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Det blev inte som planerat - En utredning om avbeställning och dess förhållande till hävning i entreprenadavtal

Beställarens rätt att avbeställa arbeten när denne ingått ett entreprenadavtal med avtalsgrund i AB 04 utreds och analyseras i denna uppsats. Vidare undersöks förhållandet mellan avbeställning och hävning. Detta görs med hjälp av en traditionell rättsdogmatisk metod. Författare på området synes vara överens om att beställaren har en avbeställningsrätt. Men, om denna kan anses följa direkt av AB The buyer´s right to cancellation of works in a commercial construction contract due to AB 04, is analysed in this paper. The relationship between cancellation and termination is also examined. This paper is based on a legal dogmatic method. Authors in this field agrees that the buyer is entitled to cancellation of works. But they do not agree if this right follows directly from AB 04, by outgoi

Effects of altered precipitation regimes on bryophyte carbon dynamics in a Peruvian tropical montane cloud forest

Tropiska bergmolnskogar (eng: Tropical montane cloud forests; TMCF) är unika ekosystem som frekvent omges av moln vilka ökar fuktigheten och gynnar tillväxt av mossor. Koldynamiken hos mossor påverkas av fukt över flera dimensioner. Det är därför projicerat att klimatförändringen kommer få en stor påverkan på dem samt även på de TMCF. Målet med denna studie var att se hur effekterna av förändrade Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) are unique ecosystems that are frequently surrounded by clouds which increase humidity and promote the growth of bryophytes. Several dimensions of humidity are important for the carbon dynamics of bryophytes. Climate change is therefore projected to have a large impact on them as well as on the TMCF itself. The present study aimed to investigate the effects th

What's in a Frame? Media Framing in the 2016 'Brexit' Referendum

This thesis endeavours to test the predictions of previous research on framing during referenda, by specifically studying the campaign leading up to the June 2016 referendum on whether or not the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union. The thesis studies the framing taking place in newspapers during three separate weeks where there were significant shifts in public opinion, to

Att plocka russinen ur båda kakorna: En explorativ studie av samverkansformen Idéburet-Offentligt Partnerskap utifrån kommuner och landstings perspektiv

To find new ways for collaboration between the Swedish public sector and the civil society, and to promote non-profit voluntary (NPVOs) actors as local welfare producers, the collaboration format Idéburet – Offentligt Partnerskap (IOP) was launched. The purpose of this explorative study is to examine why local and regional authorities enters into IOP as a form of collaboration with NPVOs. The stud

Irrigating the Future: Justice, Emancipation and lessons from the past, a critical discourse analysis

Confronting ecological crises is leading many researchers and academics to take a renewed interest in the deep past. The archaeological and climatic record are posed as a source of lessons that can be brought to bear on current issues of sustainability. IHOPE, or Integrated History and Future of People on Earth, presents one such effort, a collaborative and inter-disciplinary project with aims to

La Tabacca: small Farming, bold Intentions. A walk through the challenging creation of alternative lifestyles.

Considering small farming as a viable and optimal solution to achieve sustainability, the following work presents La Tabacca – a small farm in the Northwest of Italy – not as a generalisable model but as one of the many expressions of current environmentalism. After three and a half months of fieldwork – using the tool of critical ethnography – different layers and elements of the place have been

Processföringsmetoden global claim - särskilt i entreprenadtvister

Vid entreprenadprojekt uppkommer ofta tvister rörande entreprenörens rätt till tidsförlängning och ersättning för merkostnader. Vid sådana tvister kan det vara svårt för entreprenören att visa vad som har orsakat den händelse som entreprenören menar ger rätt till tidsförlängning eller ersättning, och hur stort behovet av tidsförlängning eller merkostnader är. Dessa svårigheter har lett till utveckIn construction projects it often arise disputes concerning the contractor’s right to an extension of time and compensation for extra costs. In these disputes it can be challenging for the contractor to prove what has caused the effect that the contractor consider entitle to extension of time or compensation for extra costs, and how great the need for an extension of time or extra costs are. Such

Water quality in rivers affected by urbanization : a case study in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Staden Frutal, centrerad i den brasilianska delstaten Minas Gerais är idag under stark urbanisering och utveckling. Målet med denna studie var att ta reda på om den starka urbaniseringen har påverkat närliggande vattensystem och dess vattenkvalité. I studien har vattenkvalitén i floden Frutal, en flod liggandes centralt i staden Frutal, jämförts med vattenkvalitén i floden Bebedouro, en lantlig flThis study highlights the key issues that urban river systems face due to urbanization. The city of Frutal (20°01' 32.17”S 48°56' 09.62” W) centered in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is under urban expansion today. The aim of this study was to compare two rivers in this area, the Frutal River, an urban located river, with the Bebedouro River, which is a rural river approximately 3 km

