing on insects, which arguably constitute the most diverse

Relation between occupant perception of brightness and daylight distribution with key geometric characteristics in multi-family apartments of Malmö, Sweden

Focusing on subjective evaluations of daylight conditions, the present paper explores the relation between room geometric characteristics and perceived brightness and daylight distribution in residential spaces. The study was conducted in 35 apartments consisting of 105 different rooms in the city of Malmö, and selected with respect to typical Swedish architectural building typologies. Questionnai

From Simple to Composite Agency : On Kirk Ludwig’s From Individual to Plural Agency

According to Kirk Ludwig, only primitive actions are actions in a primary and non-derivative sense of the term ‘action’. Ludwig takes this to imply that the notion of collective action is a façon de parler – useful perhaps, but secondary and derivative. I argue that, on the contrary, collective actions are actions in the primary and non-derivative sense. First, this is because some primitive actio

Very Integrated Program (VIP): health promotion for patients with alcohol and drug use disorders

Behandling av patienter med alkohol- eller drogberoende är en komplex flerstegsprocess som behandlar både substansberoende och co-morbiditeter. Riskfyllda livsstilar, inklusive tobaksrökning, otillräcklig fysisk aktivitet och ohälsosam kost, som kan förvärra hälsotillståndet och själva beroendebehandlingen, är mycket vanligt bland dessa patienter. Det komplexa hälsofrämjande programmet (Very IntegTreatment of patients with alcohol or drug use disorders is a complex multistage process addressing the substance addiction and co-morbidities. The risky lifestyles, including tobacco smoking, insufficient physical activity and unhealthy diet, which can aggravate health condition as well as addiction treatment itself, are very common among these patients. The complex health promotion (Very Integra

Contesting Self-Determination in the Wake of Empire : Sovereignty, Human Rights and Economic Justice

This article considers the ways in which geo-political and legal concerns materialised in debates over self-determination in the years following decolonisation, and how they impacted on its’ possibilities, objectives and conception. During this period, self-determination was not, as some scholars have argued, a declining norm, but one central to the competing visions of reinventing international l