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Symptoms following day surgery : A review of the literature

Aim: The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad-based overview of the current literature regarding patients' experiences of symptoms following day surgery. Background: The advent of new anaesthetic and anti-emetic agents, advanced surgical techniques and the need for reduced costs for inpatient hospital services, has resulted in about 70% of all surgical procedures being undertaken as day sur

Screening for infantile colic and parents experiences of simethicone and probiotics: a quantitative, descriptive sub-study.

Background Colic affects at least 10% of newborns and parents seek help. The aim of this study was to present why infants whose parents sought help for colic, where not included in two colic trials and to describe the use and perceived effect of simethicone and probiotics amongst those infants who were included. Method A quantitative, descriptive sub-study based on unpublished data collected in

A test of Darwin's ‘lop-eared’ rabbit hypothesis

Integration of evolutionary and developmental biology has stimulated novel insights on the origins and maintenance of phenotypic variation. For instance, phenotypic accommodation predicts that trait covariance originates via a novel developmental input caused by genetic change in one trait, but not the other. Darwin provided a striking example of this process in the ‘lop-eared’ rabbit by demonstra

Mend the gap – strategies for user involvement in social work education

A major strand in social work’s history has been its paternalistic character, partly due to a philanthropic tradition, but also to the tendency to import an individualist expert model into social work practice. As a result, gaps have arisen between expert and experiential knowledge. In this article, so called ‘gap mending strategies’ developed by the international network PowerUs are discussed. Po

Cerebrovascular and blood-brain barrier impairments in Huntington's disease : Potential implications for its pathophysiology

OBJECTIVE: Although the underlying cause of Huntington's disease (HD) is well established, the actual pathophysiological processes involved remain to be fully elucidated. In other proteinopathies such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, there is evidence for impairments of the cerebral vasculature as well as the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which have been suggested to contribute to their patho

Dopamine and Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease (HD) is an incurable, inherited, progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is defined by a combination of motor, cognitive and psychiatric features. Pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated an important role for the dopamine (DA) system in HD with dopaminergic dysfunction at the level of both DA release and DA receptors. It is, therefore, not surprising that the d

A novel combinational approach of microstimulation and bioluminescence imaging to study the mechanisms of action of cerebral electrical stimulation in mice

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used to treat a number of neurological conditions and is currently being tested to intervene in neuropsychiatric conditions. However, a better understanding of how it works would ensure that side effects could be minimized and benefits optimized. We have thus developed a unique device to perform brain stimulation (BS) in mice and to address fundamental issues relate

Hur tvärprofessionellt arbete kan leda till förflyttning av läkares lojalitet

Data från en empirinära studie av tvärprofessionellt teamarbete på en intensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) visade att läkarnas huvudsakliga lojalitet flyttats från den egna professionen till teamen och avdelningen. Data insamlades med djupintervjuer, observationer och samtalsgrupper. I papret kommer vi att beskriva den bakomliggande förändringsprocess som genomförts på avdelningen. I förändringsprocessen

Gender differences in autism spectrum disorders: Divergence among specific core symptoms

Community-based studies have consistently shown a sex ratio heavily skewed towards males in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The factors underlying this predominance of males are largely unknown, but the way girls score on standardized categorical diagnostic tools might account for the underrecognition of ASD in girls. Despite the existence of different norms for boys and girls with ASD on several

International trade in fuel commodities : A network approach

Much as the contemporary understanding of world trade is often based on simple models where two countries engage in trade, so is world trade in fuel commodities typically conceived as consisting of either net-importing or net-exporting countries. However, by paying attention to the structure of world trade, represented by actually occurring trade flows between the actors in such networks, it becom

Exploring structure and interactions of the bacterial adaptor protein YjbH by crosslinking mass spectrometry

Adaptor proteins assist proteases in degrading specific proteins under appropriate conditions. The adaptor protein YjbH promotes the degradation of an important global transcriptional regulator Spx, which controls the expression of hundreds of genes and operons in response to thiol-specific oxidative stress in Bacillus subtilis. Under normal growth conditions, the transcription factor is bound to

Energy saving and indoor climate effects of an added glazed facade to a brick wall building : Case study

This study is focused on the energy saving and indoor climate analysis of the renovation of a 1930's brick-walled building in the moderately cold climatic conditions of Malmö in southern Sweden. Three facades of the building were glassed in and the ventilation system was renewed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect the added glazing would have on the building's energy demand an