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Geofysiska metoder för lokalisering av konstruktioner i mark

Resultaten tyder på att geoelektriska undersökningar kan användas för att lokalisera rester av murar och bastioner i den aktuella miljön. Resistivitetsresultaten är därvid mest användbara, medan IP-resultaten ger kompletterande information i område 2. Resultaten från område 1 är komplexa, troligen p.g.a. rester av yngre byggander och verksamheter i området, men en möjlig tolkning är att de högresi

Towards more flexible enterprise information systems

The aim of this paper is to present the software development techniques used to build the EIS Patterns development framework, which is a testbed for a series of techniques that aim at giving more flexibility to EIS in general. Some of these techniques are customizations or extensions of practices created by the agile software development movement, while others represent new proposals. This paper a

Island Operation of the Induction Generator - Fault Currents and Protection

During the last years, costs for power interruptions to customers have increased and from 2011 a new legislation will not allow power interruptions longer than 24 hours. Electric power utilities are facing important costs to decrease the likelihood of power interruption in the future. Island operation of distribution systems is not commonly employed in Sweden, also for safety reasons. The penetrat

Dealing with epistemic uncertainty in the SST framework

Epistemic uncertainty has been suggested to be fundamental to human experience. The authors of this paper believe that people need to exercise creativity in their conjectures, drawing upon knowledge and experience, in order to generate solutions to both instrumental and epistemic problems, and encourage higher orders of learning. Innovative methodologies are needed which can provide support for in

Offentlighetens nya rum. Teknik och Politik i Sverige 1969-1999

This study in contemporary history describes the transformation of the public sphere in Sweden during the period 1969-1999, and analyses the role of information technology and politics in the process. The overall aim of the study is to explain how, and why, the public sphere in Jürgen Habermas sense has deteriorated during a period of rapid technological and political change, when increasing atten

The Evaluability Hypothesis : The Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Polarity Item Licensing

Although the field of polarity is well researched, this monograph offers a new take on polarity sensitivity that both challenges and incorporates previous theories. Based primarily on Swedish data, it presents new solutions to long-standing problems, such as the non-complementary distribution of NPIs and PPIs in yes/no-questions and conditionals, long distance licensing by superordinate elements a

Reconstruction of Equivalent Currents Using a Near-Field Data Transformation - with Radome Applications

Knowledge of the current distribution on a radome can be used to improve radome design, detect manufacturing errors, and to verify numerical simulations. In this paper, the transformation from near-field data to its equivalent current distribution on a surface, ie the radome, is analyzed. The transformation is based on the surface integral representation that relates the equivalent currents to the

An applied analysis of attentional intersubjectivity

The goal of the present deliverable is to provide a developmental analysis of attentional intersubjectivity, which, as we show below, is a more inclusive notion than the more commonly used term ‘joint attention’ (e.g. Moore & Dunham 1995). The use of the term ‘joint attention’ is not consistent in the literature, sometimes referring to the general phenomenon when two or more subjects attend to

Sakral geometri - veje og vildveje til viden

Sacred geometry - paths and false paths to knowledge: A large number of examples of so-called sacred geometry are used in a discussion on the qualities of different interpretations of the past. Is it possible and desirable to separate between science and pseudo science, between archaeology and pseudo archaeology? And should archaeologists igonore, understand or criticise pseudo archaeology? My exp