Kapacitetsstudie på svensk höghastighetsjärnväg

Hög kapacitet såväl som låg kapacitet kan kosta mycket pengar. Målsättningen för detta arbete är att besvara hur den svenska höghastighetsjärnvägen kan utformas för att hitta en väl avvägd balans mellan kostnader och kapacitet. De faktorer som valts ut för studien är: headway, längd på blocksträckor, växelhastigeter och längd på sidospår. Arbetet inleds med en litteraturstudie där andra studier rö

Modulation of lipid content in beta-cells by odd-chain fatty acids

Diabetes mellitus är en av vår tids största folksjukdomar och påverkar miljontals människor runtom i världen. World health organization (WHO) uppskattade att ungefär 422 miljoner vuxna led av diabetes 2014 och att diabetes orsakade 1,5 miljoner dödsfall 2012. I Sverige beräknas ca 1 miljon människor lida av diabetes eller vara i riskzonen för att utveckla diabetes. Antalet människor som berörs attPrevious studies have shown that increased incorporation of odd chain saturated fatty acids (OCFAs) into plasma phospholipids is associated with a lower future risk of developing type 2 diabetes and that decreased levels of OCFAs are linked to increased insulin resistance. Since the β-cell plays a pivotal role in the progression of type 2 diabetes it is of interest to investigate if elevated level

Design and development of a prototype mobile geographic information system for real-time collection and storage of traffic accident data

Today, Swedish police authorities nationwide collect data of traffic accidents. The information is stored in a national database managed by the Swedish Transport Agency and is an important resource in the process of analysing and improving road safety. Literature studies in this thesis, together with earlier work by the author have suggested that the data collection process is in need of an upda

On the role of serine 54 in Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase

Hem-ligheter hos Bacillus subtilis För att ett protein eller enzym ska vara funktionellt behöver ibland en mindre molekyl (prostetisk grupp) vara bunden till detta. Hem är en prostetisk grupp som ingår i flera livsnödvändiga proteiner/enzymer i både djur, växter och bakterier. Man hittar hem-grupper t.ex. i vårt blods syrgastransporterande hemoglobin och i enzym som behövs för att celler ska kunn

Promotion of Democracy: A Comparison Between UN Special Political Mission in Libya and Peacekeeping in Mali

In this thesis, I have conducted a descriptive, comparative study to highlight the differences between the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali and the special political mission (SPM) in Libya, with regards to the promotion of democratic development and direct support to facilitate such development. My study will show that even though the ambitions and the nature of the support is almost identical, the

Digital tool for cost analysis regarding production development and tender preparation - Focusing on metal cutting

It is of importance for manufacturing companies to get an overview of costs associated with production. This thesis handles this subject with an emphasis on chosen cutting data as well as chosen tools since this has a large impact of the tooling cost. By modelling on cutting data available from tool manufacturers, cutting data can be implemented to test different cases in the production. This also

A Study of Lattice Reduction Detection Techniques for LTE Systems

MIMO (Multiple Transmit and Multiple Receive) antenna techniques are widely used in the most recent wireless communication standards. For example, LTE (Long-Term Evolution), WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Ac- cess) and IEEE 802.11n have recently been rolled out across the world. In any communication system, the ML (Maximum Likelihood) receiver provides optimal error rate performan

The Fiscal Consequences of Peace: Taxation and veto power in post-conflict countries

Effective and fair taxation is imperative for development and thus sustainable peace in post-conflict countries; yet there is a glaring paucity of generalizable research on the subject. Drawing on theories from Political Economy and Comparative Politics this thesis investigates how political veto powers affect these states’ ability to mobilize domestic resources. An integrated model of delayed pol

The Food Waste Paradox from a Critical Discursive Perspective

According to data by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) one third of all food produced for human consumption goes to waste. This phenomenon is both normalized and socially obscured within a discursive regime that is materially sustained in the squander of natural resources, the most severe consequence of which is an overall threat to the life-support system of the pl

Discord is Caused by Those Who Posses - On CSR Discourse

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the discursive development and to investigate the political consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Since its origins in the United States in the 1950s, CSR has developed into a symbolic powerhouse, affecting corporations, governments and peoples. CSR as a concept provides a convincing common-sense argument: why should the affluent not contr

Komplexa problem, lokala lösningar. En kartläggning av samverkansarbetet inom Malmö stads Områdesprogram

Collaboration between vastly different actors within society is often considered as the only viable solution to complex social problems. This thesis explores the concept of collaboration by examining the structure of a municipal area development initiative that is underpinned by numerous collaborative projects. By viewing the program as a solution to a complex problem, the study scrutinize what ki