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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Anisotropic clay–polystyrene nanocomposites: Synthesis, characterization and mechanical properties

Recent studies on clay–polymer nanocomposites have shown prominent improvements in thermal and mechanical propertieswith the addition of quite small amounts of nanometer sized clay particles. The present work presents characterization of anisotropic clay–polystyrene nanocomposites synthesized via a guided self-assembly technique, employing electric fields to align the clay particles into chain-lik

Breathing and swallowing in normal man - effects of changes in body position, bolus types, and respiratory drive

Background Coordination of breathing and swallowing is essential for airway protection and dyscoordination may cause morbidity and mortality. Methods Using a recently developed technique for high accuracy respiratory measurements of airflow during swallowing, we investigated the effects of body position (upright vs left lateral), bolus type (spontaneously swallowed saliva vs water), and respirator

Chondroadherin Fragmentation Mediated by the Protease HTRA1 Distinguishes Human Intervertebral Disc Degeneration from Normal Aging

Chondroadherin, a member of the leucine-rich repeat family, has previously been demonstrated to be fragmented in some juveniles with idiopathic scoliosis. This observation led us to investigate adults with disc degeneration. Immunoblotting analysis demonstrated that non-degenerate discs from three different age groups show no chondroadherin fragmentation. Furthermore, the chondroadherin fragments

Estimating time-varying RSA to examine psychophysiological linkage of marital dyads

One of the primary tenets of polyvagal theory dictates that parasympathetic influence on heart rate, often estimated by respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), shifts rapidly in response to changing environmental demands. The current standard analytic approach of aggregating RSA estimates across time to arrive at one value fails to capture this dynamic property within individuals. By utilizing recent

Old Testament Prototypes for the Hermetic Trishagion in Poimandres 31 – and Support for an Old Conjecture

The article discusses influences from the Book of Isaiah upon the concluding hymn of Poimandres (Corpus Hermeticum I) and uses religio-historical information gleaned from this comparison as a basis for defending a reconstruction of this text based on Papyrus Berolinensis 9794. Various epithets and descriptions of the divine occurring in the hymn are argued to be dependent upon the titulature of YH

Strategies to diagnose ovarian cancer: new evidence from phase 3 of the multicentre international IOTA study.

Background:To compare different ultrasound-based international ovarian tumour analysis (IOTA) strategies and risk of malignancy index (RMI) for ovarian cancer diagnosis using a meta-analysis approach of centre-specific data from IOTA3.Methods:This prospective multicentre diagnostic accuracy study included 2403 patients with 1423 benign and 980 malignant adnexal masses from 2009 until 2012. All pat

Supercurrent through InAs nanowires with highly transparent superconducting contacts

One-dimensional superconducting transistors have been fabricated with individual InAs nanowires (NWs) using radio-frequency sputter cleaning followed by in situ metal deposition. Because of the highly transparent contacts formed in between the InAs NWs and the metals, supercurrent, multiple Andreev reflections and Shapiro steps under microwave radiation have been observed. Near pinch-off gate regi

First and Second Order Dynamics in a Hierarchical SOM system for Action Recognition

Human recognition of the actions of other humans is very efficient and is based on patterns of movements. Our theoretical starting point is that the dynamics of the joint movements is important to action categorization. On the basis of this theory, we present a novel action recognition system that employs a hierarchy of Self-Organizing Maps together with a custom supervised neural network that lea

MiR-129-5p is required for histone deacetylase inhibitor-induced cell death in thyroid cancer cells

The molecular mechanism responsible for the antitumor activity of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) remains elusive. As HDACi have been described to alter miRNA expression, the aim of this study was to characterize HDACi-induced miRNAs and to determine their functional importance in the induction of cell death alone or in combination with other cancer drugs. Two HDACi, trichostatin A and vori

Role of Serotonin Neurons in L-DOPA- and Graft-Induced Dyskinesia in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease.

L-DOPA, the most effective drug to treat motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, causes abnormal involuntary movements, limiting its use in advanced stages of the disease. An increasing body of evidence points to the serotonin system as a key player in the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). In fact, exogenously administered L-DOPA can be taken up by serotonin neurons, converted to dopam

Country of birth, parental background and self-rated health among adolescents: A population-based study.

Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate differences according to country of birth and parental country of birth, in relation to poor self-rated health (SRH), in Swedish adolescents. Methods: The Scania public health survey among children and adolescents, conducted in 2012, is a cross-sectional study including most pupils in grade 9 (15 years old), including in 32 of 33 municipalities. The p

Pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of Holocene regional vegetation cover (plant-functional types and land-cover types) in Europe suitable for climate modelling

We present quantitative reconstructions of regional vegetation cover in north-western Europe, western Europe north of the Alps, and eastern Europe for five time windows in the Holocene [around 6k, 3k, 0.5k, 0.2k, and 0.05k calendar years before present (bp)] at a 1 degrees x1 degrees spatial scale with the objective of producing vegetation descriptions suitable for climate modelling. The REVEALS m

Role of fractalkine-CX3CR1 pathway in seizure-induced microglial activation, neurodegeneration, and neuroblast production in the adult rat brain.

Temporal lobe seizures lead to an acute inflammatory response in the brain primarily characterized by activation of parenchymal microglial cells. Simultaneously, degeneration of pyramidal cells and interneurons is evident together with a seizure-induced increase in the production of new neurons within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. We have previously shown a negative correlation between the

The role of pallidal serotonergic function in Parkinson's disease dyskinesias: a positron emission tomography study.

We have investigated the role of globus pallidus (GP) serotonergic terminals in the development of levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) in Parkinson's disease (PD). We studied 12 PD patients without LIDs, 12 PD patients with LIDs, and 12 healthy control subjects. We used (11)C-DASB positron emission tomography (PET), a marker of serotonin transporter availability, and (11)C-raclopride PET to measur

Formation of long single quantum dots in high quality InSb nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy

We report on realization and transport spectroscopy study of single quantum dots (QDs) made from InSb nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The nanowires employed are 50-80 nm in diameter and the QDs are defined in the nanowires between the source and drain contacts on a Si/SiO2 substrate. We show that highly tunable QD devices can be realized with the MBE-grown InSb nanowires and the g

Four new Caloplaca species (Teloschistaceae, Ascomycotina)

Four new species of the genus Caloplaca, C. kiewkaensis L.S. Yakovczenko, I.A. Galanina & S.Y. Kondr., C. letrouitioides S.Y. Kondr., Elix & Kärnefelt, C. trassii I.A. Galanina & S.Y. Kondr., and C. ussuriensis Oxner, S.Y. Kondr. & Elix from Asia and Australia are described as new to science and compared with closely related species.

Increasing energy coupling into plasma waves by tailoring the laser radial focal spot distribution in a laser wakefield accelerator

By controlling the focal spot quality with a deformable mirror, we are able to show that increasing the fraction of pulse energy contained within the central part of the focal spot, while keeping the total energy and central spot size constant, significantly increases the amount of energy transferred to the wakefield: Our measurements show that the laser loses significantly more laser energy and u