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LL-37-induced caspase-independent apoptosis is associated with plasma membrane permeabilization in human osteoblast-like cells

The host defense peptide LL-37 is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but it has also been shown to reduce human host cell viability. However, the mechanisms behind LL-37-induced human host cell cytotoxicity are not yet fully understood. Here, we assess if LL-37-evoked attenuation of human osteoblast-like MG63 cell viability is associated with apoptosis, and if the underl

Viral-based rodent and nonhuman primate models of multiple system atrophy : Fidelity to the human disease

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare and extremely debilitating progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by variable combinations of parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia, dysautonomia, and pyramidal dysfunction. MSA is a unique synucleinopathy, in which alpha synuclein-rich aggregates are present in the cytoplasm of oligodendroglia. The precise origin of the alpha synuclein (aSyn) found i

Articulations of antimicrobial resistance in trade union financed journals for nurses in Scandinavia– a Foucauldian perspective

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial infections is a growing threat to humanity and a challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Healthcare professionals have an important role in preventing AMR and the spreading of infections. This article focuses on trade union financed journals for nurses in Scandinavia studying how the journals articulate AMR to its readership. A systematic literature sAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial infections is a growing threat to humanity and a challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. Healthcare professionals have an important role in preventing AMR and the spreading of infections. This article focuses on trade union financed journals for nurses in Scandinavia studying how the journals articulate AMR to its readership. A systematic literature s

Trade-offs between size and degree in polynomial calculus

Building on [Clegg et al.’96], [Impagliazzo et al.’99] established that if an unsatisfiable k-CNF formula over n variables has a refutation of size S in the polynomial calculus resolution proof system, then this formula also has a refutation of degree k + O(n log S). The proof of this works by converting a small-size refutation into a small-degree one, but at the expense of increasing the proof si

Exercise Echocardiography following Septal Myectomy for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

Objectives To investigate outcome after septal myectomy and to evaluate long-term hemodynamics with exercise echocardiography. Methods This study included 40 consecutive patients operated with septal myectomy for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy from January 1998 to August 2017 at Skane University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Perioperative clinical data and echocardiography measurements were rev

Species delimitation and evolutionary relationships among Phoebis New World sulphur butterflies (Lepidoptera, Pieridae, Coliadinae)

The most accepted taxonomic treatment of the New World sulphurs of the genus Phoebis Hübner, [1819] recognizes 16 species including those in the current synonyms Aphrissa and Rhabdodryas. This total conflicts with the results of several recent pierid DNA barcode studies across the Neotropics. We used a five-locus dataset to carry out species delimitation analyses using the coalescence-based method

Comprehensive and Structured 3-month Stroke Follow-up Using the Post-stroke Checklist (The Struct-FU study) : A Feasibility and Explorative Study

Background: There is recent evidence supporting that a comprehensive post-stroke treatment program improves outcome. However, the prevalence of stroke-related health problems and the extent of needed interventions have not been well-delineated. The Struct-FU study aims to assess the feasibility of a comprehensive stroke follow-up model and to map stroke-related problems and subsequent multidiscipl

Diagnosing colorectal cancer in primary care : cohort study in Sweden of qualitative faecal immunochemical tests, haemoglobin levels, and platelet counts

BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnostics are challenging in primary care and reliable diagnostic aids are desired. Qualitative faecal immunochemical tests (FITs) have been used for suspected CRC in Sweden since the mid-2000s, but evidence regarding their effectiveness is scarce. Anaemia and thrombocytosis are both associated with CRC. AIM: To evaluate the usefulness of qualitative FITs requ

Annual flowers strips benefit bumble bee colony growth and reproduction

Bumble bees are important crop pollinators but are negatively impacted by agricultural intensification and concomitant loss of floral resources. Flower strips can increase the abundance and sometimes the diversity of bumble bees at local scales, but the importance of flower strips for bumble bee populations at larger scales remains poorly understood. We investigated the effect of flower strips on

Driving factors of differences in primary energy intensities of 14 European countries

The EU is committed to become climate-neutral by 2050 while keeping its prosperity intact. To align the bloc towards this goal, it is fundamental to understand the spatial differences in energy performance among its members. The present study aims to identify the main drivers of primary energy intensity differences among fourteen European countries (i.e., the EU15 without Luxemburg) during the per

