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A return of knowledge : a case study of Honduran women subjected to domestic violence

This paper is a report from a Minor Field Study conducted in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras. I conducted semi-structured interviews with women subjected to domestic violence with the objective of finding out and highlighting their view on the problem of domestic violence, the Law against Domestic Violence and the institutions connected to it. I further conducted interviews with different profession

Samverkansavtal : ett instrument för god arbetsmiljö?

Jag har valt att göra en empirisk fältstudie och att skriva om vilka olika redskap och instrument som finns att tillgå i arbetet mot en så god arbetsmiljö som möjligt inom den praktiska verksamheten inom arbetsmiljön i Västra Innerstadens stadsdelsområde i Malmö Kommun, inom Vård och Omsorg. Jag hämtar informationen med de olika instrumenten och åtgärderna från det lokala samverkansavtalet som i s

Delat ansvar?! : Om hur smittskyddslagen tillämpas och uppfattas när det gäller HIV.

På frågeställningen om hur smittskyddslagen tillämpas, efterföljs och upplevs blev svaren på de enkäter som delades ut en viktig informationskälla då dessa blev svarade på av människor som är direkt påverkade av SmL. Som ett gemensamt drag över de svaren som skrevs var att de visste om sina rättigheter och skyldigheter, men de tyckte inte att SmL var rättvis mot dem som är hiv positiva. De menade

Defense Lawyers at Guantánamo. The Difficulties and Ethical Dilemmas Facing Defense Lawyers Representing Detainees at Guantánamo

The Bush administration expanded the executive’s powers in the “war on terror”. This gave the president, according to the administration, authority to detain “en-emy combatants” indefinitely at the US naval base in Guantánamo. The official purpose of the detention centre at Guantánamo was that the suspected terrorists were to be tried in military commissions. The administration bypassed the crimin

Democratic "Management of Knowledge"? A Study on Knowledge Management and the European Parliament

In this thesis, the idea of Knowledge Management (KM) and the planning of the introduction of what is called a “KM approach” in the European Parliament (EP) is studied. The first purpose is to analyze how existing KM thoughts can be supplemented by insights from a subset of democratic theory (e-democracy), by placing focus on the elected representative and his or her information needs. Five “democ

Toner från det förgångna

Today our conception of the Middle Ages is accompanied by musicians who claim to play "in the old-fashioned way". Nevertheless reconstructions of a concept as abstract as music could be questioned. The purpose of this essay is to illuminate and discuss the conditions of reconstructed medieval music and its relation to the original tradition. What characterizes the music tradition of the

Application of Scania-HBV Model for California Hydropower

The Scania-HBV model has been used for modeling hydropower generation of California, USA. California is a state with considerable meteorological and hydrological diversity, meanwhile with a total capacity of 14116 MW of 386 hydroelectricity generation units with capacity larger than 0.1 MW, California is the USA’s second largest state on hydropower. For such a giant hydropower state, prediction of

Exploring Scenario Planning Processes - Differences and similarities

In this changing world it is very useful for organizations as well as for governments to be able to adapt and anticipate future events. Scenario planning is a method which can be used for organizations and governments to better manage this rapid and complex environment, since scenario planning creates plausible and possible future scenarios. The process of this method has been studied in this thes

Definition of distribution archetypes for aseptic carton-packaged products in South America

Product integrity depends on the way the package is handled and transported; therefore packaging has a big impact on logistics, costs and efficiency along the entire distribution chain. Damaged or leaking packages are the result of an inconvenient distribution, and lead to product waste and a negative image of the brands involved. Even though Tetra Pak gives guidelines and recommendations concerni

Homoerotic Codes in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Although Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) is considered to be one of the best known homoerotic novels ever written, the novel does not contain any explicit statements of homoeroticism which leaves the novel to be more of a suggestive work of such a theme. The aim of this essay is to examine some of the different codes used by Wilde to show a homoerotic theme in The Picture of Do

Klimatförändringarna i min morgontidning : röster från läsare, journalister och demokratins väktare

Through a survey and interviews, the author examines what reactions and thoughts some Swedish morning newspaper readers and journalists have about climate change and how it is presented in the newspapers. Their expectations and views on the role of the newspapers on the matter are compared. How the way in which climate change is presented in morning newspapers affects the citizens? possibilities t

Ungdomar och Hiv: En studie av professionellas metoder i det hivpreventiva arbetet med ungdomar och professionellas syn på ungas attityder till STI/hiv

In recent years extensive medical progress has been made regarding HIV- research and with the assistance of antiretroviral drugs people who are infected with HIV are now able to live for a much longer time. Despite these advancements HIV is still an incurable and deadly disease and in 2007 541 new cases were reported in Sweden. HIV-infection is not common among young Swedish people. However, the i


Ikat kallas med en sammanfattande term alla tekniker där man åstadkommer mönstring hos en textilvara genom reserverade ombindningar på garnet före dess färgning i en eller flera fger. Ikatmönstringen är intimt förknippad med själva vävtekniken. ekorerade textiler är den mest utbredda formen av visuellt konstnärligt uttryck i Indonesien. Över hela den indonesiska övärlden är tyg producerat för att

Acehs vara eller inte vara? självständigt eller en del av Republiken Indonesien?

Sedan Berlin murens fall 1989 och kommunistregimerna i öst- Europa, så har det bildats många nya nationer. Fast många av dem får man kalla ny ? gamla eftersom dessa hade en gång i historien allaredan varit självständiga.I Indonesien, där det finns ett otaliga, väldigt olika etniska grupper och språk,är det kanske mer befogat att ett område ? provins vill ha sin självständighet. I denna uppsats ko

Rule-based Monetary Policy for Developing Countries, Evidence from Developed Countries

Price and output stabilities determine the success of monetary policy in either economy. This paper briefly examines the monetary policy strategies of three developed countries (USA, UK, Sweden) and three developing countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan). It is found that the developed countries follow some rule-based monetary policy whereas the developing countries with ill-organised monetary sy

Hälsoval Skåne - en studie av förutsättningar för konkurrensneutralitet i en vårdvalsmodell

Syfte: Valfrihetsmodeller är en allt mer förekommande företeelse i Sverige. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förutsättningar för konkurrensneutralitet på de marknader som skapas när sådana modeller införs. Metod: I denna uppsats använder vi genomgående en abduktiv ansats med kvalitativt inriktad analys. Ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt är mest lämpligt eftersom vi ämnar tolka och förstå j

Förebyggande och förberedande åtgärder mot skogsbränder - En fallstudie av hanteringen i två svenska län

This master thesis studied mitigation and preparedness measures for forest fires made by local fire brigades and county administrative boards. Both actions taken today and related to a future scenario characterised by climate change were considered. The aim was firstly to get a picture of the work conducted and secondly to compare and review the present actions and discuss the measures taken for t