Attitudes of publics who are unwilling to donate DNA data for research

With the use of genetic technology, researchers have the potential to inform medical diagnoses and treatment in actionable ways. Accurate variant interpretation is a necessary condition for the utility of genetic technology to unfold. This relies on the ability to access large genomic datasets so that comparisons can be made between variants of interest. This can only be successful if DNA and medi

Importance of fungi in a 63 years old long-term field experiment with 20 years of maize growth

Microbial diversity and their activity in the rhizosphere and bulk soil areas were measured in a long-term field trial (started in 1956), where maize has been grown for the last 20 years with and without N fertilisation. Various microbial groups and their substrate feeding strategies (i.e. demonstrating activities) were identified through phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) analysis and their δ13C va

Qualitative analysis of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes across human tumor types reveals a higher proportion of bystander CD8+ T cells in non-melanoma cancers compared to melanoma

Background: Human intratumoral T cell infiltrates can be defined by quantitative or qualitative features, such as their ability to recognize autologous tumor antigens. In this study, we reproduced the tumor-T cell interactions of individual patients to determine and compared the qualitative characteristics of intratumoral T cell infiltrates across multiple tumor types. Methods: We employed 187 pai

Cerebroplacental ratio as predictor of adverse perinatal outcome in the third trimester

Introduction: Fetal growth restriction is associated with adverse perinatal outcome and the clinical management of these pregnancies is a challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) to predict adverse perinatal outcome in high-risk pregnancies in the third trimester. Another aim was to study whether the CPR has better predictive value than its

Sustainable supply chain management of clothing industry—current policy landscape and roles and limitation of multi-stakeholder initiatives

High environmental and social impacts arisen from long and complicated global supply chain of clothing industry has been long recognized. However, a thorough review of the sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) policy development pertaining to clothing industry at the EU level indicates that legislative measures specifically addressing SSCM of clothing industry is currently lacking. Multi-stak

Beyond hydrogen production : Solar−driven H2S−donating value−added chemical production over MnxCd1−xS/CdyMn1−yS catalyst

Simultaneous hydrogen (H2) evolution and value−added chemicals production are highly attractive but have not drawn enough attention. Here, we demonstrate a hydrogen sulphide (H2S)−induced product−targeting (HIPT) strategy for the coproduction of H2 and valuable chemical feedstocks from Na2S/Na2SO3 via overall H2S splitting using a MnxCd1−xS/CdyMn1−yS catalyst driven by visible light excitation. Wi

Deglaciation dynamics of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in the Kattegat, the gateway between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea Basin

This paper presents an age–depth model based on an ultra-high-resolution, 80-m-thick sedimentary succession from a marine continental shelf basin, the Kattegat. This is an area of dynamic deglaciation of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the Late Pleistocene. The Kattegat is also a transitional area between the saline North Sea and the brackish Baltic Sea. As such, it records general development

Monogenic diabetes : From genetic insights to population-based precision in care. reflections from a diabetes care editors’ expert forum

Individualization of therapy based on a person’s specific type of diabetes is one key element of a “precision medicine” approach to diabetes care. However, applying such an approach remains difficult because of barriers such as disease heterogeneity, difficulties in accurately diagnosing different types of diabetes, multiple genetic influences, incomplete understanding of pathophysiology, limitati

More Power to the People: Electriciy Adoption, Technological Change and Labour Conflict

Will technical change spur conflicts in the labor market? In this study, we examine electricity adoption in Sweden during the first decades of the twentieth century. Exploiting that proximity to hydropowered plants shaped the electricity network independently of previous local conditions, we estimate the impact of electricity on labor strikes. Our results indicate that electricity adoption precede

Investigating the effect of powder manufacturing and reconstitution on casein micelles using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) and transmission electron microscopy

Milk powders are commonly used for a variety of food products in which among others the milk proteins add to the properties of the products. Processing of milk can, depending on the processing parameters, change the size and structure of the proteins. These changes can be difficult to measure due to the polydispersity of milk components, which makes it a challenge to obtain direct information abou